X32 Discussion


for example, in ableton there are return channels for fx's and I can solo them to hear just the the fx. For sure x32 its capable of a simple thing like that, but I can't find it in manual or on the web.


On X32 effect returns are on page 3 (page 6 on compact ? ) and you can solo them just like any channel.
If you wish to hear what is sent into effect - listen to bus on page 4 ( 8 on compact )

Hi there
I'm wanting to insert 2 dual true EQ's over 4 buses. Ie 1-4. I believe that I got them inserted correctly. My problem is that when I select say bus 2 and then press Effects at the side of display, side "B" of the dual TrueEQ doesn't necessarily pop up, I have to use the layer button to get to the appropriate "A" or "B" side. Is there a way that the appropriate side automatically is displayed? As I'm sure in the heat of the action I'll adjust the wrong side.
Thanks in anticipation

great desk, average operator!

Hi there
I'm wanting to insert 2 dual true EQ's over 4 buses. Ie 1-4. I believe that I got them inserted correctly. My problem is that when I select say bus 2 and then press Effects at the side of display, side "B" of the dual TrueEQ doesn't necessarily pop up, I have to use the layer button to get to the appropriate "A" or "B" side. Is there a way that the appropriate side automatically is displayed? As I'm sure in the heat of the action I'll adjust the wrong side.
Thanks in anticipation

great desk, average operator!
This is on the whishlist for now but it is a very popular request so I'll think that this will be fixed one way or another in v2.
Re: X32 Discussion

I have a StudioLive 24.4.2 and a 16.0.2 I really like using them. If I were to upgrade, I think I'd look to the A&H GLD. I just can't get over the behringer name...

Man, you should see the doctor! I hate when people start badmouthing gear they don't own and didn't work with. I mean working real gigs, not playing with it in the store.

The X32 has nothing to do with old Behringer stuff (even though I own a bunch of it, from mini 1622-FX mixer to DI boxes, all work fine). It's VERY different from all other Behringer mixers and obviously was designed by MIDAS R&D and built at the same Behringer-owned factory in China where all MIDAS desks are made. In fact it is an entry-level MIDAS desk. Yes, it's only 48K, it may not sounds as good as other MIDAS desks, but hell, for under $5K you can get full-blown digital desk with two remote stageboxes and P16 personal mixers! If it came in purple and was called "MIDAS LE" or something like that, then all we would've heard was praises how good an affordable this new MIDAS desk is! I'd take X32 over Presonus any day for digital snake alone. Yes, it has a steep learning curve, especially for those who never worked on real digital desks before (Presonus is not, it's an analog desk by layout with digital processing built-in). I had the SL24.4.2, sold it to get X32 and never regret it! I worked on both Pro 1 and Pro 2C as well, you'll see a similarities there. The only reason why Uli labeled the X32 "Powered by MIDAS", not "Designed by MIDAS" (as he should) is not to jeopardize MIDAS sales, because the cheapest digital MIDAS, the Pro 1, starts at $10K, and Pro 1 lacks many features that X32 has.

I predict that X32 will have the same effect at our level as Mackie-1604 did back in 90s (mean club-level, weekend bands and the like), making digital mixing and digital snakes affordable. Yes, I mix on Profile and Yamaha desks occasionally (5D and M7), but X32 is what I use almost weekly and it's well worth its price!
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Hi there
I'm wanting to insert 2 dual true EQ's over 4 buses. Ie 1-4. I believe that I got them inserted correctly. My problem is that when I select say bus 2 and then press Effects at the side of display, side "B" of the dual TrueEQ doesn't necessarily pop up, I have to use the layer button to get to the appropriate "A" or "B" side. Is there a way that the appropriate side automatically is displayed? As I'm sure in the heat of the action I'll adjust the wrong side.
Thanks in anticipation

great desk, average operator!

Dear Paul,

At this time, the only way to get to side "B" or the Dual TRUEQ's is by using the UP/DOWN arrows to go between the layers. AS Robert posted, this is on the feature request for Version 2.0 of the X32 firmware. If you have any other questions in the meantime, please continue to post and we are all happy to help. This is a great thread and all of the members are very knowledgeable about the X32. You are also welcome to send me a PM with any questions as well.

Evan Hooton
Specialist, Product Support

Good day,
speaking of firmware 2.0 i have few ideas and for improvements on x32 system:
1 - Option to set meters pre eq, pre fader and post fader (like in ls9)
2 - Middle values in compressor ratios (like 3,5 n 4,5)
3 - Switch to have compressor pre or post eq
4 - Possibility to have Xusb card outputs and inputs as channel-insert send and return in order to use a pc like external 32 channel dsp (yes i am brilliant!)(ok i know it would not be so reliable but it would be cool)
5 - Possibility to press a user button to use bus faders as input faders in x32 compact and producer
6 - Possibility to use vst as effects


This was a subject that came up at our CAT workshop, how flaky the grounding scheme is in the Ethernet world vs. what we are used to in the audio and electrical world. It seems that having two grounding items in the same vicinity as each other is sufficient, rather than having a screw/solder/clamp connection that is solid and immovable.

I wonder if one had the guts to try 4 pairs of a audio multicore to build a CAT / RJ 45 connection.
I know audio multicore's aren't designed for constant impedance, so a multicore designed for digital audio / AES/EBU could be a more realistic one to try.

If it works it could be a solution for those places, you can't use a cat connection but a multicore is present...
Audio cable for CAT

I wonder if one had the guts to try 4 pairs of a audio multicore to build a CAT / RJ 45 connection.
I know audio multicore's aren't designed for constant impedance, so a multicore designed for digital audio / AES/EBU could be a more realistic one to try.

If it works it could be a solution for those places, you can't use a cat connection but a multicore is present...


Two years ago I purchased a small unit from Switzerland - it had TOSLINK-input-box and RJ45 connection - plus second box with RJ45 and TOSLINK-out connection. Separate PSU on one end. It was designed to carry 8 channels of audio plus power to second box over ethernet-cable - 100 meters distance. As my snake is 25 channels and I could use extra channels, I decided to try feed 8 channels through snake ch25. My snake is 30 meters long and I wanted to be sure not to have dropouts or anything else. So it was experiment time...

The system used only one pair for signal and one pair for power - so I made two adapter cables - one simple RJ45 to XLR with signal pairs connected to pins 2&3 and power negative on pin 1 - the other adapter was similar plus it had external PSU connected via RJ45.

First test - plug the boxes together with my new adapters - NO problem
Second test - insert 10m mic cable between adapters - NO problem
Third test - connect my 30m snake between - NO problem

So it seemed to work fine - but since in real world things go haywire, when you are running this on important gig, I decided it has to have marginal.

Fourth test - put the signal through my snake twice - problems started - intermittent crackling and dropouts
REMEDY - connect resistor between pins 2&3 on receiving end - experimenting with different values.

BINGO - now I can run signal back and forth with 20 meter mic cable added - so total 80 meters without problem.
Since I intended to use it only on 30 meters, I figure I´ll be safe.

Unfortunately I do not remember the value of resistor - but somewhere around 200 ohms should be right.

After all this spent money ( about 100,- € ) plus hours of experimentimenting I stumbled across this thread...:lol:

Now I have X32 , X32 rack , two S16 , two P16-M and one P16-D

What on earth shall I do with my dandy 8-ch digital "snake" :roll:

Then talking about cables - I have three fantastic flexible RJ-45 cables, that are from finnish army surplus - I use them for routers and P16-M - always thinking they were CAT - but maybe they are just regular multiwire cable - thus flexible like microphone-cable.

Perhaps I have to dig into this deeper - since flexible CAT does not seem to exist.
Re: Audio cable for CAT

Now I have X32 , X32 rack , two S16 , two P16-M and one P16-D

What on earth shall I do with my dandy 8-ch digital "snake" :roll:

Then talking about cables - I have three fantastic flexible RJ-45 cables, that are from finnish army surplus - I use them for routers and P16-M - always thinking they were CAT - but maybe they are just regular multiwire cable - thus flexible like microphone-cable.

Perhaps I have to dig into this deeper - since flexible CAT does not seem to exist.

I tried various CAT5/6 cables advertised as "flexible" for our P16Ms. Most were just standard Ethernet patch cables which as you know are not flexible enough for stage use or have to be taped down which is a pain. I saw some cables on eBay custom made using Van-Damme Tourcat cable Van Damme - Specifications - TourCat Series Category 5E cable so took a punt and purchased a 5m and a 10m cable. They are excellent! Quite expensive but flexible like microphone cable which was exactly what I was looking for. Since then I've also purchased a 20m with Ethercon connectors to patch between my X32 and X32 rack, again works a treat and very flexible.

Good day,
speaking of firmware 2.0 i have few ideas and for improvements on x32 system:
1 - Option to set meters pre eq, pre fader and post fader (like in ls9)
2 - Middle values in compressor ratios (like 3,5 n 4,5)
3 - Switch to have compressor pre or post eq
4 - Possibility to have Xusb card outputs and inputs as channel-insert send and return in order to use a pc like external 32 channel dsp (yes i am brilliant!)(ok i know it would not be so reliable but it would be cool)
5 - Possibility to press a user button to use bus faders as input faders in x32 compact and producer
6 - Possibility to use vst as effects


1 - While not possible on the console there are more metering options available using the osc protocol. This won't display them on the lcd but some external osc-capable device.

2 - Yes, I'd like to see finer increments in the 1:1-1:3 range.

3 - Already possible.

4 - As suggested by a few brilliant people before you ;-)

5 - Sounds good to me.

6 - Since the hardware platform isn't x86-compatible I'd say this is a no-go.
Re: Page 400!!! - Maybe time to stop...

Every time I've used the search function I've been able to find exactly what I was looking for. Don't bother scrolling through pages unless you want to relive the past

And I really like this megathread, because we only have one place to follow each day (or multiple times a day) to see what topics are current in our X32 world. Ideally, there should be only one place to search for ANYTHING you want to know about the X32, and this is currently it. A newbie can make a good substitute for an education by reading the whole thread from the beginning to learn all there is to know about the console, its issues, and workarounds or solutions.
This thread is the vein of gold that can be mined to learn whatever is needed to be known.

Hi Dan,
Totally respect to you and to everybody that is more (than me) actively contributing to the thread.
There are anyway some recurrent topics that could be easily extracted from the general discussion:
- hardware issues, and evolution over time
- X32 setups / configurations / issues
- rumors and future versions (V 2.0?)
- recording and demos with X32
- cabling/networking
- PC/Mac compatibility
- firmware/card upgrades
- Software (x32-edit - X32-mix)
It would require some discipline from users and would filter out some background noise.
I find rather hard to sort out a search criterium in the forum to get the exact post I remember I read 4 months ago and was useful to remember or review.
If I had the privileges I'd just create new posts and move the posts to specific threads. Let's say, based on the title of the post, to start with. A task that can be done over time without anything big in mind like "create the omni-comprehensive X32 FAQ" that would be quite a task.
Anyway I'm a minority so after another couple of cents of contribution, I'm broke and I'll shut up until I have something more interesting to say. :)

They could always create an emulated environment... but then would it even be worth it....?
Emulating menus and similar low-intensity tasks is one thing, but running highly optimized dsp code that is power hungry is a different thing.

Perhaps squeezing in an uad-card in the card slot would be just the thing - Yeah, I know. I'm just dreaming :)
Re: Page 400!!! - Maybe time to stop...

Hi Dan,
Totally respect to you and to everybody that is more (than me) actively contributing to the thread.
There are anyway some recurrent topics that could be easily extracted from the general discussion:
- hardware issues, and evolution over time
- X32 setups / configurations / issues
- rumors and future versions (V 2.0?)
- recording and demos with X32
- cabling/networking
- PC/Mac compatibility
- firmware/card upgrades
- Software (x32-edit - X32-mix)
It would require some discipline from users and would filter out some background noise.
I find rather hard to sort out a search criterium in the forum to get the exact post I remember I read 4 months ago and was useful to remember or review.
If I had the privileges I'd just create new posts and move the posts to specific threads. Let's say, based on the title of the post, to start with. A task that can be done over time without anything big in mind like "create the omni-comprehensive X32 FAQ" that would be quite a task.
Anyway I'm a minority so after another couple of cents of contribution, I'm broke and I'll shut up until I have something more interesting to say. :)

Hi Cesare,

I am enjoying reading your suggestions, even though I disagree; my disagreement does not make your feelings less valid, and is certainly no reason for you to shut up. *

While you're right that topics could be extracted and put into specific threads, doing so would mean that those not specifically looking for an answer but who are always open to learning something new would need to look through many separate threads each day (you named seven already, and there are many, many more possibilities with a product that is so complex and has many, many facets to its use). Unless there was a separate forum altogether with only X32 threads, a user would have to filter through all the threads with newer posts that are completely unrelated to the X32.

I won't deny that the subject of "Live Audio" is very wide and deep and none of us knows all of it and each of us could stand to learn new things. But speaking only for myself and sharing my opinion just as you have shared yours, I like going to one place each day and seeing what the group's attention is on today.

Where I absolutely agree with you is that the information ITTcould be better organized, but absent someone with the privileges you suggest and the time to do a thorough job of it, that won't happen and can't happen.

Per has proposed there be a Wiki user manual, and my suggestion (and offer to help organize and do) was that this thread should be mined for information and pasted onto the bones of a Wiki outline. That way the information here is not deleted/changed/altered so that the source is findable, but is extracted and pasted with attribution and URL info in the Wiki so that someone using the Wiki can have an organized summary (with as much detail as possible), but also be able to go here and find the context in which the info has been presented.

Also, the huge task of taking 8100+ posts and organizing the info can be divided easily among interested people; for example, you take pages 101-105 (in the now 404 page view, so there's 20 posts per page) and add interesting bits to the Wiki.

I predict that out of 100 posts, there will be 20 or 30 or 40 that are saying something new and worth saving for posterity, so that task wouldn't be huge in and of itself. It does not take long to copy and paste 40 posts; it will take slightly longer if they each need to be edited to only reflect one topic that will fit into an outline.

I've justified my lack of action on this project with the belief that the outline has to come first, and that one guy needs to do it. I've been busy lately, anyway, and suspect he is, too.........

Having more than one person working on it, though, means the other one can bug the first one to get something done.

That's enough typing for now, we have shared our thoughts.

Best wishes,

*I won't mention that my status as X32 Thread VIP does not make my opinion any more important IMHO. Or correct.

PS We need to get off this page 404. I'm weirded out when I catch the tab out of the corner of my eye and think it's going to say "Not Found".
TWO (2) inserts in the Master Buss

Maybe that is already said somewhere in this megathread. But I'd like to share a "routing trick" I used during the last gigs.

Routing the Master Out to a stereo Matrix and sending the Matrix out (instead of the LR outs) to the physical outputs gives you a second FX slot in this chain without eating up a bus. I use that for inserting the Precision Limiter _PRE_ fader in the Sum Bus. That leads to Matrix 1+2 where I can insert a GEQ if needed. Remember to crank up the Matrix volume to your max need and pan them hard left/right. I love the Limiter a lot, gives lotta felt volume to the mix.

Unfortunately there is no display of gain reduction in the Limiter module (what would be one of my suggestions for V2 firmware) so you will need to adjust everything by ear.

Thanks for listening and sry for my poor english.


Emulating menus and similar low-intensity tasks is one thing, but running highly optimized dsp code that is power hungry is a different thing.

Perhaps squeezing in an uad-card in the card slot would be just the thing - Yeah, I know. I'm just dreaming :)

Or a card with a connection to waves soundgrid.