X32 Discussion

Re: 2.0

Really!! Having sends on faders by mistake during a normal mix could be disastrous. I did it once and it was interesting for the performers!

I've done that, too. It's an easy mistake to make, with terrible results.

Hopefully the flashing "Sends on Fader" will help avoid that.

Eric H.
Re: 2.0

Nice feature! I'll have to recommend that to Mackie. I've come close to screwing up but so far not - got that lesson hammered into me on my last two mixers LOL.
Re: 2.0

Ok the new 2.0.1 firmware is very nice except for 1 things. Who decided to make the send on fader button to flash instead of a steady light..

That's got to go i can't stand the flashing light cause i use the send on faders all the time and that flashing in my eyes is a bad thing..

Fix that.. :)


I'm one of those who asked for it because I tended to leave it engaged and would mess things up. AFAIC it needs to stay. Maybe a preference in the setup menu?
Generally I agree with you and don't like flashing lights, but I feel it was necessary in this case. Does the flashing cue button not bother you?

Mick Berg.
Re: 2.0

Here's a question for when you have time :
The unzipped file size of 1.15 is 18,019,840 bytes but the unzipped size of the beta file 2.01 is 5,940,736 bytes , almost quarter of the size.

So my question is not what have you put in but what have you taken out ? I know you can reduce code size by refactoring and optimisation but a 75% reduction is huge . It does mean lots more space for new toys thou lol

Dear Kevin,
All firmware update files are full versions. We have not removed anything, but with V2 we are using a new file compression method that allows us to keep the file size considerably smaller, as you point out.
Price of x-Adat card

I'm sorry to ask here but I cannot find this info anywhere.
What is the price of the X-ADAT card for the X32 and is it available now?
Mick berg.
Re: Price of x-Adat card

I'm sorry to ask here but I cannot find this info anywhere.
What is the price of the X-ADAT card for the X32 and is it available now?
Mick berg.

Dear Mick,
The X-ADAT card is $299 US MAP.
Also FYI, the X-MADI card is also $299, while the X-DANTE card is $499.

The cards are not yet available but should be shipping relatively soon. We will follow up here as more information becomes available.
Re: 2.0

I too would like to see this as an optional thing. Call me weird, and I'm sure I could eventually get used to the flashing, but I preferred the solid light for Sends on Fader.

+1 vote for a preference to control this.

I ran my last show with Sends On Faders permanently on, so I had direct access to the FX sends for whatever channel was selected, so I could add and remove reverb to random vocal channels. I didn't need/use the DCA faders for anything else.

I can completely see how SOF being left on accidentally is bad, but being forced to have that light permanently flashing for the above workflow would be equally annoying.
Re: 2.0

I did not ask for it, however, I have left Sends On Faders on couple of times by mistake with horrible results. I am so pleased this now flashes to remind me I've left it on. Normally it is only on to check a few things before turning it off again.


I'm one of those who asked for it because I tended to leave it engaged and would mess things up. AFAIC it needs to stay. Maybe a preference in the setup menu?
Generally I agree with you and don't like flashing lights, but I feel it was necessary in this case. Does the flashing cue button not bother you?

Mick Berg.
Re: Price of x-Adat card

Dear Mick,
The X-ADAT card is $299 US MAP.
Also FYI, the X-MADI card is also $299, while the X-DANTE card is $499.

The cards are not yet available but should be shipping relatively soon. We will follow up here as more information becomes available.

John, is there any plan in the future to allow you to buy an X32 with the card you want already installed. Or conversely with no card installed at all and you can then buy whatever card you'd like. As things are right now i'm going to end up with Half a dozen X-USB/X-UF cards sitting on a shelf unused. Just seems like a waste.
Re: 2.0

I did not ask for it, however, I have left Sends On Faders on couple of times by mistake with horrible results. I am so pleased this now flashes to remind me I've left it on. Normally it is only on to check a few things before turning it off again.


It would be nice the put a setting in there to turn the flashing on or off that can be done in a later firmware update..

I have maby once forgot the i had it in send on fader mode but it was no big deal..

But when you running monitors on the x32 the send on fader is the way to use the desk very simple to send channels to monitors aux's

But everybody has diffrent way's there run there desk's.. :)

Re: Price of x-Adat card

I wonder when will come the editors for this new version, and also will have some way to import the scenes ee libraries version 1.15 for this new version ...

Dear All,
I can confirm that the new version of X32-Edit will be capable of converting scene files from 1.15 to 2.x.
This new version should be available with or shortly after the release of the final 2.0 firmware in the coming weeks.
There will also be a version of X32-Mix coming around the same time, which will be compatible with 2.0 but without all additional features. A later version will incorporate new features such as the RTA.

Hope you are enjoying the 2.0 Beta, and thank you as always for your support and patience!

John, is there any plan in the future to allow you to buy an X32 with the card you want already installed. Or conversely with no card installed at all and you can then buy whatever card you'd like. As things are right now i'm going to end up with Half a dozen X-USB/X-UF cards sitting on a shelf unused. Just seems like a waste.

For now all consoles will ship with X-USB cards. Thank you for your feedback, I will follow up if there are any plans to change this.
Well, that sucks...

Don't update your iPad X32 Mix if you have V2.0 load in your X32. My ipad was working with V2.0. A few things were off, but for the most part I could use the iPad to EQ my monitors on stage. But a new iPad update of X32 Mix took care of that. Now when I try to connect I get a message that says: "THIS VERSION IS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH X32 V1.X FIRMWARE". I've done three shows with 2.0 installed, and love the new features. Guess I'll have to downgrade for the weekend.
Re: Price of x-Adat card

Dear All,
I can confirm that the new version of X32-Edit will be capable of converting scene files from 1.15 to 2.x.
This new version should be available with or shortly after the release of the final 2.0 firmware in the coming weeks.
There will also be a version of X32-Mix coming around the same time, which will be compatible with 2.0 but without all additional features. A later version will incorporate new features such as the RTA.

Hope you are enjoying the 2.0 Beta, and thank you as always for your support and patience!

For now all consoles will ship with X-USB cards. Thank you for your feedback, I will follow up if there are any plans to change this.

hi John,
Will the new xedit incorporate all the new features - including the RTA- so that core (&rack) users can access the full facilities.
Btw if not passed on. With version 1 there is an issue of not being able to lock the S16 Ha from xedit in conjunction with theCore ( works ok from xedit with big x32) .. Therefore can you guys check that the new features re locking ha s and giving control of trim to two consoles where one is the core at stage ( initial control of gain setting) is fully functional - many thanks.
Re: 2.0

+1 vote for a preference to control this.

I ran my last show with Sends On Faders permanently on, so I had direct access to the FX sends for whatever channel was selected, so I could add and remove reverb to random vocal channels. I didn't need/use the DCA faders for anything else.

I can completely see how SOF being left on accidentally is bad, but being forced to have that light permanently flashing for the above workflow would be equally annoying.

I don't get why flashing/steady is the only choice? Why not make steady red color (the same LED can do it). Even my old 1998 Panasonic Ramsa WR-DA7 uses this alternating color all over the board just fine.

First, compare same sort of prices. K12s list at about $1000. You can buy KLAs for less than &2500.

The case/rigging on a KLA has to be able to support other units, so has to be substantially different and stronger. I sold some KLAs recently and they are way heavier than my K12s.

Also, how do you know the parts are almost identical?
A BMW and a KIA have the same wheel configuration and major controls (steering, turn signals, brake ) so according to you should sell for same price?

Rob, with all due respect to you as the originator of this thread and your other posts (I've read a lot of them), your analogy to BMW/Kia is a bit out of line. These two are indeed a different cars (Yugo and Aston-Martin would be even more extreme example). It's like comparing QSC with some no-name speaker of the same size and amp wattage. (By the way, most BMWs are rear-wheel drive). K vs. KLA would be BMW vs. BMW comparison.

I know a bit about electronics (both design and manufacturing, working for Apple, Inc.) I dig into all specs for these units that I could find, up to amps schematics. KLA-12 and K-12 are VERY similar even though not identical. Drivers are a bit different, amp module is slightly different, but essentially it's the same speaker. Heavier box of KLA doesn't add much to the cost, it's mostly rigging, no more complicated than car jack in your trunk.

My guess the higher price of KLA is caused by 2 factors:
1. Less number of units sold (hence the need to spread design and manufacturing costs, i.e. making of enclosure molds, etc. over less number of units)
2. Different market segments (installs vs. mobile/portable sound). Venues have more resources than poor mobile DJs, hence will pay more (just as people with money who choose our $1500 (on average) MacBooks Pro over $500-$800 Windows laptops).

My point is that mobile setup suggested by QSC (that's on display at nearly every Guitar Center, two KLA-12 on a stick over KLA-181, per side) isn't very competitive to other brands, due to price. Even K-12 over KW-181 wins hands down (less SPL, I know, but enough for most jobs). For typical mobile DJ gigs longer throw of an array is not a big deal, rooms are usually small.

Hope I won't start another heated discussion here. I love QSC, just my 2c on KLA line array pricing.

Thank you for your opinion!
Last edited:
Re: 2.0

because a flashing light is a more obvious indicator.
the majority of these consoles are used live FOH with no monitor engineer - of course certain individuals are making more advanced use of the consoles but this is primarily a pro/am console and that means one guy. that one guy will usually set monitors at sound check and tweek only if he gets an indication there is a problem to fix. he/she spends the vast majority of the show mixing it with the main mix showing - which is why most of us have been there, inadvertently leaving sends on fader on after a tweek of reverb or monitors, and most of us have had red faces when we realise we are mixing monitors by mistake. the default SHOULD be flashing to help the majority case, with a possibility perhaps of disabling it for the advanced minority.
Because this console is so good, i think some users forget that it's a mass market console and that really means one guy on FOH, with set and almost forget monitors.
this isn't a flashing light aimed at ticking you the advanced individual off, it's a warning light aimed at helping the other 31,000 or more every day users, many of whom are weekend warriors. it would be lovely if a disable was available in a future firmware update but meantime lets stick with sanity - the light is flashing because the majority need it to be.
Re: 2.0

Got nothing against flashing Solo buttons. Those are never intended to be left on permanently. Still maintain that flashing SOF will be annoying for some workflows.

For the relatively small number of users who will use the X32 as a dedicated monitor console, perhaps. For the Houses of Worship, installations in nightclubs and multi-purpose venues, etc I think the flashing status light is important.

Funny but nobody complains about the flashing status lights on Midas, Avid VENUE series or Digico... Oh, wait, most of the JV never touches those. IOW, other users seem to have bigger fish to fry... /snark
Re: Price of x-Adat card

Dear Mick,
The X-ADAT card is $299 US MAP.
Also FYI, the X-MADI card is also $299, while the X-DANTE card is $499.

The cards are not yet available but should be shipping relatively soon. We will follow up here as more information becomes available.

Thanks John.

Is this a matter of weeks or months?

Mick Berg.