X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

I hope it has the ability to see more than the current song when viewing on the iPad.

Oh, wait, that's in a different software. Maybe there's a chance my wish will come true in the future, then.

Maybe 2.0 will have a counter that means something for the recorder/player?
Dante Virtual Soundcard

I just saw at the audiante website that the virtual soundcard had its price dropped 80% from $150 to $30! 8O~8-O~:shock::D~:-D~:grin:

I don't know if this drop in price is permanent or temporary.

If you are going to buy the x32-dante card this is really the time to get additional licences. Even if you get a license when you buy the card it will be locked to one single computer.

I've emailed audidante asking them to confirm if the new price is permanent or not.
Re: Dante Virtual Soundcard

I just saw at the audiante website that the virtual soundcard had its price dropped 80% from $150 to $30! 8O~8-O~:shock::D~:-D~:grin:

I don't know if this drop in price is permanent or temporary.
The Dante Virtual Soundcard software has been $30 for at least a year now.

I would be surprised if it were to go back up to $150.
Re: Dante Virtual Soundcard

The Dante Virtual Soundcard software has been $30 for at least a year now.

I would be surprised if it were to go back up to $150.
Strange, when I checked a couple of months ago (around the time when Uli said that dante was a go) I never saw that offer. I also just found a note saying that the offer is time limited.

We'll see what thay say in reply to my email...
Re: Dante Virtual Soundcard

Strange, when I checked a couple of months ago (around the time when Uli said that dante was a go) I never saw that offer. I also just found a note saying that the offer is time limited.

We'll see what thay say in reply to my email...

That is interesting because they were offering DVS for that price up through at least InfoComm last year. I remember thinking that I should buy some copies myself at that time.
Dugan automixer

There was some talk earlier about Dugan automixer and some asking for it to be implemented. I see now that it has been released for Waves, so at least now it is possible to have it via Multirack. (As with any Waverack-application, it is advisable to have FiWi to avoid annoying latency)
Re: Dugan automixer

There was some talk earlier about Dugan automixer and some asking for it to be implemented. I see now that it has been released for Waves, so at least now it is possible to have it via Multirack. (As with any Waverack-application, it is advisable to have FiWi to avoid annoying latency)

Do you think that means that an automixer won't be incorporated into V2?

With a price of $500 I don't see myself getting the Waves version. However, out of interest, I'd be grateful if someone would describe how it would be used with an X32, in terms of signal flow.


Mick Berg.
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Re: Dugan automixer

The easiest way to incorporate it would be to send the Local1-8 etc. (or AES50 if usingS16) to the card in the card tab, then in the home tab, selecting card as input. The Dugan will then be inserted into the path of every input but you sill have processing etc on the X32.
More ideal, I believe, would be if we get the card as insert position in V2, then the automix can be post processing.
Re: Dugan automixer

The easiest way to incorporate it would be to send the Local1-8 etc. (or AES50 if usingS16) to the card in the card tab, then in the home tab, selecting card as input. The Dugan will then be inserted into the path of every input but you sill have processing etc on the X32.
More ideal, I believe, would be if we get the card as insert position in V2, then the automix can be post processing.

They already have automixing in their installation mixers so they already have the technology and the knowhow to implement it in the x32 so shouldn't be too difficult to implement it in the x32.
x32 edit

i have 3 notebooks i use with the core

all will connect thru my router either hard wired or wifi
and control the core

2 of them show meter and recorder animation

one [naturally the one i mix on] only shows the buttons flashing
no matter how it's hooked up [so it is doing minimal animated display]

they're all running XP

the one that doesnt display meters is an AMD dual core
but it does everything else normal

Re: Remote operation of locked console

One feature I'am hoping will be added to the new firmware is a way to disengage motors when console is locked. I don't see a point in them having to move until the console in unlocked.

Sounds like common sense that they should be lockable, but it makes me wonder... Aren't faders and physical surfaces on the way out anyway? Looking at the changes that have taken place in my shop in the past year it looks like I might be going that route sooner than I thought.

Honestly, things are moving so fast I can hardly keep up. Now that I have been indoctrinated into the ways of the X32 Rack's wireless workflow I am whining about having to drag the full size X32 out and use it. I have always hated snakes, even the digital ones are a PITA. With the X32 Rack I was able to do away with stage boxes, snakes and the control surface in one go. It saves so much space in the truck and makes load in easier, plus it cuts setup time in half and eliminates multiple points of failure. I do carry a backup mixer, but as my confidence in this technology grows its beginning to seem more like an afterthought.

I also worry about the motorized faders going bad on my full size X32. I'm just ready to be done with the XLR cables, the control surfaces and all of the weight and space consumed by traditional mixing consoles. I would imagine that there is a surfaceless, wireless system coming to the market soon that will change the game once again.
using a seperate network switch and wireless router?

Man.. Lots of folk in here lookin' to keep thier setups pretty small, eh? Makes my think of all those consoles it would take 4-6 folk to lift back in the day!

I tried out a few things on a conference this weekend:
Seems that my ipad lags and random app crashes way less when running all wired connections (console, core, laptop) into a network switch and running a seperate router to handle dhcp and wireless duties. I'd like to see if a managed switch would work better. I'd like to also try out the x32-router java app from flamenco, anyone here use it? X32 Router | TwelveTone

Also setup my core to handle extra comp duties on the line inputs fed from the x32 and back again, works great! Super nice to use the two knobs in the front dedicated to handle threshold and ratio functions quickly. Might not be too cost effective for just that purpose though.

Recording 38 channels into reaper seems to work great in mavericks on a macbook pro (late 2012) - capturing those extra 6 playback channels on the core. I had some trouble getting the core to be seen by osx, but then switched the 32x32 config down to 8x8 and it picked it up right away.

Guess I gotta send in the venues console, the headphone monitor out suddenly only seems to be able to hear the LR buss, any other channel is super weak, and when pfl'ng those channels, the weak volume gets a little louder as you turn up the headphone until the knob gets to the 3'oclock position, where it actually turns the volume down all the way as you keep turning it up... Interesting...
I was able to route all the solo stuff out to the core and use it's headphone amp pretty easy though.
Re: using a seperate network switch and wireless router?

Guess I gotta send in the venues console, the headphone monitor out suddenly only seems to be able to hear the LR buss, any other channel is super weak, and when pfl'ng those channels, the weak volume gets a little louder as you turn up the headphone until the knob gets to the 3'oclock position, where it actually turns the volume down all the way as you keep turning it up... Interesting...
I was able to route all the solo stuff out to the core and use it's headphone amp pretty easy though.

Sounds like the pfl dim is engaged; MONITOR - Solo options - Use DIM for PFL
Dim default setting is -20 dB, so definitely something you'll notice
Re: using a seperate network switch and wireless router?

Hi, Just can't figure how to use a stereo bus... is there possible to hear panned channels thru a bus?

Lets say I have two channels, one pan left, one panned right. Stereo bus button its closed for both channels to hear them only thru the bus (not a sum of them). I sent them in a bus and I need them to be panned thru this bus but they are mono.

I tried to make the bus mono or stereo. I can pan the bus himself but the channels thru this bus are mono in the speakers.

Seams simple but can't figure out:D
Re: Remote operation of locked console

... Now that I have been indoctrinated into the ways of the X32 Rack's wireless workflow .....


Same here - Full-size X32 stays in only for rental now that I have X32R - iPad-mixing is so nice - and I already have a guy in line wanting to buy my X32 if I decide to.
I was unable to reliably use the ipad around 0degC/32degF when I tried to mix remotley so there are uses for a physical interface at times.

My own personal preference is to do initial configuration on the actual console and then fine tune using the ipad. There are also some control options missing from the ipad that only the console and the editor can access.

Next weekend will be my first ipad-only mixing session, when I'll use the x32-rack on a small bar gig.
Re: using a seperate network switch and wireless router?

Hi, Just can't figure how to use a stereo bus... is there possible to hear panned channels thru a bus?

Lets say I have two channels, one pan left, one panned right. Stereo bus button its closed for both channels to hear them only thru the bus (not a sum of them). I sent them in a bus and I need them to be panned thru this bus but they are mono.

I tried to make the bus mono or stereo. I can pan the bus himself but the channels thru this bus are mono in the speakers.

Seams simple but can't figure out:D
Link the bus and configure it as 'group'. This way the bus will be stereo and it will respect the repective channel panning.
Re: using a seperate network switch and wireless router?

Man.. Lots of folk in here lookin' to keep thier setups pretty small, eh? Makes my think of all those consoles it would take 4-6 folk to lift back in the day!

I tried out a few things on a conference this weekend:
Seems that my ipad lags and random app crashes way less when running all wired connections (console, core, laptop) into a network switch and running a seperate router to handle dhcp and wireless duties. I'd like to see if a managed switch would work better. I'd like to also try out the x32-router java app from flamenco, anyone here use it? X32 Router | TwelveTone

Also setup my core to handle extra comp duties on the line inputs fed from the x32 and back again, works great! Super nice to use the two knobs in the front dedicated to handle threshold and ratio functions quickly. Might not be too cost effective for just that purpose though.

Recording 38 channels into reaper seems to work great in mavericks on a macbook pro (late 2012) - capturing those extra 6 playback channels on the core. I had some trouble getting the core to be seen by osx, but then switched the 32x32 config down to 8x8 and it picked it up right away.

Guess I gotta send in the venues console, the headphone monitor out suddenly only seems to be able to hear the LR buss, any other channel is super weak, and when pfl'ng those channels, the weak volume gets a little louder as you turn up the headphone until the knob gets to the 3'oclock position, where it actually turns the volume down all the way as you keep turning it up... Interesting...
I was able to route all the solo stuff out to the core and use it's headphone amp pretty easy though.

Per, thank you! You were right on the monitor dim! It was engaged and must have been cranked to max or something, but the dim light was not lit and the att was only set to -20. Once I engaged and disengaged the dim just one time, it came back alive. I assumed since the button was not lit, it wasn't engaged, so... Thanks!

What do you all think about the router thing and does anyone use the x32-router software?