X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Rack output routing head scratcher

FOH AES A is set for outputs 1-8 on output 1-8
output 9-16 on output 9-16.

All input signals are working on both boards as expected.
Outputs 1-8 on the X32 are working as expected.
However nothing is routing to outputs 9-16.

The S16 is probably not in the right mode for your routing. You either need to route to AES50A 1-8 to reach the outputs in mode 1 or select mode 2 to output AES50A 9-16
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Using the X32 Compact

Did a gig last night where the versatility of the X32 really made things so much easier.

I mix shows for a group of guys I've been working with for a while. 5 dudes, each with Sennheiser G3 handheld wireless mics, and a laptop using virtual DJ to play backing tracks for them to sing over. Super easy stuff. They use 3 powered wedges in front for monitoring, though they prefer to have them as one mix, again super easy. 2 powered 15's for Mains.

So I show up to the gig last night to find another group of guys are playing as well. It's a 3-piece act, with a drummer, keyboard player, an iPad running backing tracks, and a single vocalist. Within the act the vocal switches between a male singing Frank Sinatra and a female singing Barbra Streisand.

The venue we were at had a built in system, thought not setup like your typical PA would be. It's a function hall type setting, with four 15" JBL EON G2's suspended up in the ceiling facing downward to the floor in each corner. A little strange for performance use but perfect for DJ's or simple background music.

So I get to the gig and the band that actually hires me says, "They're not running through our system!" They had no idea this act was going on either, so they were a bit pissed about it. The venue wanted the Sinatra band to go through the venue's PA and the group I work with to use theirs.

Problem is, the house venue doesn't have a mixer. They simply have two female XLR plates that run straight up to the JBL's. They expect the groups to bring their own mixer. Guess what? Sinatra didn't have one. It became apparent that they were going to have to run into my mixer one way or another. Which worked out in the end because I ended up recording both groups and getting more money out of Sinatra to make a CD for him.

So in the end I was literally able to use the X32 Compact like a true split console. First 8 channels for one act, the other 8 for the other. Routing to completely different destinations, and making everybody happy. I had all the tools I needed to provide the best sound possible. Because the acts alternated, I simply setup mute groups and with one button literally switched between two completely different sets of inputs and outputs. It was pretty badass.

I get too excited about this stuff.:D~:-D~:grin:
Re: X32core USB to mac crashes mac

I have a x32core under test...

X32-Edit 1.2 ( x32core 1.15 )
Mac 10.6.8
S16 via AES50-A

USB only card

To Card routing is from AES50-A

As soon as I plug the USB cable from the card into the mac,

>>>>Kernel Panic.

When I plug the USB cable from the card into another mac, and boot this other mac,

>>>>Kernel Panic.

Could the USB card be fried ?
Or does it need a firmware update ? ( for mac )

Thanks for help

and best regards


Sorry to be impatient...
Anybody heard of a solution ?

Thanks and best regards

Re: How to sync an x32 device to ext. wordclock ?

Not sure if syncing to ext. wordclock is needed... ( resampled anyway ? )
But if, how to do that ?
I'm trying to 'prepare' for the announced interface cards, i.e. ADAT i/o
but the same applies for the current interfaces cards, how is the computer / interface card / X32 syncronised to a common wordclock ?

( X32core, S16, X32-Edit )

Thanks for hints

and best regards to all


Seems I'm asking bad questions...

Can somebody please enlighten me how to sync X32 to external or vice versa , with no wordclock connector ?

Or is ADAT in resampled anyway ?

and best regards

Re: Recording with x32

I'm trying out the v 1.2 X32-Edit...Mac 10.6.8 - and a X32.
The BCF2000 bank / channel scrolls are not reflected in the X32-Edit app, and vice versa
maybe I'm doing something wrong ?
Would be nice to have a pref setting for the midi feedback - from / to - the BCF2000 ( or MCU ) so the X32-Edit app can do one thing ( be a big touchscreen ) and the BCF2000 can handle the mixing of different channels ( VCAs ? )
( thinking the 'core' way )


Anybody has info about a new version of X32-Edit, when ?


Re: Recording with x32

Klaus, there is no ADAT input, the only digital in is AES50 and that carries the sync on the connector. There is no hint of any immediate upgrades of X32-Edit, as far as I can tell they are focusing on Firmware V2 now. There is some incompatibility with one of the Mac OS versions, probably the one you have got.
Re: Recording with x32

Klaus, there is no ADAT input, the only digital in is AES50 and that carries the sync on the connector. There is no hint of any immediate upgrades of X32-Edit, as far as I can tell they are focusing on Firmware V2 now. There is some incompatibility with one of the Mac OS versions, probably the one you have got.

Well the new ADAT cards will have i/o , maybe wordclock too ?
As for the incompatibility,
I take it Mac OS 10.6.8 will be supported, since many out there are using it...
And the WIN version also has this USB card problem... if I've read correctly...

Best regards

Re: X32core USB to mac crashes mac

Sorry to be impatient...
Anybody heard of a solution ?

Thanks and best regards


Hallo Klaus,

Many questions, indeed. But there are no bad questions, and I apologize that some of those could have been prevented by better documentation from our side ;-)

X-USB with MacOSX 10.6.8 >
CoreAudio supports the USB streaming mode used by X-USB for transmission with different channel counts depending on the OSX version. OSX before 10.4 and 10.5 are not supported at all, 10.6 offers up to 16x16 channels, and 10.7/10.8/10.9 offer the full 32x32 channels. Hence, setting the X32 card to be using one of the 32 channel modes may cause the old system 10.6 kernel panic error.

Unfortunately, the X-USB also requires a firmware update (V8) we just received last week specifically for the old 10.6 system. Installing the X-USB update allows streaming 16x16 channels on old Core-Duo Macs without any problem, but it has no benefits for use with newer Mac OSX versions. There are no issues with X-USB on Windows PC afaik, and there is no need for updating X-USB unless you occasionally want to work with OSX 10.6.8.

Our webteam will soon publish it in on behringer.com. For the time being, I put a preliminary download link for X-USB update here below. It includes the release notes, the binary .BIN file that can directly be loaded to X-USB using the Windows ASIO driver control panel. And it also includes an updater tool (32-bit and 64-bit versions) for updating X-USB from Mac computers.

X-USB firmware downloads:
Expansion cards and sync to external word clock >
All the three new expansion cards for X32 allow providing clock sync to or receiving it from external devices. The ADAT card offers sync to either one of the four Toslink inputs or the dedicated WC BNC coaxial connection. Dante manages a specific clocking domain to which the console can be slave (typ.) or master. The MADI card also offers sync to and from external light-pipe or coaxial connections.
Due to the poorly controlled jitter on USB and FW connections, the X32 does not support being clock slave to those connections, currently.

BCF2000 and X32 Edit 1.2 >
You are right, the BCF2000 MCU emulation does not flip any selection/fader layers in X32-Edit. The idea is rather that bank/channel changes affect the channels that are controlled, not the views in X32-Edit. So, as you suggested, you can use the BCF2000 for controlling channels, while viewing something else in X32-Edit.
We plan rolling the next update in time with V2.0

Hope that helps.

Hi there, my x32 just returned from a thomann warranty repair. They replaced the first rotary encoder under the display from left to right. everything good but now, the new rotary encoder feels much more stiffer like a better quality than the others mounted in Behringer factory. Anyway if everything working I'm content and concentrating on mixing :).

I'm experimenting (learning) what is the best way to use a second pair of monitors in a studio setup and till now I couldn't find a better way to use them but assign them on a bus output. What I wanted to achieve (and can't figure out) is to have an independent master with a independent fader on the second pair of monitors. I wanted to route main L/R to a bus or a matrix. is there a possibility? The reason is a rehearsal setup in a studio so I don't want to use my studio monitors for that and I tried to duplicate the hole mixer setup on another pair of monitors without switching the speakers from main L/R every time.

In the matrix section, the last fader its called master M/C. I also found a routing option in analog output section to route master M/C in my second pair of monitors but I cant find a way to route all mixer setup in M/C. The easiest way I thought was to route main L/R to master M/C - cant figure out how, but even if I could, I need a prefader main route to master M/C just to have independent faders for each pair of monitors.

For the moment I use a bus to route the output on the second pair but every time I have to put different channels on this bus depending on the particular setup for that rehearsal day. Maybe there is a simpler way to route main to another stereo output fader?

And another problem I cant solve: how to isolate (solo) a bus without listen the original channel? in a studio setup when mixing, I need to listen often only the bus with reverb for example to tweak it better. when solo the effect bus, x32 let out also the original channel. Someone here on the forum said to use mute groups but using this option, when I mute with mute group, I also mute the signal to bus.

Dear Dragos,
You can route your Main LR signal to a linked pair of Matrix mixes and control your second set of speakers from the Matrix Faders.
To do so, select Matrix 1 and create a linked pair by using the "link" option of the HOME screen.
Then select the Main LR channel, and use the first Bus Send encoder in the channel strip to send level to the now linked Matrix Mixes 1 and 2.
Lastly, on the "analog out" page of the ROUTING menu select the desired outputs and assign Matrix 1 and Matrix 2 as the output source. You will want to be sure to use a "post fader" tap so that the Matrix faders will control volume.

Keep in mind that the signal on the Matrix outputs will not be affected by the solo, as solo only affects the monitor bus. You can route the monitor signal to additional outputs but you would not have a independent fader in this case.

I am not sure I am clear about your solo question. When soloing any bus or input channel you will only here what is feeding that channel/bus. If you want to listen only to an FX return signal then you will need to solo the FX return channel rather than the bus you are using to feed the FX. You can find all the available solo options on the X32 by pressing the VIEW button near the monitor level control on the console.

Hope it helps!
Re: X32core USB to mac crashes mac

Hallo Klaus,

Many questions, indeed. But there are no bad questions, and I apologize that some of those could have been prevented by better documentation from our side ;-)

X-USB with MacOSX 10.6.8 >
CoreAudio supports the USB streaming mode used by X-USB for transmission with different channel counts depending on the OSX version. OSX before 10.4 and 10.5 are not supported at all, 10.6 offers up to 16x16 channels, and 10.7/10.8/10.9 offer the full 32x32 channels. Hence, setting the X32 card to be using one of the 32 channel modes may cause the old system 10.6 kernel panic error.

Unfortunately, the X-USB also requires a firmware update (V8) we just received last week specifically for the old 10.6 system. Installing the X-USB update allows streaming 16x16 channels on old Core-Duo Macs without any problem, but it has no benefits for use with newer Mac OSX versions. There are no issues with X-USB on Windows PC afaik, and there is no need for updating X-USB unless you occasionally want to work with OSX 10.6.8.

Our webteam will soon publish it in on behringer.com. For the time being, I put a preliminary download link for X-USB update here below. It includes the release notes, the binary .BIN file that can directly be loaded to X-USB using the Windows ASIO driver control panel. And it also includes an updater tool (32-bit and 64-bit versions) for updating X-USB from Mac computers.

X-USB firmware downloads:

Expansion cards and sync to external word clock >
All the three new expansion cards for X32 allow providing clock sync to or receiving it from external devices. The ADAT card offers sync to either one of the four Toslink inputs or the dedicated WC BNC coaxial connection. Dante manages a specific clocking domain to which the console can be slave (typ.) or master. The MADI card also offers sync to and from external light-pipe or coaxial connections.
Due to the poorly controlled jitter on USB and FW connections, the X32 does not support being clock slave to those connections, currently.

BCF2000 and X32 Edit 1.2 >
You are right, the BCF2000 MCU emulation does not flip any selection/fader layers in X32-Edit. The idea is rather that bank/channel changes affect the channels that are controlled, not the views in X32-Edit. So, as you suggested, you can use the BCF2000 for controlling channels, while viewing something else in X32-Edit.
We plan rolling the next update in time with V2.0

Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot Jan

the links are not for public...

Are you saying 10.6.8 core audio can't handle more than 16 x 16 channels ?
I just switched one of my 3 Motu 896mk3H to USB connection, and am recording 28 channels, during 28 ch playback
to stereo, ( 8 analog in, 2 x 8 ADAT in, 2 SPDIF in, 2 AES/EBU in )
I'm using Motu's Digital Performer for this, and believe me, it can even handle aggregate devices inside Digital Performer to expand channel count.
Let me know, if I can test something for you,
in case I am misunderstanding the capabilities of 10.6.8 core audio / USB 2.
32 channel recording should be possible with the X32core / USB card / 10.6.8, otherwise it's not for me...

Please correct me if I'm wrong

best regards

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Re: X32RACK - Ipad wireless question

Good afternoon gents. I recieved my X32rack wed of last week. I used it for the first time this weekend with my band, and I was experiencing a ton of wireless drop out. I am using a standard Linksys router ( blue with dual black ant) WRT54G I believe, and Ipad 1. I know the app has grown large enough that IPAD 1 is sluggish, but we were losing wireless connection on the guitar players iphone 5, and the bassists iphone 3G. There were 2 in house bar wireless signals showing as connection options, but they were locked. Anyway, it seemed like every 5 minutes I was losing connection. The ipad was sitting probably 6 inches from the linksys unit. Then on sunday I pulled out my x32 classic, and the same router, same ipad - same problems. I was using the ipad fairly close to the router, then I would try to walk the room to mix the band, and the dropouts were still happening. Anyway I was hoping someone to guide me into where to start, IPAD or router change....
Re: X32core USB to mac crashes mac

Dear All,
Jan's links are public, but the links are pointing to the wrong place. If you copy/paste the URLs into your browser they will work. I have corrected the links above in this post, so you can click them as they appear here.

I'm experimenting (learning) what is the best way to use a second pair of monitors in a studio setup and till now I couldn't find a better way to use them but assign them on a bus output. What I wanted to achieve (and can't figure out) is to have an independent master with a independent fader on the second pair of monitors. I wanted to route main L/R to a bus or a matrix. is there a possibility? The reason is a rehearsal setup in a studio so I don't want to use my studio monitors for that and I tried to duplicate the hole mixer setup on another pair of monitors without switching the speakers from main L/R every time.

I think the matrix, is the best way for your "problem"
You have 6 matrix sends, pair them in groups of 2, rout LR to them and you have 3 stereo outputs for monitors.

In the matrix section, the last fader its called master M/C. I also found a routing option in analog output section to route master M/C in my second pair of monitors but I cant find a way to route all mixer setup in M/C. The easiest way I thought was to route main L/R to master M/C - cant figure out how, but even if I could, I need a prefader main route to master M/C just to have independent faders for each pair of monitors.

This is the mono or center channel, I assume that you want stereo for your monitors, so this is not an option I think.

And another problem I cant solve: how to isolate (solo) a bus without listen the original channel? in a studio setup when mixing, I need to listen often only the bus with reverb for example to tweak it better. when solo the effect bus, x32 let out also the original channel. Someone here on the forum said to use mute groups but using this option, when I mute with mute group, I also mute the signal to bus.

Somewhere in the settings you can change the behaviour, I think you can have it working the way you want. You can also choose to have it pre or post fader, be aware that certainly in pre mode your levels can differ a lot. Sometimes I use this in live situations to have more reverb in the cans to hear the effect more easily.

@john, sorry I did see your better detailed post after I did post. :(~:-(~:sad:
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Re: X32RACK - Ipad wireless question

I know the app has grown large enough that IPAD 1 is sluggish, but we were losing wireless connection on the guitar players iphone 5, and the bassists iphone 3G.

Did you try to power cycle the router after the rack had start up? Sometimes this does help a lot for me. If your ipad does work like it should on other wireless connections, then there's nothing wrong with it.