X32 Discussion

Re: Gamechanger

Have a question and a future firmware suggestion...

?, I have an x32. Built a scene for it and wonder if I can load that scene into an x32 Rack, with an S16 connected, and have it work. I understand that I'd have to repatch the inputs (x32 has 32 physical xlr's, the x32 rack only has 16) but other than that could i load the scene right into the rack and have it work?

Future firmware suggestion...

Been doing some work with a Venue SC48. It has a very cool feature they call "Spill". Essentially, if I assign a bunch of input channels to a Group or DCA channel, I can double click the Grop or DCA channels select button and all of the input channels assigned to that group or DCA will be "Spilled" on the input faders on the left side of the console.

For example, I might take 8 inputs channels with a drum kit on them, assign them to a group channel. Now, if I double click the group channel's select button, just the drum input channels will be "Spilled" onto the 16 input chan faders on the left. This is brilliant for cases where a Grop or DCA controls multiple inputs that are on different input layers. It's different from sends on faders in that when you "Spill" a Group, DCA or Aux send onto the left hand faders ONLY the input channels that are assigned to that Group, DCA etc.... are shown on the left hand faders.
Re: Gamechanger

Have a question and a future firmware suggestion...

?, I have an x32. Built a scene for it and wonder if I can load that scene into an x32 Rack, with an S16 connected, and have it work. I understand that I'd have to repatch the inputs (x32 has 32 physical xlr's, the x32 rack only has 16) but other than that could i load the scene right into the rack and have it work?

Yes, it will work.
Re: File backup...

Why do I not need libraries anymore ?
It's a work in progress... shows differ, and as long as we can not move channels by drag and drop on a touchscrenen, at least I want to be able to paste whole channels into order from the library...

Rant :
The real game changer seems to me that basic stuff is promised for later...

I knew that question would come, but was too lazy to qualify my statement. When you have a show finalized, and you are not using new presets, then you don't need them.

As for promised for later; Yes, there are obvious omissions and quirks that have taken a long time of nagging to get rectified. The game changer is that it is actually happening, and not only based on a single guru's preferences, but as per popular request.

Channel reordering will not be in it...

You asked about it three days ago, it takes a bit longer than that :razz:
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Re: Gamechanger

?, I have an x32. Built a scene for it and wonder if I can load that scene into an x32 Rack, with an S16 connected, and have it work. I understand that I'd have to repatch the inputs (x32 has 32 physical xlr's, the x32 rack only has 16) but other than that could i load the scene right into the rack and have it work?

Yes, it'll work fine. I did it last Friday while helping a friend setup his X32 Rack. Took a Scene that was saved from our X32, and loaded it into his X32 rack. Played back a multi-track recording from Reaper as a virtual soundcheck, too.

Although the X32 Rack only has 16 physical inputs, logically it has 32. If I remember correctly, 17-32 by default are configured to be sourced from AES.

Eric H.

Am I the only one that doesn't actually WANT a touch screen?

Oh no, you aren't alone. While touch screens have their place, I'm still a huge fan of discrete, physical controls. One of the few times I wanted to chuck a chair across the room was that idiotic Cadillac commercial talking about bringing the "advances" or whatever inane adjectives they used of a touchscreen to a car - how flipping stupid do you have to be? With physical buttons and knobs I can develop muscle memory and adjust things without, call me crazy, taking my eyes off the road! At first I didn't think I would like the screen being non-touchscreen, but after playing with the buttons and knobs on the X32 and getting used to the flow of the UI there is no way you could be as fast and accurate with a touch screen instead.

Plus they can pack way more on the screen - the UI elements right now are not ideal (to put it nicely) for touchscreen use.

just because you can doesn't mean you should and all that...
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Re: X32 Discussion

Of course, implementing custom layers have nothing to do with processing capacity, that is more a question of housekeeping and also having the memory resources to implement.

That would be my first wish, custom channel layers, before external monitor hookup. Like on my gig yesterday I had a singer with backing track from iPod, obviously coming via AUX 5 and 6. It would be nice to have her mic and auxes on the same layer, instead of flipping between layers. (I got around by using Android Mixing Station app to control AUX 5-6 faders while keeping X32 at Layer 1-16 with all vocal mics.)
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Oh no, you aren't alone. While touch screens have their place, I'm still a huge fan of discrete, physical controls. One of the few times I wanted to chuck a chair across the room was that idiotic Cadillac commercial talking about bringing the "advances" or whatever inane adjectives they used of a touchscreen to a car - how flipping stupid do you have to be? With physical buttons and knobs I can develop muscle memory and adjust things without, call me crazy, taking my eyes off the road! At first I didn't think I would like the screen being non-touchscreen, but after playing with the buttons and knobs on the X32 and getting used to the flow of the UI there is no way you could be as fast and accurate with a touch screen instead.

Plus they can pack way more on the screen - the UI elements right now are not ideal (to put it nicely) for touchscreen use.

just because you can doesn't mean you should and all that...

+1 on that. I am for scroll mouse and keyboard rather than a touch screen. A-la AVID Venue and kind of how we do with X-Edit on a laptop now, click on parameter and move the mouse or spin its wheel. But it would be a lot nicer to be able to hook up mouse and keyboard directly to X32, like on MIDAS Pro desks.

You are right about cars too, too much of a touch screen and touch surface controls in the cars is plain stupid and just not safe while driving! My Acura has touch-screen navigation, but most important controls are hard buttons separate from touch screen (zoom in/out, map, menu, cancel, etc.), right below big round radio volume/on-off knob. You can reach to them without taking eyes off road.
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Re: X32 Discussion

That would be my first wish, custom channel layers, before external monitor hookup. Like on my gig yesterday I had a singer with backing track from iPod, obviously coming via AUX 5 and 6. It would be nice to have her mic and auxes on the same layer, instead of flipping between layers. (I got around by using Android Mixing Station app to control AUX 5-6 faders while keeping X32 at Layer 1-16 with all vocal mics.)
But you have three options here to stay in the same layer.
x DCA's
x Subgroups
x Reassigned channels

Since you can reassign your inputs to any fader you don't need to flip to the aux-layer for this kind of task...

i'm not saying that custom layer shouldn't exist but, for a simple music player there are lots of options...
Re: X32 Discussion

But you have three options here to stay in the same layer.
x DCA's
x Subgroups
x Reassigned channels

Since you can reassign your inputs to any fader you don't need to flip to the aux-layer for this kind of task...

i'm not saying that custom layer shouldn't exist but, for a simple music player there are lots of options...

Thanks for a note, Robert. I've thought about all this, it's great that we have so much of a flexibility in X32. It was a simple show indeed (I used 9 stage inputs total), and opted for phone app mostly to show a customer how cool it is. But still custom layers a-la MIDAS Pro would be better.
Re: X32 Discussion

Thanks for a note, Robert. I've thought about all this, it's great that we have so much of a flexibility in X32. It was a simple show indeed (I used 9 stage inputs total), and opted for phone app mostly to show a customer how cool it is. But still custom layers a-la MIDAS Pro would be better.
You could have had the aux player reassigned to a different fader at the same time you controlled it remotly with your phone. One configuration doesn't rule out the other. That's even cooler!

If someone showed me a nine input setup on a spaceship like the x32 where I had to use the phone or flipping layers to control the aux player I'd be less impressed. Just saying.....

Show me some dca's and I'd be drooling!
Re: X32 Discussion

PLUS - using the assignable encoder - one is enough if the AUX-channels are linked.

Have never thought of that, and of course setting the other buttons of a set to perform stop, start, mute etc. Now, if I could use an encoder to select track and have the track name in the LCD :D~:-D~:grin:
Re: Gamechanger

Have a question and a future firmware suggestion...

?, I have an x32. Built a scene for it and wonder if I can load that scene into an x32 Rack, with an S16 connected, and have it work. I understand that I'd have to repatch the inputs (x32 has 32 physical xlr's, the x32 rack only has 16) but other than that could i load the scene right into the rack and have it work?

Future firmware suggestion...

Been doing some work with a Venue SC48. It has a very cool feature they call "Spill". Essentially, if I assign a bunch of input channels to a Group or DCA channel, I can double click the Grop or DCA channels select button and all of the input channels assigned to that group or DCA will be "Spilled" on the input faders on the left side of the console.

For example, I might take 8 inputs channels with a drum kit on them, assign them to a group channel. Now, if I double click the group channel's select button, just the drum input channels will be "Spilled" onto the 16 input chan faders on the left. This is brilliant for cases where a Grop or DCA controls multiple inputs that are on different input layers. It's different from sends on faders in that when you "Spill" a Group, DCA or Aux send onto the left hand faders ONLY the input channels that are assigned to that Group, DCA etc.... are shown on the left hand faders.

That is what Midas calls Population or "POP" groups. It is a feature found on all of their Pro Series desks.
X32 v2 RTA

OK, a bit of an ungrateful Devil's Advocate post, this one, but here goes...

I just installed the v2 software on my X32 for the first time, and had a play with the RTA (having not really read much about it, other than that there was one) and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed.

I guess was expecting some kind of mini-SMAART, with features to assist with room tuning, but it doesn't have dual-channel functionality or any kind of comparison and analysis tools. In reality, it's just a fancy single-channel FFT display. It doesn't even have any options for frequency resolution or slower time averaging, at least not that I've found. OK, it might be useful for visualizing the content of various sources, with a view to blending stuff together musically, or for finding feedback frequencies, but that's about all.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expect the equivalent of a $900 piece of software to come for free, but obviously if I thought I could stop saving up that money, I can think again...

Also, a bug, or at least a missing feature... surely with Auto Gain enabled on the RTA, the dB scale on the left should slide down as it gains up? I didn't notice there even was an Auto Gain at first, and I couldn't understand why the spectrum kept coming up across the full range as soon as I stopped making a noise.
Re: X32 v2 RTA

OK, a bit of an ungrateful Devil's Advocate post, this one, but here goes...

I just installed the v2 software on my X32 for the first time, and had a play with the RTA (having not really read much about it, other than that there was one) and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed.

I guess was expecting some kind of mini-SMAART, with features to assist with room tuning, but it doesn't have dual-channel functionality or any kind of comparison and analysis tools. In reality, it's just a fancy single-channel FFT display. It doesn't even have any options for frequency resolution or slower time averaging, at least not that I've found. OK, it might be useful for visualizing the content of various sources, with a view to blending stuff together musically, or for finding feedback frequencies, but that's about all.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expect the equivalent of a $900 piece of software to come for free, but obviously if I thought I could stop saving up that money, I can think again...

Also, a bug, or at least a missing feature... surely with Auto Gain enabled on the RTA, the dB scale on the left should slide down as it gains up? I didn't notice there even was an Auto Gain at first, and I couldn't understand why the spectrum kept coming up across the full range as soon as I stopped making a noise.

Well for $600 you could buy Smaart DI!! ;) Or for even less, you can buy Studio Six Digital's apps.

Seriously. This.

Yes, Simon, you should think again. Although you correctly point out that it would be unreasonable "to expect the equivalent of a $900 piece of software to come for free", you are coming across as unreasonable by being disappointed that it didn't come for free.

I think that having it be "useful for visualizing the content of various sources, with a view to blending stuff together musically, or for finding feedback frequencies" is really quite useful, and the fact that it doesn't do something else that is unreasonable to expect it to do is, in fact, just fine.

Interesting point about the auto gain. That does seem like a bug, as the point should be to give a magnitude indication; a non-changing scale makes that quite a bit less useful.

I generally don't like auto-gain features, but will reserve expressing an opinion until experiencing it. Thanks for pointing it out.

Re: X32 v2 RTA

So help me out. When I call up a channel eq with the RTA does the graphic reflect eq changes I make?

Currently mixing monitors on one. You can view it pre or post eq. It is always post hpf.

Re RTA resolution etc. For a free upgrade? Its fine.
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