X32 Discussion

Catching up

I've fallen behind on this thread a lot a cannot keep up with all the pages . Where are all the tutorials of the things added to the board I have been so swamped I have a lot of things still to learn . I'm not even sure how to access the added parametric 5/6 . I've searched on here and have been looking in you tube can anyone steer me in the right direction . Also one of my boards the oldest is having problems with mute groups . They won't release from the button but they work from the display screen .
Re: Catching up

I've fallen behind on this thread a lot a cannot keep up with all the pages . Where are all the tutorials of the things added to the board I have been so swamped I have a lot of things still to learn . I'm not even sure how to access the added parametric 5/6 . I've searched on here and have been looking in you tube can anyone steer me in the right direction . Also one of my boards the oldest is having problems with mute groups . They won't release from the button but they work from the display screen .

If you mean having 6 PEQ bands on the outputs but having only 4 buttons in the EQ section, look at the graphics - you press 2 buttons at a time, OR you can press the VIEW button in the EQ section and use the encoders under the screen.

There were some early reports of sticking buttons but I don't recall the fix.
Re: Catching up

I've fallen behind on this thread a lot a cannot keep up with all the pages . Where are all the tutorials of the things added to the board I have been so swamped I have a lot of things still to learn . I'm not even sure how to access the added parametric 5/6 . I've searched on here and have been looking in you tube can anyone steer me in the right direction . Also one of my boards the oldest is having problems with mute groups . They won't release from the button but they work from the display screen .

Dear Jeremy,
If you are referring to Version 2.0, there is a detailed PDF included with the BETA version of the firmware. This is downloadable from the "downloads" section of any X32 product page on BEHRINGER.com.

The 5/6 Parametric EQ is on Mix Buses only, and can be accessed by pressing both the low mid and low buttons or high and high mid buttons simultaneously:
1. Low
2. Low + Low Mid
3. Low Mid
4. High Mid
5. High + High Mid
6. High

Regarding your mute group buttons, please contact our CARE department at [email protected], 702-800-8290 in the US, or +44 1562 732290 in the UK. You can also reach out to me personally here via PM.
Re: 2.0

Friend, good night!

I'm a User, the X32 in Brazil working in the Church not only effectively upgraded to version 2.01, having no editor!
I wonder when will come the editors for this new version, and also will have some way to import the scenes ee libraries version 1.15 for this new version ...

Thank you!

Dear Jean,
As the Version 2.0 Firmware is still a Beta version, there are certainly still some things to be worked out. I do not have an exact timeline on the new versions of X32-Edit and X32-Mix, but they will follow the final version of 2.0 which we hope to have ready in the coming weeks.

Currently you cannot use your 1.15 scenes in version 2.0, however you do have the ability to downgrade back to 1.15 should you need to do so. Simply follow the same process as you did for upgrading, just make sure the 1.15 firmware is the only firmware version on your USB stick. I am checking in with our development team about a possible solution for the final version.

There have also been users that have had reported some success importing these older scenes to 2.0 by modifying the text file, though this is not without some errors and is not officially supported or recommended.
Re: 2.0

I briefly loaded 2.01 this evening to have a quick look at the new cues/scenes/snippets arrangement, which certainly looks much more convenient for theatre use. Although, from reading the release notes last week, I expected you'd be able to recall multiple snippets from one cue. For example, if you could start a show with all your cues, etc set-up, decide during the first half to tweak, say, the FX settings for certain songs, quickly save that as a snippet, and then add a recall for that snippet to the relevant existing cues. I know you could recall safe the FX, but that only helps if you want the changes to apply to every song from that point onwards.

Dear Daniel,
While you can only include a single snippet in a cue, you do have the ability to add to your snippets without loading them. So for your example, you could go to the snippet menu and highlight the snippet that is used by your cue, add the FX slots, and save. Then the next time that snippet is loaded, it would also load the FX. You would of course have to do this one at a time for each of the remaining snippets in your cue list for that show. Hope it helps!
Re: 2.0

Dear Daniel,
While you can only include a single snippet in a cue, you do have the ability to add to your snippets without loading them. So for your example, you could go to the snippet menu and highlight the snippet that is used by your cue, add the FX slots, and save. Then the next time that snippet is loaded, it would also load the FX. You would of course have to do this one at a time for each of the remaining snippets in your cue list for that show. Hope it helps!

Hi John,

Ah good thinking! Also, if a cue contains both a scene and a snippet, do you know whether the snippet takes precedence over the scene or vice versa? For example, if you have all your scenes for a show already set-up, and then decide to add a snippet to some cues to perhaps adjust the EQ for certain channels - when you then load the cue, does it load the scene first and then make any changes contained in the snippet? Presumably it does and not the other way around!
Re: 2.0

Forgive me for thread-crashing, but does anyone know of any retailers/ hire companies, preferably in Ireland, but maybe the greater UK who would be willing to get me an X32 on demo/hire? I'm strongly thinking of purchasing one but I'm having no luck in getting one. Really would like to take one out on a gig before I part with my hard earned cash!!
Re: 2.0

Forgive me for thread-crashing, but does anyone know of any retailers/ hire companies, preferably in Ireland, but maybe the greater UK who would be willing to get me an X32 on demo/hire? I'm strongly thinking of purchasing one but I'm having no luck in getting one. Really would like to take one out on a gig before I part with my hard earned cash!!

Alan Johnson sound in Tralee https://www.facebook.com/alanjohnsonsound but that's obviously a fair distance away.
Re: 2.0

Hi John,

Ah good thinking! Also, if a cue contains both a scene and a snippet, do you know whether the snippet takes precedence over the scene or vice versa? For example, if you have all your scenes for a show already set-up, and then decide to add a snippet to some cues to perhaps adjust the EQ for certain channels - when you then load the cue, does it load the scene first and then make any changes contained in the snippet? Presumably it does and not the other way around!

Dear Daniel,
You are correct that the cue will load the scene and then apply the changes specified by the snippet. Hope it helps!
Re: 2.0

Ok the new 2.0.1 firmware is very nice except for 1 things. Who decided to make the send on fader button to flash instead of a steady light..

That's got to go i can't stand the flashing light cause i use the send on faders all the time and that flashing in my eyes is a bad thing..

Fix that.. :)

Re: 2.0

Ok the new 2.0.1 firmware is very nice except for 1 things. Who decided to make the send on fader button to flash instead of a steady light..

That's got to go i can't stand the flashing light cause i use the send on faders all the time and that flashing in my eyes is a bad thing..

Fix that.. :)



Re: 2.0

Is my humour not appreciated? :razz:

An option to turn it on or off would be best I think, that way the user could set it depending on their preference.

Maybe it's just me, but flashing stuff on the board isn't that much of a problem, especially when one considers the amount of flashes coming from the lights and or audience at a concert. I do second the gaff tape solution for now, though.
Re: 2.0

sends on faders..
..touch that flashing light and i will chop off your hand. i will wager most people have altered a monitor mix thinking it was FOH and done it a lot more than once.
the flashing light is much needed. and it's no different than the flashing light for the tap delay.
i'm waiting for v2 to become final but this is one of the little fixes i am most looking forward to