X32 Discussion

Re: TWO (2) inserts in the Master Buss

Maybe that is already said somewhere in this megathread. But I'd like to share a "routing trick" I used during the last gigs.

Routing the Master Out to a stereo Matrix and sending the Matrix out (instead of the LR outs) to the physical outputs gives you a second FX slot in this chain without eating up a bus. I use that for inserting the Precision Limiter _PRE_ fader in the Sum Bus. That leads to Matrix 1+2 where I can insert a GEQ if needed. Remember to crank up the Matrix volume to your max need and pan them hard left/right. I love the Limiter a lot, gives lotta felt volume to the mix.

I've mentioned something similar at the behringer forum a while ago. It's worth mentioning here as well. The text has been slightly updated since posted at the other forum.

As for a fun fact (at least I didn't know of this until today while playing around) it is possible to connect two rack-fx into a single mixbus using fx-inserts in fx[1..4].

The total path can then be: mic-->ch[1..40]-->fx[1..8]-->mixbus[1..16]-->fx[5..8]-->fx[1..4]-->matrix[1..6]-->fx[1..8]-->main bus-->fx[5..8]-->matrix[1..6]-->fx[1..8]-->speaker.

Example: mic-->ch1-->fx8-->mixbus1-->fx5-->fx1-->matrix3-->fx2-->main bus-->fx6-->matrix1/2-->fx7-->speaker

This is 4 inserted fx for a single channel plus 2 insert fx on the output

Also keep in mind that that most fx are dual mono so that instead of fx[1..8] it should be treated as fx[1..16] when it comes to routing.

Add to this the fx-send as well plus that you can route a mixbus to a different mixbus (by using a spare channel).

That's pretty cool!
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Good day,
speaking of firmware 2.0 i have few ideas and for improvements on x32 system:
4 - Possibility to have Xusb card outputs and inputs as channel-insert send and return in order to use a pc like external 32 channel dsp (yes i am brilliant!)(ok i know it would not be so reliable but it would be cool)
Btw, you do know that using a pc/mac/linux for external processing already is possible?

You do this in the routing setup screen. This setup isn't optimal and suggestions has been made to the berry techs.
Hi Dan,
Totally respect to you and to everybody that is more (than me) actively contributing to the thread.
There are anyway some recurrent topics that could be easily extracted from the general discussion:
- hardware issues, and evolution over time
- X32 setups / configurations / issues
- rumors and future versions (V 2.0?)
- recording and demos with X32
- cabling/networking
- PC/Mac compatibility
- firmware/card upgrades
- Software (x32-edit - X32-mix)
It would require some discipline from users and would filter out some background noise.
I find rather hard to sort out a search criterium in the forum to get the exact post I remember I read 4 months ago and was useful to remember or review.
If I had the privileges I'd just create new posts and move the posts to specific threads. Let's say, based on the title of the post, to start with. A task that can be done over time without anything big in mind like "create the omni-comprehensive X32 FAQ" that would be quite a task.
Anyway I'm a minority so after another couple of cents of contribution, I'm broke and I'll shut up until I have something more interesting to say. :)

Well, if you think so, then do it. I created this thread because
1) it seemed there was a need
2) give Tim Mc something to tease me about

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi all. Does anyone know a way of assigning the next and go buttons for scenes to assignable buttons? I just bought a producer and would like to use it for theatre shows.


Re: X32 Discussion

<snip> The only reason why Uli labeled the X32 "Powered by MIDAS", not "Designed by MIDAS" (as he should) is not to jeopardize MIDAS sales, because the cheapest digital MIDAS, the Pro 1, starts at $10K, and Pro 1 lacks many features that X32 has.<snip>
It isn't designed by Midas, even though Midas has provided some input and expertise, we are still looking at two separate development teams. These teams might have some degree of integration now and (maybe more) in the future, but as far as us outsiders can tell, they are still located in different countries and work for different employers.
Re: Page 400!!! - Maybe time to stop...

<snip>Per has proposed there be a Wiki user manual, and my suggestion (and offer to help organize and do) was that this thread should be mined for information and pasted onto the bones of a Wiki outline. That way the information here is not deleted/changed/altered so that the source is findable, but is extracted and pasted with attribution and URL info in the Wiki so that someone using the Wiki can have an organized summary (with as much detail as possible), but also be able to go here and find the context in which the info has been presented.

Also, the huge task of taking 8100+ posts and organizing the info can be divided easily among interested people; for example, you take pages 101-105 (in the now 404 page view, so there's 20 posts per page) and add interesting bits to the Wiki.

I predict that out of 100 posts, there will be 20 or 30 or 40 that are saying something new and worth saving for posterity, so that task wouldn't be huge in and of itself. It does not take long to copy and paste 40 posts; it will take slightly longer if they each need to be edited to only reflect one topic that will fit into an outline.

I've justified my lack of action on this project with the belief that the outline has to come first, and that one guy needs to do it. I've been busy lately, anyway, and suspect he is, too.........

Having more than one person working on it, though, means the other one can bug the first one to get something done.<snip>

Yeah, sorry about that, my priorities has been elsewhere for a while, and I honestly don't know the best way to attack this "project".

My usual style of working is to do it the old fashioned way, and build a complete draft with a fairly fixed structure that only needs input to fill in the blanks and revise details. I have been frustrated many times, sometimes travelling to other locations to spend a whole day "designing by comity" and spending a whole day achieving the same as one individual could do in five minutes. Wiki is of course supposed to be a better way, and in many ways it is entirely possible for any individual contributor to work without having a structure to refer to since any specific subject page can exist as an orphan and be found by search, and/or be linked to later. However, I will try to spend some time building up some kind of structure that might make it easier to jump in and contribute. X32
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi all. Does anyone know a way of assigning the next and go buttons for scenes to assignable buttons? I just bought a producer and would like to use it for theatre shows.

Hello. I looked at the assignment options on my Compact and the closest I saw to what you asked for was a way to recall a specific scene to a button. So Scene 1, or Scene 10, etc. I did not see an option for "Next" or "Go". Now it seems like the X32 firmware/software is fairly the same across different models, so I don't know if your Producer has different options. It may not. It would make perfect sense however since one thing you lose from Compact to Producer is the scene recall section which is also on the full X32.
X32 as monitor

Hi there,

recently used our X32 as monitor desk for a show with a 40+ piece brass band, 6 piece band, and 6 vocals. Main desk was an iLive System. All band and vocals splitted on stage and 7 channels with submixes of each brass-instrument-type sent back from FOH desk. Would have been nice, if the MADI and/or DANTE card had already been available! Would have saved as lots of cables!!

The members of the brass band had wired headphones driven from two linked busses. Drums and Keyboard did their monitoring using Behringers personal monitoring system P16-M. And Bass, Guitar and the 6 vocals had wireless in-ears driven from 4 stereo-busses. (Two musicians joining the same mix)


Did a nice trick, as I had to sing Queens Dont stop me now, that starts with voice only, and I didn't want the people to here someone giving me the chord. I recorded an F-major chord to a wave-file (surprisingly this is exactly the key the song starts with). Put this file on an usb-stick and plugged it into the X32. I had one of the assignable buttons cofigured to start/stop the built in recorder. When the song was to arrive our monitor-tech just had to hit that button and only I (and my buddy joining the same mix) heard where I had to start from.

The X32 did a great job through all the shows, and I think our monitor-tech already considers buying a member of the X32 family for himself.
Re: X32 as monitor

Does anyone happen to know roughly how many X32's have been sold? I had last heard that number to be something in the area of 30,000, not sure how recent that is. I'm interested to see if anyone knows how this compares to Mackie console sales back in their heyday when so many SR series consoles were sold.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi all. Does anyone know a way of assigning the next and go buttons for scenes to assignable buttons? I just bought a producer and would like to use it for theatre shows.



Dear Rod,

As this time, there is no way to assign a "NEXT" or "GO" function to the assignable buttons. Might I suggest a used iPad for our X32-MIX App or a used Droid tablet for the third party Mix Station App?

Evan Hooton
Specialist, Product Support
Re: X32 as monitor

Dear Andreas,

Your idea with the using the USB drive is honestly a very creative use. Very nice, if I may add. It would be pretty cool to see any pictures of the P16s being used in you can get them.

Evan Hooton
Specialist, Product Support
Re: X32 as monitor

Hi all. I need some help. I have only had my X32 for about 3 months. Doing well with it but still have lots to learn. Here's the setup: I have 2 matrix sends, LINK'ed, that control my top mains. I have EQ set up with filters to only allow the top end frequencies to go to those Matrix sends. Then I have a third matrix send which I use for subs. It is also set up with filters to only allow subwoofer frequencies to go to that Matrix send. All three matrix sends are fed by the LR channel.

The problem is with this setup I can't separately control the volume of the left and right side of the mains because the matrix sends are linked. I have some venues I play in that don't allow for both sides of the PA being an equal distance to the dance floor/audience.

Is there a way I can gain separate volume control over the two sides without a major adjustment to how I have the board set up to use. I tried unlinking the two matrix channels but there doesn't appear to be any pan setting (at least I can't find one) when I do that so when using it that way it seemed like it was a mono set up which is not what I want.

Help???? Thanks .............. Rob
Re: X32 as monitor

Rob there should be a link button when looking at the matrix page... Deselect it if it's linked... That should break matrix 1&2... Repeat if you need to break other matrices apart

I have tried unlinking the matrix sends but when I do that aren't I losing my stereo imaging. I am sending the LR send to all three matrix sends and then controlling what each affects through high pass and low pass filters. Once I unlink those two matrix sends, aren't I just getting the whole LR summed mix to both matrix sends rather than a left and right send from a stereo mix?
Using matrix for LR


If you do not need the matrixes for anything else - here´s what you can do.

Send your L+R to TWO linked matrix-pairs - use L-output of one pair and R-output of second pair to feed your pa. Use third matrix for subs.

p.s. why are you not using the dedicated mono-sub ?
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Re: Using matrix for LR

Dear Robert,
While Timo's suggestion will work, you also can have the option of unlinking the mute/fader levels for linked channels/buses. The only downside is that this is a global option, so it will apply to all channels/buses. You can find this option on the "global" page of the SETUP menu, labeled "Mute/Fader Link".
Re: X32 as monitor

I have tried unlinking the matrix sends but when I do that aren't I losing my stereo imaging. I am sending the LR send to all three matrix sends and then controlling what each affects through high pass and low pass filters. Once I unlink those two matrix sends, aren't I just getting the whole LR summed mix to both matrix sends rather than a left and right send from a stereo mix?

It's low tech, but do it at the amp then, if you need gain reduction to one side....
Re: X32 Discussion

In short, X32 was designed by the same designers who did most of MIDAS stuff,

This is not correct. If you scroll back about "10.000 postings" you will find a picture of the designer team and the first prototype X32.
In addition, after some months without contact I paid the Behringer guys in Willich/Germany a visit again this week. They gave me a sneek preview
of the upcomming major firmware update V.2.

I will say only two things about it:

1. The level of implemented customer feature requests is second to none
2. A X32 with V.2 firmware is going to be a "feature-beast".

If you ever ogled about purchasing a X32, V.2 has a very strong artillery8)~:cool:~:cool:
I'm still puzzled, that this massive update will be free of charge...
Re: X32 Discussion

I paid the Behringer guys in Willich/Germany a visit again this week. They gave me a sneek preview of the upcomming major firmware update V.2.

I will say only two things about it:

1. The level of implemented customer feature requests is second to none
2. A X32 with V.2 firmware is going to be a "feature-beast".

If you ever ogled about purchasing a X32, V.2 has a very strong artillery8)~:cool:~:cool:
I'm still puzzled, that this massive update will be free of charge...

I hate you christian ;-)

Btw, that is four things...

Did you see it feature complete or don't even you know the whole picture (or should that be audio?)?

Even though I'm perfectly happy with my x32 now I just feel like a kid at christmas :) I'm just hoping that there will be a better integration between multiple x32's. Everything else is just candy on top...

The update isn't free. First you buy a studiolive32ai only to find out that not all features are implemented from the start + there are some bugs that distorts your audio at times. Then you have to sell that for a huge loss before renting another console as it's difficult to find a x32 still and then finally buying the x32. So it is a very expensive update :))