X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

Would be awesome if Behringer had this listed somewhere for us people that run the X32 Rack and Core, when you know, kinda need to have the iPad/PC app to do anything quickly...

It's listed here now.

That's why you keep up with this thread.

Also, if it's having problems with the full console it'll have problem with the derivative consoles.

And it stands to reason that a major update of the firmware will not play nice with a control program from a previous generation. Otherwise it wouldn't be a MAJOR update. One thing or another has prevented the iPad update from being released at the same time as the firmware update.

Ask for your money back.

In fact, I feel empowered to authorize the full refund of every penny you paid for the firmware update, since it didn't work for you. Give this note to the cashier near the exit.
Cheap temporary lighting solution.

Did a school play a few weeks ago and found myself more in the dark due to the shows dark lighting. I had a music stand LED snap on light. If I inserted a USB flash drive in the USB port I could snap this light to it and it worked pretty good...bright enough for what I needed.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hi John

Obviously _you_ wouldn't .. but you wouldn't have to would you? It would be a great feature for _me_ because right now the x32 is a preamp and monitoring tool only. If I want to use (say) some compression, and add a little 8k to an acoustic guitar... I break out an external preamp. Would be nice not to have to



Maybe I am misunderstanding. I do a lot of one song recording projects without any in studio preproduction work....so I am hearing the material and performances for the first time. With all the capabilities in the box... Or out..after the recording is tracked, why would I chance mucking up the tracking with out of context mix moves?
Re: X32 Discussion

It's listed here now.

That's why you keep up with this thread.

Also, if it's having problems with the full console it'll have problem with the derivative consoles.

And it stands to reason that a major update of the firmware will not play nice with a control program from a previous generation. Otherwise it wouldn't be a MAJOR update. One thing or another has prevented the iPad update from being released at the same time as the firmware update.

Ask for your money back.

In fact, I feel empowered to authorize the full refund of every penny you paid for the firmware update, since it didn't work for you. Give this note to the cashier near the exit.

I appreciate your sarcasm in an honest discussion. Thank you for your lovely insight in the matter. I'll humor you with one response.

As for your points.

Not everyone that purchases a piece of hardware like this will frequent forums and want to read 400+ pages of information and posts (the very intellectual and fact forming ones like yours most currently certainly would help them with information on the matter. Keep up the good work) The average user will go to the product page and see and update, and expect that if there would be an issue it would be listed under a compatibility section of some sorts, or listed somewhere (ala Yamaha digital consoles of the past with studio manager and all its wonderful ins and outs on what requirements were.) Behringer has no such thing listed. You have to go to the actual full console to even get a user manual for the Rack unit, as the rack unit only has a quick start guide and no official manual written for it.

TL;DR - Behringer needs to get a little better at documentation for their hardware.

As for a major firmware not working with the control program, In the IT world I live in, I find it confusing why they would release a piece of firmware without having supporting control. Even after I've waited from the 2.0 software. I can understand places like the iTunes store where its out of there hands, But they are more than capable of updating their own mac, Windows, and Linux control programs without outside vendor approval. Its a simple matter of uploading the files. There are no excuses to be had for those.

I'm not saying I'm in the right by any means, but the lack of official documentation on their site is troublesome to me. Adding new features shouldn't break old ones.
Re: X32 Discussion

The average user will go to the product page and see and update, and expect that if there would be an issue it would be listed under a compatibility section of some sorts, or listed somewhere (ala Yamaha digital consoles of the past with studio manager and all its wonderful ins and outs on what requirements were.) Behringer has no such thing listed.

When they released the beta, there was a warning, why they chose not to include a similar warning in the 2.02 release beats me.

Here on the forum, we were going "RTFRL!" to those who complained, this time we cant do that, so from now on it is "RTAFF!" :lol:
Re: X32 Discussion

It would be a great feature for _me_ because right now the x32 is a preamp and monitoring tool only. If I want to use (say) some compression, and add a little 8k to an acoustic guitar... I break out an external preamp. Would be nice not to have to

Most of us are able to do this if we want, because we haven't used up all the resources of the console, and even if we did, we have another unit that we can hook up and double the capabilities. However, going back to the recording post processing on a single console dilemma, even if you are using the P16 patches for monitoring, there is no reason why you can't also record the same signal that you feed the P16s. One would assume that if you feel the need to process something at time of recording, it would be natural to also use that processing in the monitor signal. In other words, even without a post processing recording tap, you should be able to do what you want to do.
Re: X32 Discussion

I appreciate your sarcasm in an honest discussion. Thank you for your lovely insight in the matter. I'll humor you with one response.

As for your points.

Not everyone that purchases a piece of hardware like this will frequent forums and want to read 400+ pages of information and posts (the very intellectual and fact forming ones like yours most currently certainly would help them with information on the matter. Keep up the good work) The average user will go to the product page and see and update, and expect that if there would be an issue it would be listed under a compatibility section of some sorts, or listed somewhere (ala Yamaha digital consoles of the past with studio manager and all its wonderful ins and outs on what requirements were.) Behringer has no such thing listed. You have to go to the actual full console to even get a user manual for the Rack unit, as the rack unit only has a quick start guide and no official manual written for it.

TL;DR - Behringer needs to get a little better at documentation for their hardware.

As for a major firmware not working with the control program, In the IT world I live in, I find it confusing why they would release a piece of firmware without having supporting control. Even after I've waited from the 2.0 software. I can understand places like the iTunes store where its out of there hands, But they are more than capable of updating their own mac, Windows, and Linux control programs without outside vendor approval. Its a simple matter of uploading the files. There are no excuses to be had for those.

I'm not saying I'm in the right by any means, but the lack of official documentation on their site is troublesome to me. Adding new features shouldn't break old ones.

Hi Adam,

there was no printed manual for the flagship either. And I didn't even need one. I'm sort of an online guy.

I'm quite happy with the release of the 2.02 final. Because the consoles can be used without any remote app. So why should all people not needing a remote app have to wait for the features of a new firmware until a remote app is ready? Don't get me wrong: I understand that rack or core users have a very strong demand for it.

But of you are understandably unhappy with the new firmware, get the old one back again (takes few minutes) and everything is fine!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9100 mit Tapatalk
Re: V2 final

Dear all,

Please note that I have posted some clarification on the referenced topic in prosoundweb forums.
X32 2.02 Firmware..... Likes and issues?

I will also take care to load some details about the new V2.02 features to our wiki, hopefully before the end of the week.

There was simply too much travelling recently, to get everything documented in time with the firmware release.

Re: X32 Discussion

I appreciate your sarcasm in an honest discussion. Thank you for your lovely insight in the matter. I'll humor you with one response.

As for your points.

Not everyone that purchases a piece of hardware like this will frequent forums and want to read 400+ pages of information and posts (the very intellectual and fact forming ones like yours most currently certainly would help them with information on the matter. Keep up the good work) The average user will go to the product page and see and update, and expect that if there would be an issue it would be listed under a compatibility section of some sorts, or listed somewhere (ala Yamaha digital consoles of the past with studio manager and all its wonderful ins and outs on what requirements were.) Behringer has no such thing listed. You have to go to the actual full console to even get a user manual for the Rack unit, as the rack unit only has a quick start guide and no official manual written for it.

TL;DR - Behringer needs to get a little better at documentation for their hardware.

As for a major firmware not working with the control program, In the IT world I live in, I find it confusing why they would release a piece of firmware without having supporting control. Even after I've waited from the 2.0 software. I can understand places like the iTunes store where its out of there hands, But they are more than capable of updating their own mac, Windows, and Linux control programs without outside vendor approval. Its a simple matter of uploading the files. There are no excuses to be had for those.

I'm not saying I'm in the right by any means, but the lack of official documentation on their site is troublesome to me. Adding new features shouldn't break old ones.

Thanks, Adam, for reading what I wrote in the right spirit. I appreciate that it didn't go the wrong way.

I agree with what you say on the one hand, on the other we're getting back to a discussion of who is using this console.

The price point and ZOWIE! WOWIE! FEATURES FOR DAYS! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING WITH THIS CONSOLE!!!! sizzle make it attractive to the user who really has no idea of how to utilize its capabilities, and I agree that they will not read 400 pages of this thread. OTOH, it has so many capabilities and features and nuances, how can Behringer adequately summarize them in a way that the average user will read and pay attention to?

The manual is clearly inadequate and is obsolete anyway soon after printing as new features are added or discovered, the Wiki isn't fully done and will be the equivalent of 400 pages when done (but will be better organized!); should Behringer just put a warning on their webpage like "Some things won't work the way you want"?

Somehow I hit return and posted this before it was done.
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Re: X32 Discussion

Perhaps as a point of comparison, the LS9 manual is 286 pages long. Yamaha have always been good at writing very clear manuals although it's incredibly dry and can be a bit repetitive. OTOH, the A&H QU16 manual is only 52 pages - admittedly, it's a much simpler desk. Both have had updates since being published though. I think the wiki for the X32 is a great idea - it's bound to be a living document so as long as it is kept up to date, it should be the go-to manual for this desk.
Re: X32 Discussion

Perhaps as a point of comparison, the LS9 manual is 286 pages long. Yamaha have always been good at writing very clear manuals although it's incredibly dry and can be a bit repetitive. OTOH, the A&H QU16 manual is only 52 pages - admittedly, it's a much simpler desk. Both have had updates since being published though. I think the wiki for the X32 is a great idea - it's bound to be a living document so as long as it is kept up to date, it should be the go-to manual for this desk.

I agree with the Yamaha sentiment. My 01v96 has a great manual and it explains most everything very well. I think I even received a printed copy with my mixer, although I use the updated PDF more often as its easier to search. So I understand why the x32R wouldn't come with one, as the average user will use the PDF more.

I had no idea there was a wiki anywhere for the mixer as I didn't see a link on their product page. Checking their support page I'm not really seeing a clear link to an x32 wiki either. I'm assuming its in the forums? I was trying to check before I'm leaving work here but the forum seems to be taking forever to load right now (good chance its my network)
Re: X32 Discussion

My X32 manual was every bit as good as the one that came with my iPad. Now where did I put that iPad manual again...
Re: X32 Discussion

At my day job I have racks and racks full of software and hardware manuals and what I hate about most manuals is this; every one of them tells you what each knob, button, switch, table, file, folder, drive is and what it does but almost never does it give an example of how to do something useful.
Re: X32 Discussion

Perhaps as a point of comparison, the LS9 manual is 286 pages long. Yamaha have always been good at writing very clear manuals although it's incredibly dry and can be a bit repetitive. OTOH, the A&H QU16 manual is only 52 pages - admittedly, it's a much simpler desk. Both have had updates since being published though. I think the wiki for the X32 is a great idea - it's bound to be a living document so as long as it is kept up to date, it should be the go-to manual for this desk.

I think the GLD-80 manual was 34 pages. OTOH, there is a very well written explanation of pretty much every feature accessed by touching the ? On pretty much every screen.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: Cues and Scenes

OK, I spent some time this afternoon trying to figure out what the deal was with these. Here is what I think I learned, please feel free to correct/add on:

1) There can be Cues without Scenes, and Scenes without Cues, but a Cue without a Scene does nothing, whereas any Scene can be loaded at any time.

2) The names of Cues are displayed in the status bar, but never Scenes. (Went back and read the last 10 or so pages to see if there was anything further explaining Cues, and saw Nick's post about a naming display preference, but didn't get go to see that. Didn't see a Cue explanation like I'm trying to do now.)

3) Each Cue can only hold one Scene, and one Snippet.

4) Cues are ordered hierarchically in whole numbers ("Cue 2" etc.). If you need to add a Cue after your hierarchy is set, you add it as .whatever ("Cue 2.1" etc.).

5) You may also name your Cues anything, not just "Cue". The hierarchy is determined by the fixed numbers on the left side of the Cue screen. Those ".whatever" numbers ("Cue 2.1") appear in those same numbers along the left side of the screen.

6) You may put a Scene into or change a Scene in a Cue at any time without renaming that Cue.

7) The reason for having Cues instead of the Scenes we had before is that this is easier to put the Scenes in any order or easily reuse a Scene at any time, possibly more easily than the 1.15 Scene function. Also there can be 500 Cues made up of any combination of the 100 Scenes, so you get more that way. Yes?

8) There does not seem to be an obvious way to go to another set of scenes to add to your Cues, but I sort of remember there was a way to load new batches of Scenes from a computer. I didn't pay close attention to that discussion because 30 or 40 Scenes is plenty for what I do. Maybe someone knows more?

9) Jan said in the other thread that 1.15 shows and scenes translated to 2.02, but I couldn't see any shows when I went to import, only 1.15 scenes. (Scene View button, Utility, Import USB Scene. Show was never an option.) Scenes imported just fine.

I didn't get into the Snippets except looking at that screen, but it appears the Snippets let you transfer particular parameters for particular channels (input, output, effects) from one Scene/Cue to another. I don't think I do that now, and I've never used the Libraries, so I don't know how this is different. If it's useful I'd like to learn it.

This all seems fine to me if what I think I understand is the way it really is.
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Re: Cues and Scenes

Just a couple of points
If I was the "Nick" the global setting I was referring to was which screen will be displayed when you press the scenes view button - the default is the snippets but you can change this to the scenes screen.
I think to load a show you need to select utility from the snippets screen and not the scene screen.
I have not really tried out the cues yet so no comment on the rest (must have a play with it).

oops sorry for snippets read cue
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Re: X32 Discussion > Cues and Scenes

Hi Dan,

Everything is fine in your understanding of the new show controls, only two small clarifications:

2) The status bar would display whatever you have selected as your preferred show control level. In Setup/global chosing Cues, Scenes or Snippets for Show Control changes the status bar display as well as the page that is laoded when pressing View. The status bar numbers for Snippets are light-grey, for Scenes are amber (as in 1.15), and for Cues are blue.

9) Shows are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Home (aka Cue List) screen. Scenes are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Scenes screen. Snippets are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Snippets screen.

The Snippets are a very powerful alternative to library functions, not only because they can be automated in the cue list, but also because they can contain an arbitrary combination of multiple parameters and channels, depending on your requirements. They can also be launched separately or in a Cue, or fired up from an assignable button.
