X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

Hi folks. I just loaded Version 2.02 to my X32 this morning and I would like two basic questions answered:

1. Is there a new User Guide that covers Version 2 or at least a supplement to the original User Guide that explains in detail all of the Version 2 changes?
2. On some forum threads I have read that you can somehow get 1.15 scenes loaded into a 2.02 system and in some I have read that you can't. I have 1.15 scenes saved on a thumb drive. If need be I can go back to 1.15 and get them loaded but I'd really like to get them loaded into 2.02. Is there any way to do that? I would really like the definitive answer.

Thanks all ................. Rob

1. No, just the release note.
2. Scene conversion from 1.1x to v2
Re: X32 Discussion

All of that is from 2 weeks ago when 2.01 Beta wouldn't load scenes from 1.15.

Now that 2.02 Final (or whatever it is when it isn't Beta) is out, all my 1.15 scenes loaded in just fine, and I assume they do so for everyone. So maybe there's no need for a conversion program anymore?

I'll admit that I'm confused about the Home screen for the View Scenes button; I don't get what's going on in there, but tabbing once to the right gets you to Scenes, which seems to be the same as 1.15 except for the addition of the 00 scene. I also thought in 1.15 there was an indicator somewhere of what Scene you were in other than the yellow orange bar, but I can't find it in 2.02.

Presumably that Home screen business will sink in (Cues are larger than Scenes?) and it will be a lot cooler than 1.15.

I should mention that although most of iPad v2.1.2 works fine with 2.02, the Scenes screen of course doesn't work at all, since there is a ton of new stuff in there on the console that is not translatable to iPad 2.1.2.
Re: X32 Discussion

Dear all,

Allow me to chime in.

When we launched the X32 around 2 years ago, we stated that the X32 would be a journey - a long term journey of continuous innovation and improvements. Since then we have launched major firmware upgrades – all free of charge. This dedication will remain and in fact there is much more to come as the X32 is built on a modern and powerful technology platform.

The Dante, Madi and ADAT network cards will be in stores very soon and the upcoming X TOUCH controller will seamlessly integrate and further expand the functionality of all X32 models. More is planned in particular with the new Acoustic Integration feature in the 2.0 firmware which allows for seamless digital networking in conjunction with the new TURBOSOUND speakers.

We are very honored and humbled to have just received two more major Awards for “Mixer of the Year” and having sold more than 100,000 units, we like to take the opportunity to thank all customers for their immense support.

Over the past two years we have been carefully listening to the forum community here and many of the requested features made it into the 2.0 firmware. Please continue to share with us your feature requests as these are very valuable. Thank you.

Warm regards

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Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Uli & thanks for listening,

I would dearly love to be able to route channel outputs POST fader to the recording card - so I can record eq, compression & use effects etc. That would allow us to capture any magic created, rather than having to try and recreate it later (usually an impossible task)


Dear all,

Allow me to chime in.

When we launched the X32 around 2 years ago, we stated that the X32 would be a journey - a long term journey of continuous innovation and improvements. Since then we have launched major firmware upgrades – all free of charge. This dedication will remain and in fact there is much more to come as the X32 is built on a modern and powerful technology platform.

The Dante, Madi and ADAT network cards will be in stores very soon and the upcoming X TOUCH controller will seamlessly integrate and further expand the functionality of all X32 models. More is planned in particular with the new Acoustic Integration feature in the 2.0 firmware which allows for seamless digital networking in conjunction with the new TURBOSOUND speakers.

We are very honored and humbled to have just received two more major Awards for “Mixer of the Year” and having sold more than 100,000 units, we like to take the opportunity to thank all customers for their immense support.

Over the past two years we have been carefully listening to the forum community here and many of the requested features made it into the 2.0 firmware. Please continue to share with us your feature requests as these are very valuable. Thank you.

Warm regards

Re: X32 Discussion

All of that is from 2 weeks ago when 2.01 Beta wouldn't load scenes from 1.15.

Now that 2.02 Final (or whatever it is when it isn't Beta) is out, all my 1.15 scenes loaded in just fine, and I assume they do so for everyone. So maybe there's no need for a conversion program anymore?

I'll admit that I'm confused about the Home screen for the View Scenes button; I don't get what's going on in there, but tabbing once to the right gets you to Scenes, which seems to be the same as 1.15 except for the addition of the 00 scene. I also thought in 1.15 there was an indicator somewhere of what Scene you were in other than the yellow orange bar, but I can't find it in 2.02.

Presumably that Home screen business will sink in (Cues are larger than Scenes?) and it will be a lot cooler than 1.15.

I should mention that although most of iPad v2.1.2 works fine with 2.02, the Scenes screen of course doesn't work at all, since there is a ton of new stuff in there on the console that is not translatable to iPad 2.1.2.

re home screen for scenes - you can change the screen that is displayed on pressing view in the setup preferences on the global tab.
see they knew you would moan about it!
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Uli & thanks for listening,

I would dearly love to be able to route channel outputs POST fader to the recording card - so I can record eq, compression & use effects etc. That would allow us to capture any magic created, rather than having to try and recreate it later (usually an impossible task)

Not the usual way of recording! But you can do this via the P16 outs ( though not for all 32) plus if want send & return effects recorded you would need to do these separately.
Where I would like a tap is pre input delay
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi Nick,

Yeah - great isn't it!

Thanks for the reply however that's a pain in the butt - particularly as we are using the P16s for monitoring duties! Hope I don't get a swag of replies saying 'you cant record like that' as I did last time I asked!


Not the usual way of recording! But you can do this via the P16 outs ( though not for all 32) plus if want send & return effects recorded you would need to do these separately.
Where I would like a tap is pre input delay
Re: X32 Discussion

re home screen for scenes - you can change the screen that is displayed on pressing view in the setup preferences on the global tab.
see they knew you would moan about it!

Thanks, Nick; I'll try it, but will first try to wrap my head about what's going on so as to know that it should be changed. Or not.

Thanks again, though. It's nice to know there's an option, as well as to know that the preferences are different now, too.
Re: X32 Discussion

Which you have when recording, but not for sends unfortunately for those who do in-ear on the same console as the mains.

oops not talking about recording for this tap point - should not have added on to my reply. Quite happy about the recording interface.
Re: X32 Discussion

All of that is from 2 weeks ago when 2.01 Beta wouldn't load scenes from 1.15.

Now that 2.02 Final (or whatever it is when it isn't Beta) is out, all my 1.15 scenes loaded in just fine, and I assume they do so for everyone. So maybe there's no need for a conversion program anymore?

I'll admit that I'm confused about the Home screen for the View Scenes button; I don't get what's going on in there, but tabbing once to the right gets you to Scenes, which seems to be the same as 1.15 except for the addition of the 00 scene. I also thought in 1.15 there was an indicator somewhere of what Scene you were in other than the yellow orange bar, but I can't find it in 2.02.

Presumably that Home screen business will sink in (Cues are larger than Scenes?) and it will be a lot cooler than 1.15.

I should mention that although most of iPad v2.1.2 works fine with 2.02, the Scenes screen of course doesn't work at all, since there is a ton of new stuff in there on the console that is not translatable to iPad 2.1.2.

Question, is my iPad 1 still going to work with 2.02?
Re: X32 Discussion

Pauly, that's backwards of the way most recording folks want stuff captured. I don't oppose it (I'm not a recording guy, beyond pushing the record button), and a post-fader direct out would be useful for Dugan-style auto mixing, too.

Hi Uli & thanks for listening,

I would dearly love to be able to route channel outputs POST fader to the recording card - so I can record eq, compression & use effects etc. That would allow us to capture any magic created, rather than having to try and recreate it later (usually an impossible task)

Re: X32 Discussion

What I would like to be able to do to capture the "Magic" and make post production easier is to capture a midi stream of the console settings, thus having the opportunity to both capture and tweak the live show settings. An osc stream would do as well, although that requires some extra tweaking of many DAWs.
You could do that with the Sony DMX-R100 (and obviously with the Oxford :razz:, but comparing the X32 to the Oxford will have me strung up and flogged :twisted: ) and easily play back with 100% automation.
Re: X32 Discussion

Re the recording thing - you can save the scene to recreate your comp and eq and FX settings - though will not capture the "magical" touches you do on the fly - though in the playback they may not seem as magical as at the live event.
Now some form of dynamic automation recording as I think per suggested would be great (had it on the old ddx3216 for use in mixdown).
Re: X32 Discussion

Question, is my iPad 1 still going to work with 2.02?

Hi John,

A quick perusal seems to show that the 1 with Xmix 2.1.2 connects the same way as the iPad3, which is to say most things are OK but Scenes are not happening.

Who can say about Xmix3?

You should consider getting a non-steampowered iPad at some point anyway. The battery life on the new ones is way better, I think they are quicker than the 1, and you feel much more elegant holding and carrying the thinner, lighter new ones than the old one.

Although, actually, using it with the X32 system may be one of its better uses since it's not relatively slow enough to make a huge difference in workflow (as long as it keeps being compatible), and you can use it to beat people or dogs if attacked.

Re: Faders

So since the faders are only covered for a year . When switching faders is it possible to switch to the m32 pro fader ?

You would have to buy them at a huge discount for that to be viable. I think they are something like five times the price of the Behringer faders, so you'd probably be better off just buying the whole M32 :razz:.
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Re: X32 Discussion

Re the recording thing - you can save the scene to recreate your comp and eq and FX settings - though will not capture the "magical" touches you do on the fly - though in the playback they may not seem as magical as at the live event.
Now some form of dynamic automation recording as I think per suggested would be great (had it on the old ddx3216 for use in mixdown).

Of course, if it was that magical, we could just record the two-track and be done with it. One doesn't actually need any extra capabilities in the X32, one just needs to persuade the DAW to record the OSC-stream. Since this might be tricky, translating from OSC to midi is an option, the main problem is to make it work flawlessly both ways. Easy and potentially powerful concept, just needs for someone to get around to actually sit down and do it.
My main point is that to record "the live show, warts and all" recording the unprocessed material along with the processing information is a much better way to do it than recording post processing. With some consoles it is easy because you have a midi stream that can be recorded in any DAW, it gets a bit trickier with the X32.
Re: X32 Discussion

1) It's a pity you can't use a variable number of Card-In-Channels but having to stick to these 8-Channel-blocks
2) I wonder why the Channel-Select-Switch at the front of the X32 Core does not have any effect on what you hear while using the headphone-port
3) Is it already possible to remotely control the X32 Core using the full-size X32?