X32 Discussion

Re: Page 400!!!

You will be thrilled to know that the prize is a lifetime membership to the Sound Forums Network.

So is this on page 401?

Edit: Hey, it is!

Now I join Timo, or as he is better known, "Mr. 3000", in the pantheon.

Funny that he's the only one who's become legendary for his milestone post, while the other millenial achievers are mostly lost to history. I'm sure "8k" will fade away into obscurity as well.

Fame, how fleeting!
Last edited:

Depending on when we were told.

Early on, it was "any old cable".

It didn't become "Shielded cable only" until after the issue came up in March/April of this year.

Now it's apparently "Shielded cable only with Ethercons"

The spec has been there all the time and I'm sure that the shape of the AES50A and B ports on the back of the equipment should be a hint, we just didn't realize the importance.

It certainly got highlighted in the spring, but it seems like we still didn't do what we were told.

I bought the correct cable when I bought the S16, and that was when the S16 first became available a year ago, so it wasn't impossible to get it right. I have of course since run quite successfully with any kind of lead, both STP and UTP, but with the latest discoveries, I'll stick with my proper cable.

The spec has been there all the time and I'm sure that the shape of the AES50A and B ports on the back of the equipment should be a hint, we just didn't realize the importance.

It certainly got highlighted in the spring, but it seems like we still didn't do what we were told.

I bought the correct cable when I bought the S16, and that was when the S16 first became available a year ago, so it wasn't impossible to get it right. I have of course since run quite successfully with any kind of lead, both STP and UTP, but with the latest discoveries, I'll stick with my proper cable.

Yes, buying the proper cable is the best way to go, and if you bought the wrong one AFTER the spring, that is one thing.

But buying what you thought was the proper cable BEFORE the spring, then having the ground shift below your feet and trying to figure out if your investment is salvageable is another thing.

What seemed still-ambiguous before is now crystal-clear: STP with Ethercons.

Yes, buying the proper cable is the best way to go, and if you bought the wrong one AFTER the spring, that is one thing.

But buying what you thought was the proper cable BEFORE the spring, then having the ground shift below your feet and trying to figure out if your investment is salvageable is another thing.

What seemed still-ambiguous before is now crystal-clear: STP with Ethercons.

I don't recall Joe specifying Ethercon, only Shielded CAT5e, 350mHz spec, with the shielded RJ45.... but I could be forget.... uh, what were we talking about? ;)
Re: Page 400!!!

Argh, I just go to the bathroom and miss post #8000.

Sounds like some people spend too much time in the bathroom!

The award-winner, on the other hand, just returned from the semi-catered Awards Banquet, which turned out to be a breakfast in this time zone. The fabulous meal was oatmeal with nuts and oranges, Upton "Hint of Rose" tea with milk and honey, and orange juice, Move Free, and vitamins.

There were no speeches, just silent enjoyment of the moment accompanied by reading the newspaper. Sure enough, the winner also found a pile of unshielded CAT5e cable, just as I predicted.

Following a bit of truck cross-loading, the lucky celebrant will walk two or three miles downhill in the rain to watch the nationally ranked #3 University of Washington Huskies women's volleyball team play the #4 University of Southern California Trojans. Following the hoped-for victory by the Huskies which is not at all assured, Mr. 8000 and his entourage will proceed to Happy Hour at a local Japanese restaurant and lounge to celebrate a milestone day, using the Sound Forums Lifetime Membership VIP Gold Card for entry to the exclusive eatery.

BTW, Bennett, where should they send the bill?

With greetings and thanks to everyone who made this glorious day possible, and particularly to those who chose to be in the bathroom rather than competing at the crucial moment,
Re: Page 400!!!

The award-winner....With greetings and thanks to everyone ....


Heartly congratulations and welcome to the "1000-club" - I was really surprized, that after hitting the hay as promised and working almost full day it still was not accomplished. But as they say - "Let the best man/woman win" - lady fortune again had absolutely right decision.

p.s - can I send you all my non-shielded cat5-cables ( about 6,7 kilometers of it ) as P.O.D. and what would be the address...?

Mr 3000
X32 Rack output routing head scratcher

I picked up a X32 Rack + S16 to run as an in-ear system with my existing X32 (classic full size) and 2 S16's.

I have been successful in various configurations of 2xS16->Monitor X32 Classic -> FOH X32 Classic. As long as everything is routed correctly it worked just fine.

The X32 Rack appears to be a bit different. It only has 16 physical ins and 8 physical outs. When looking at the Output section, outputs 8->16 are marked as virtual.

I have been unable to come up with a routing solution that will allow me to use the X32 Rack + S16's that will let me mirror the outputs from the FOH outputs 9-16 to the S16.

First configuration:
X32 Rack + S16 -> X32 Classic. X32 Rack controls the gain, X32 Classic has outputs on channels 13,14,15, and 16.

X32 Rack In 1-8 -> 1-8
X32 Rack In 9-16 -> 9-16
AES A S16 Rack In 17-24 -> 17-24
AES A S16 Rack in 25-32 -> 25-32
Outputs 1-8 are used for in ears and work fine

AES B goes from the X32 Rack to the X32 FOH AES A port
Correct mapping is done in the AES B page
(same as above, but from either the inputs or the AES A port)

FOH AES A is set for outputs 1-8 on output 1-8
output 9-16 on output 9-16.

All input signals are working on both boards as expected.
Outputs 1-8 on the X32 are working as expected.
However nothing is routing to outputs 9-16.

I usually run a 2xS16 snake to the FOH X32 board with a similar configuration for the outputs, and as expected the outputs are mirrored.

I am guessing it is because the X32 Rack 9-16 outputs are virtual and not physical?

Any ideas?

Re: X32 Rack output routing head scratcher

You can use the virtual outputs of the rack/core in the same way as the physical outputs of the classic one, except there are no local output connectors. So, as long as you won't try to connect a cabel to a virtual outputs everything works the same and you can ignore the word virtual.
Re: X32 Rack output routing head scratcher

That's what I thought, but it is not working. I spent 4 hours on this (have a show that I set up for in a few hours).
With a X32 Classic and 2 S16's receive the output from the X32 across both the X32 and the S16's. They completely mirror each other.
When using a X32 at FOH and a X32 Rack + 1 S16 there is no output at the S16 for 9-16.

There does not appear to be any way to assign the outputs from the Output assign page either.