X32 Discussion

Re: Multiple in-line FX on a single channel

There's a bit in my upcoming theatre production where a single character's mic needs some crazy vocal processing patching in for a few lines, interspersed with regular behaviour.


If you have free channels - then route the mic into two or more channels - use first for "normal" voice and add the others as needed with special effects and routing. Use mute-group or programmable controls to your taste.

Re: Multiple in-line FX on a single channel

Record it and play back as an FX cue.

I don't think the director will go for that. It's supposed to be a hallucination type thing for another character.

setup a mute grp for those three fx and mute the mix busses (say 13-15) till you need it and then unmute.

If you have free channels - then route the mic into two or more channels - use first for "normal" voice and add the others as needed with special effects and routing. Use mute-group or programmable controls to your taste.

Those are good solutions to FX in parallel, but my question was really asking for ways of doing them in *series*, such that (say) the bounce-delayed, reverb-ed sound was still pitch-shifted.
Re: Multiple in-line FX on a single channel

Save as different scenes? Or do you really want to apply them all in series at one time?

I've never really set up anything like this before, so I was assuming that I needed to apply them all in series at the same time, so that the delayed version was also thickened, and the original and delayed results of that were both reverbed, etc., but maybe that's overkill and I should just push up Sends 13-15 all together and be done with it.
Re: X32 Warranty Warning

Similar to car breaks and tires, components’ life cycles very much depend on the customer usage.

Once out of warranty, presumably there isn't a problem with (competent) techs opening up their X32s in order to effect repairs? Is there an intention to make the spare parts that fall out of warranty after one year like faders available to the public?

On the subject of Digico, I regularly see their consoles passing through my venues on tours. In the majority of cases, there's a main desk and a spare. That doesn't seem to happen with other makes...
Re: Multiple in-line FX on a single channel

I've never really set up anything like this before, so I was assuming that I needed to apply them all in series at the same time, so that the delayed version was also thickened, and the original and delayed results of that were both reverbed, etc., but maybe that's overkill and I should just push up Sends 13-15 all together and be done with it.

You could still do it in series - you can route the first FX return to a free input channel, and then send that to a bus with another FX applied (or put it as an insert on that channel). As suggested, maybe save that as a separate scene so you can free up the extra channels and FX used after you're finished with that section of the show.
Re: X32 Warranty Warning

Once out of warranty, presumably there isn't a problem with (competent) techs opening up their X32s in order to effect repairs? Is there an intention to make the spare parts that fall out of warranty after one year like faders available to the public?

Motorized faders are currently sold in packs of 5, with a MAP of US$99.99. If they are available, which they are currently not.

"X32 Motor Fader"
Re: X32 Warranty Warning

Dear All,
As Dan has pointed out, X32 Motor Faders are available for purchase. While Starin (in the US) appears to be out of stock, you can also get this part as well as others directly from our CARE facility. You can contact them at 1-702-800-8290 (US) or +44 1562 732290 (UK) or by email at [email protected]. Hope it helps!
Re: X32 Warranty Warning

Dear All,
As Dan has pointed out, X32 Motor Faders are available for purchase. While Starin (in the US) appears to be out of stock, you can also get this part as well as others directly from our CARE facility. You can contact them at 1-702-800-8290 (US) or +44 1562 732290 (UK) or by email at [email protected]. Hope it helps!
John, Thanks - Question. Are we able to (or will we be able to) get other parts for field repair also? Power supplies, input or output modules etc? Some of us have advanced field experience in repair of devices like this and waiting 6-10 days to get a board back simply isn't an option.
X32Rack Backup

Question: I want to have a backup for X32 in a failure situation. If I bought an x32rack to use in place of an S16 is there a way to auto sync the two so that the info in one is available in the other? Can I backup an x32 and restore to a rack?
Re: X32Rack Backup

Question: I want to have a backup for X32 in a failure situation. If I bought an x32rack to use in place of an S16 is there a way to auto sync the two so that the info in one is available in the other? Can I backup an x32 and restore to a rack?

No, not in real time via a direct connection and I'm not aware of any Lounge-level console that will do so. It's likely possible to use X32 Edit to save the show to laptop, and if you lose the X32, connect the Rack to the laptop and sync the Rack to the laptop.

You can (and should) routinely save your show file to USB stick. If you have to swap mixers you'll have a "today" file, perhaps even a "10 minutes ago" file.

But contemporaneous, synched mixers? No.

What are you using now, and does it do this?
Re: X32Rack Backup

Question: I want to have a backup for X32 in a failure situation. If I bought an x32rack to use in place of an S16 is there a way to auto sync the two so that the info in one is available in the other? Can I backup an x32 and restore to a rack?

What Tim wrote, but I have a couple of additions.

When using the Rack as an input module for the X32 Big Boy, the routings will be different when you swap over to mixing duty. This means that you will need to perform some routing changes after you have loaded the show into the Rack. You can perform some routing on the BigBoy that will be for the sole purpose of an easier transfer to the Rack, but expect to make some routing changes after loading the first scene and then safe those routings to prevent them getting changed back to the BigBoy's routing when changing scenes.
I have a couple of tricks in store for the very purpose of having a completely transferrable show, but I want to verify it for version 2 of the firmware and write it up for the Behringer Wiki before going into details.
Re: X32Rack Backup

Question: I want to have a backup for X32 in a failure situation. If I bought an x32rack to use in place of an S16 is there a way to auto sync the two so that the info in one is available in the other? Can I backup an x32 and restore to a rack?
There is a guys who wrote a program that mirrors one x32 to another. As per said you need to fix the routing if you are using local i/o. If you use the s16 you shouldnt need to change anything... The program might not be compatible with v2 depending on how it mirrors the data atream.
Re: X32Rack Backup

There is a guys who wrote a program that mirrors one x32 to another. As per said you need to fix the routing if you are using local i/o. If you use the s16 you shouldnt need to change anything... The program might not be compatible with v2 depending on how it mirrors the data atream.

Resources - Skylight Sound

Last time I checked it didn't sync everything, but it is worth a try.
Re: X32Rack crashing my MacBook.

Just received an X32 Rack equipped with USB card. I record from my X32 via FW to the MacBook all the time. When I plug the Rack USB cable in it crashes my MacBook. Is there any known reason and how should I proceed?
Re: X32Rack crashing my MacBook.

Just received an X32 Rack equipped with USB card. I record from my X32 via FW to the MacBook all the time. When I plug the Rack USB cable in it crashes my MacBook. Is there any known reason and how should I proceed?
There is a separate firmware update for the x-usb card that addresses a compatibility issue with some mac's. Check the download site and make sure that you don't download the wrong update (there is one for the x-uf as well).