X32 Discussion

Re: V2 final

First post!
Seems like lots of confusion about when x-edit and the ipad app are coming.... even from Behringer themselves.

This was posted TODAY by Behringer as a comment to the "Two Point Ohhh is Final" announcement on their Facebook page.

".... we estimate around 4 weeks for the EDIT but the fully functional iPad app will take several more months. These are not trivial developments and require also much testing. This is something very common among all manufacturers..."

Can Jan or Joe chime in on this? Will there at least be a version of EDIT released that will communicate with 2.0? If its really going to be several months before we have any kind of serious remote control or offline editing, whats the point? Sounds to me like someone got an itchy trigger finger to release the firmware.
Re: V2 final

Can Jan or Joe chime in on this? Will there at least be a version of EDIT released that will communicate with 2.0? If its really going to be several months before we have any kind of serious remote control or offline editing, whats the point? Sounds to me like someone got an itchy trigger finger to release the firmware.

Agreed. Without a fully functional app and PC edit, updating to 2.02 is pointless for me
Re: V2 final

Can Jan or Joe chime in on this? Will there at least be a version of EDIT released that will communicate with 2.0? If its really going to be several months before we have any kind of serious remote control or offline editing, whats the point? Sounds to me like someone got an itchy trigger finger to release the firmware.
As far as they've said on the seminars there will be a v2-compatible app for the iPad and it was (hopefully) released to apple yesterday. This will enable remote control of a show from your iPad.

However it won't be fully compatible in the sense that e.g. the rta is missing from the app so you need to look at the actual console. The fully compatible app with rta will take some time to implement and this is what they mean with 'fully functional'.
Re: V2 final

As far as they've said on the seminars there will be a v2-compatible app for the iPad and it was (hopefully) released to apple yesterday. This will enable remote control of a show from your iPad.

However it won't be fully compatible in the sense that e.g. the rta is missing from the app so you need to look at the actual console. The fully compatible app with rta will take some time to implement and this is what they mean with 'fully functional'.

This is completely acceptable to me.

As long as the app doesn't crash and it has the features we already know and love, I'm fine with that.

I don't use the -Edit, and so don't have an opinion about that.

Thanks for this news, Robert. What seminars are you referring to?
Re: V2 final

Well if they have a fully functional xedit within 4 weeks (I.e with RTA) that would be great.
Btw the mix station android app is v2 compatible & can now have 16ch layers.
Current xedit will sort of work with v2 just don't do the initial sync but load a scene ( though you cannot access the console scenes from xedit due to snippet screen & other new functions eg expander not accessible)
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Re: V2 final

I will check android, ipad and X32 edit on Imac tonight.

I couldn't connect X32 Edit at all, it wouldn't load from the console or from the Imac. However I was able to connect my android. I didn't have my wifes Ipad yesterday but i will check it tonight.
I use Edit all the time so after i do some more testing I will have to go back to 1.15 if Edit wont work.
Re: V2 final

I couldn't connect X32 Edit at all, it wouldn't load from the console or from the Imac. However I was able to connect my android. I didn't have my wifes Ipad yesterday but i will check it tonight.
I use Edit all the time so after i do some more testing I will have to go back to 1.15 if Edit wont work.

you can connect xedit - simply when asks you to sync console to pc etc click cancel and then load a scene to sync them. However, limited - new features not editable and "console" scenes not available - probably other quirks.
Apparently the iPad will not connect. The android one has been updated for v2 and enhanced - have you installed the latest beta version ?
Re: V2 final

you can connect xedit - simply when asks you to sync console to pc etc click cancel and then load a scene to sync them. However, limited - new features not editable and "console" scenes not available - probably other quirks.
Apparently the iPad will not connect. The android one has been updated for v2 and enhanced - have you installed the latest beta version ?

I need XEdit to program the console offline before walking in to a theatre. Unless it has the full capabilities, 2.0 is useless to me.
Re: V2 final

Well if they have a fully functional xedit within 4 weeks (I.e with RTA) that would be great.
Btw the mix station android app is v2 compatible & can now have 16ch layers.
Current xedit will sort of work with v2 just don't do the initial sync but load a scene ( though you cannot access the console scenes from xedit due to snippet screen & other new functions eg expander not accessible)

Honestly I don't think that xedit really HAS to have the RTA, but it'd be really useful. I use the editing software more for offline stuff than anything, but that's a personal bias which others don't share.
Re: V2 final

I actually don't use X-edit that much. So while i think it's too bad they didn't release the newer versions all at once i am ok with it. Updated the X32 today and everything seems to be fine. And i am really happy it imported the show files from V1.15. Tomorrow my first show with the new firmware.

What is by the 480L emulation called? Couldn't find in the quick overview i had.

Cheers and thanks,
Re: V2 final

Dear All,
Our intention was to release the X32-Mix app along with the final Version 2.0 firmware. In order to do so we submitted the new app version to Apple early, so that it would be approved this week. It turned out that the final Version 2.02 firmware was completed after this submission, so we need time to test the app with the final version. This testing will soon be complete and the app should be available to download in the coming days, if all goes as expected. As we have previously stated, this app will be compatible with the new firmware, but the major new features like the RTA will be implemented in a later release.

Regarding X32-Edit, this should be available in a few weeks. Like X32-Mix, this version will be compatible with Version 2.0, but some of the new features will come in a later release.

X32-Q's current version remains compatible with the new firmware.

Please remember that these are not trivial developments and require much testing. This is something very common among all manufacturers. On the other hand, all our software improvements are free and there will be many more to come.

Thank you for your patience and continued support!
Re: V2 final

Please remember that these are not trivial developments and require much testing. This is something very common among all manufacturers. On the other hand, all our software improvements are free and there will be many more to come.

Thank you for your patience and continued support!
Thanks John - Just kids in the candy store. You know, never had one before but now that we do it has to be better and we want it now. Thanks for keeping this update free, I don't see that much anymore.
Re: V2 final

VEQ vs PEQ: Trying to find some info. They seem the same. Both have the same adjustments so whats the diff? PS - VERY HAPPY to see a 6 band PEQ available on the main LR channel now in 2.0

Search the archives. First return gives a post on p. 60 where it's described; I'm pretty sure that in October or November 2012 there were pics posted. VEQ has some little bumps on the edge of the bell that go opposite to the way the bell goes. V is Vintage, and is supposed to sound like British EQ.
Re: V2 final

VEQ vs PEQ: Trying to find some info. They seem the same. Both have the same adjustments so whats the diff? PS - VERY HAPPY to see a 6 band PEQ available on the main LR channel now in 2.0

The filter skirts (among other things) are different, and will have a different effect on the tonality of the filter. The VEQ is modeled after a "vintage British console EQ", which means 1978 Soundcraft 800B (or a different one, I just made that up.. ;) )

Don't listen with your eyes. Put pink noise to 2 channels, set the gains the same (verify over headphones), then use the same numeric EQ settings on both channels but on 1 channel use the VEQ and on the other use PEQ. Solo back and forth over headphones to hear some of the differences. Now do the same with music, and it helps if you have some raw tracks - male & female vox, drums, bass guitar, etc - to use for evaluation.