X32 Discussion

Re: 2.0

It would be nice the put a setting in there to turn the flashing on or off that can be done in a later firmware update.

Personally, it doesn't need to change to a flashing LED for me, even though I've made the mistake of accidentally mixing foldback instead of front of house. However, I am also not bothered about changing it to flashing either.

It seems to me that Behringer now has two choices in v2.0 Beta - modify the config screen so that you can switch it to the mode of your choosing or leave it flashing. I'd like to add a third choice:

When you hit the Sends on Faders button, it illuminates steady. BUT, when you move a fader, it flashes to tell you, "You're moving a fader and I just wanted to remind you that Sends on Faders is switched on!"

Am I a genius or what? Erm, perhaps not. :)

Edit: I'm not bothered if they implement the third option either.
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Re: 2.0

Dear John, thanks for the reply, I did change the text file in the test scene file and the base libraries also have worked, (of course it would be nice if at least the editor was a way to convert it to the correct version) now what I think would be interesting is if this version could carry through the User section, precionando a button and load a snippes or cue directly on the button, that would be cool, and no advantage would like to know if you already have a prediction to leave publishers, and also Monitor version for Android?
Re: X32 Discussion

I installed the latest X32 Mix app on my iPad yesterday and found something a little disconcerting. If you set the lo cut on the config/preamp tab and then move to the EQ tab it shuts off the lo cut and resets it to 20Hz. Also, if on the EQ tab you set the lo cut and then move to any of the other filters, it does the same thing. I've contacted Behringer tech support and am awaiting a reply. In the interim, is there a way to revert back to the previous version of the app?
Re: X32 Discussion

I installed the latest X32 Mix app on my iPad yesterday and found something a little disconcerting. If you set the lo cut on the config/preamp tab and then move to the EQ tab it shuts off the lo cut and resets it to 20Hz. Also, if on the EQ tab you set the lo cut and then move to any of the other filters, it does the same thing. I've contacted Behringer tech support and am awaiting a reply. In the interim, is there a way to revert back to the previous version of the app?
This only happens in demo mode and not when connected to the mixer.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hello All,

Does anybody know the maximum recommended length of cat5e that you can use between X32 & S16?

Also, does anybody know where I could buy a [FONT=proxima-nova, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Klark Teknik DN9610 in the UK?

Re: X32 Discussion

Thanks Bob,
I havre a show coming up using another company's rig, apart from console, they say the multicore run will be 150m so i should be ok.
I was thinking of using a DN9610 to boost the signal at one end, do you know whether this would be better or no use?

Many thanks, John
Re: X32 Discussion

IIRC it's 100 meters. I believe the specification is in the manual. Joe Sanborn has addressed this in a couple of his posts here, too.

+1 to this. It is limited to 100m. However you CAN use the repeater between a 100m and a 50m length of CAT5e to extend it to 150 meters. The repeater should be brand agnostic IIRC; it'll repeat AES50 from either Midas/Klark Teknik or Behringer.
Re: X32 Discussion

Thanks Bob,
I havre a show coming up using another company's rig, apart from console, they say the multicore run will be 150m so i should be ok.
I was thinking of using a DN9610 to boost the signal at one end, do you know whether this would be better or no use?

Many thanks, John

If you plan to run 150m, you need to put the DN9610 somewhere in the middle so neither end exceeds 100m
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi All,

First time poster. Irish user of the X32 and Producer.

I've just upgraded my full X32 to the 2.0 and tbh I love the RTA the most. A few things that I could not see mentioned in the tread. The safe power down feature, Is it gone?
Also I seen mentioned about not upgrading the ipad app. I've a rather important FOH show the weekend and having the ipad would be handy. Any issues with it?

Also, again important show the weekend, any one got a bugs for v2.0 or will I have a bug free show or downgrade back to v1.5?

Also to chip in on the flashing SOF, for me I prefer it. Many a time I've moved faders thinking I was doing IEMS only to be moving FOH and vice versa.
Unresponsive EQ Mode button at times

Is anyone else having issues where the Mode button in the EQ section of the desk doesn't respond consistently to pushing it? Sometimes it changes the function normally, other times, I have to push is several times before it does anything. Just gets frustrating when I want to make a change. It's not a sticky button, just not responsive. I don't "really" want to send the desk in for this, but perhaps I don't have a choice if it is really an issue with the desk. Temp and conditions don't seem to matter, as it does it very frequently.

Re: Unresponsive EQ Mode button at times

Is anyone else having issues where the Mode button in the EQ section of the desk doesn't respond consistently to pushing it? Sometimes it changes the function normally, other times, I have to push is several times before it does anything. Just gets frustrating when I want to make a change. It's not a sticky button, just not responsive. I don't "really" want to send the desk in for this, but perhaps I don't have a choice if it is really an issue with the desk. Temp and conditions don't seem to matter, as it does it very frequently.

it sounds like you have a mechanical faliure with that push button...