X32 Discussion

MIDI functions via XUSB?

MIDI functions via USB?

I would like to use the MIDI commands that X32 can understand and I like to send them via the XUSB from my sequenser/DAW.
The MIDI commands from the X32 sends fine via USB to the computer but when I send the to the X32 nothing happens!
I´ve checked all rx/tx boxes and interface USB.

Anyone got this working

Best Regards
Re: X32 Discussion > Cues and Scenes

Total number of 500 Cues cannot be exceeded, and sub-indices are limited to 10 each.

Hi Jan,

Thanks for this.

To clarify the excerpt above: The total of 500 Cues includes all sub-indices? And the sub-indices refers to 4.1 to 4.10 for example? Or does it mean total sub-indices amongst the cues? Can you also have 10 sub-sub-indices per sub-index, e.g. 4.1.1, 4.1.2....4.1.10?

If the most expansive answer to the above is true, then conceivably with 10 sub-indices and 10 sub-sub-indices per sub-index you could fill up your 500 Cues by the time you got to Cue 6? :D~:-D~:grin:

What about the screen flicker and Cue change delay from my point 2.2?

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Re: MIDI functions via XUSB?

I haven't had much luck at all with the XUF "Card MIDI", either in v1.15 or v2.01 (haven't tried v2.02 yet), either USB or Firewire.

I think I got output working (to a Mac, trying to record the MIDI stream in Reaper), which you appear to have done too, but I also couldn't get playback to work.

My $7-from-Amazon no-brand USB MIDI adapter works just fine in both directions, though, as does my M-Audio MIDIMAN 2x2.

v2.x has a load of new MIDI functionality, for example all faders, mutes, and pans can be transmitted and received live. I had hoped to use this to capture the mix of my upcoming musical theatre gig, as well as the raw audio, to simplify post-production, but I'm going to have to stay with v1.15 as I need the iPad remote more.
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X32 Two-Week Rental Price?

Apologies if this has already been covered...

What would be a reasonable charge for a two-week rental of a full-size X32 (just the console and flight case)...?

A local group wants to use mine this summer, but I have decided that I should no longer be a charity... :\
Re: MIDI functions via XUSB?

MIDI functions via USB?

I would like to use the MIDI commands that X32 can understand and I like to send them via the XUSB from my sequenser/DAW.
The MIDI commands from the X32 sends fine via USB to the computer but when I send the to the X32 nothing happens!
I´ve checked all rx/tx boxes and interface USB.

AFAIK the X32 speaks Mackie HUI but only understands X32-Midi, so some translation is needed. I haven't looked too closely, but assume the codes are not the same, so you need one set to control the DAW from the X32, the Mackie HUI, and a different set to control the X32 from the DAW, the codes published for the V2 update etc.

Anyone got this working

As I haven't tried it, I don't know how easy or difficult it's going to be, and I haven't even verified how much of a difference there is between the Mackie protocol and what the X32 responds to. Investigation needed, maybe someone else has done some, but it is early days yet with V2.
Re: X32 Two-Week Rental Price?

Apologies if this has already been covered...

What would be a reasonable charge for a two-week rental of a full-size X32 (just the console and flight case)...?

A local group wants to use mine this summer, but I have decided that I should no longer be a charity... :\

I would charge them 2% of replacement per day where a week would be 4 or 5 charged days. That would be about $400. You might discount it some if you like.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: Missing manual; Missing software

Exactly what I felt: Update was made with tons of changes and new features and the unit (X32R) becomes nearly unusable because of the missing remote app and software. And the new features aren't documented anywhere, else _somewhere_ deep in this or that forum. To get me right: I love my X32 units a lot, X32full is the best console I ever had (in my price range), extended by S16 and X32R plus added the monitor thingy.

I cannot understand that the Behringer guys spend hours and hours in forums like this one instead of writing a manual. These friendly guys burn their working time with answering the same (or similar) question again and again, when referring to an ACTUAL manual would be the best hint for all the poeple who refuse to study the user guide. But - for the most recent firmare - there is NO user manual.

We urgently need informations about the new FX machines under the hood, the intention for all the 100 ticks on the snippet page (why cannot save a snippet when NO channel is selected? why can't I tick groups? will I be able to load the snippet to ch2 once I saved it from ch1?) And YES, I could burn MY HOURS with trial and error. And YES, some of you don't read manuals and don't need it. But it would be much user friedly and - to be serious - exactly what I (customer) expected to get: A documentation what a fairly high complex unit does.

Thanks for reading, maybe chiming in and sorry for my poor English.


I don't suppose you understand that the folks who take time to participate here have real day jobs with the company and are not tech writers. Yelling at them isn't the solution. You should call the company, or write them a letter or complain to your dealer about the manual shortcomings. By the way, my $10000 mixer came with a 34 page getting started guide. Everything I need to know is built into the console.

Sent from my iPad HD
Re: Missing manual; Missing software

I don't suppose you understand that the folks who take time to participate here have real day jobs with the company and are not tech writers. Yelling at them isn't the solution. You should call the company, or write them a letter or complain to your dealer about the manual shortcomings. By the way, my $10000 mixer came with a 34 page getting started guide. Everything I need to know is built into the console.

Sent from my iPad HD

And the support does the rest from what I've heard. Seriously - call the company, man.
Re: Missing manual; Missing software

I don't suppose you understand that the folks who take time to participate here have real day jobs with the company and are not tech writers. Yelling at them isn't the solution. You should call the company, or write them a letter or complain to your dealer about the manual shortcomings. ....

Sorry, I did not know that the Behringer guys post here in their free time, I thought they were send by the company. So I thought it was a good idea to post my complaints in this forum. It was NOT my intention to attack the guys. I guess I will have to post that on the Berhinger forum as well.

Sorry again.

Re: Missing manual; Missing software

I don't suppose you understand that the folks who take time to participate here have real day jobs with the company and are not tech writers. Yelling at them isn't the solution. You should call the company, or write them a letter or complain to your dealer about the manual shortcomings. By the way, my $10000 mixer came with a 34 page getting started guide. Everything I need to know is built into the console.

Well said Rob ...
just ask Vi users what they think about a console which improve that much like the x32 instead of still having bugs and functionnality not working for years like preset buttons on all souncraft Vi ... Congratulations to all the berhinger x32 staff for all the work they do for an entry level price console !!!!

i use this console for gigs and will start soon with complet recording stuff and with it, that´s so easy ....
And also work as engenieers with many kind of console and what i can say is that berhinger team is one of the best manufacturer i worked with so far. I have one of the first release of x32 and then had this headphone noise issue... I had service to solve that issue like never with other manufacturer ....

just to say i will never agree to those for who critic is so easy ...i can understand but DO think about all of that...:twisted:

all best for all
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iPAD 1 - no longer supported

I don't know if this has been mentioned but as of February 1, 2014, Apple requires that all apps and updates submitted to the App Store be built on the iOS7 native SDK. That means no iOS 5 compatibility. Thus the iPad 1 will no longer be officially supported as it is limited to iOS 5.1.1. So looks like no V2 Mix app on iPad 1.
Re: iPAD 1 - no longer supported

I don't know if this has been mentioned but as of February 1, 2014, Apple requires that all apps and updates submitted to the App Store be built on the iOS7 native SDK. That means no iOS 5 compatibility. Thus the iPad 1 will no longer be officially supported as it is limited to iOS 5.1.1. So looks like no V2 Mix app on iPad 1.

I believe Jan Duwe allready mentioned this, but it's good to hear that it's something behringer can't do anything about.
Re: iPAD 1 - no longer supported

I don't know if this has been mentioned but as of February 1, 2014, Apple requires that all apps and updates submitted to the App Store be built on the iOS7 native SDK. That means no iOS 5 compatibility. Thus the iPad 1 will no longer be officially supported as it is limited to iOS 5.1.1. So looks like no V2 Mix app on iPad 1.

Rats, guess I won't be doing the V2 firmware upgrade anytime soon! Too bad the V2 iPad app didn't sneak through before this deadline. That stinks that a product design that's less than 4 years old is now unsupported, but such is the way it goes in the tablet and smartphone industry....:cry:
Re: V2 final

Dear all,

Please note that I have posted some clarification on the referenced topic in prosoundweb forums.
X32 2.02 Firmware..... Likes and issues?

Since Jan posted this there has been some back and forth there, and here is what I think is almost the final word on this subject for now.

The below is reposted from that thread, in which many people were confused if not outraged (including me) that loading a scene or sequence of scenes and having the console reboot before the autosave did its thing (up to 2 minutes after the last change) resulted in something appearing that was NOT the exact thing when power was lost.

Short version: Sometimes it was the last
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]scene you loaded minus any changes made within 2 minutes, sometimes a previous scene, sometimes a random combination of elements of several scenes. Other consoles were alleged to be better at that, although recent posts name some that perform no better than the X32. The implication was that 2.02 was a change in this performance than we previously experienced.[/FONT]

Today I finally got to do something I've wanted to for a while regarding this question.

Set up a console with 1.15 on it which had never had 2.anything on it. Compared how each performed when loading scenes, not waiting long enough for auto-save, and then rebooting and seeing what came up.

Short answer is that whatever the console is doing in 2.02 it was also doing in 1.15.

Both consoles behaved the same no matter what I did to them, and I did it in unison simultaneously (if those mean slightly different things to somebody).

Another data point is that manually saving settings to a scene and then rebooting has no effect on the settings when it reboots. It will go to its random combinations of settings upon reboot.

There is a clear difference between manual save and auto-save, and auto-save is the only one that counts in this discussion.

So, again, as with several other things on the console, unless they are able to make the thing autosave more often or upon any parameter change or to make manual save the same as autosave (which still wouldn't solve the problem, because an unplanned power down is not going to let you save your settings by definition), we are left with "WTF do you expect from a console this complex which costs this much?"

At this point I feel like we've identified its behavior under surprise power loss conditions, and can plan accordingly.

In case of total power loss, bring the console up first and get your correct cue/scene loaded (and you need to affirmatively load it, not just assume that because it SAYS it's the right one that it is), and then power up your amps and speakers.

If only the console goes off, either mute all your amps or disconnect the input cables unless you are positive that no combination of wrong inputs will be embarrassing.

I'm personally happy we went off on this goose chase because now we know more about my favorite console.
Re: V2 final

Dan, thanks for the hound dog tracking work.

Now I need to take your post on how cues/scenes/snippers work and sit with the desk until I understand it well enough to explain it to another stagehand - our PAC has a new X32 on a cart for portable use.

Thanks again.
Re: V2 final

Dan, thanks for the hound dog tracking work.

Now I need to take your post on how cues/scenes/snippers work and sit with the desk until I understand it well enough to explain it to another stagehand - our PAC has a new X32 on a cart for portable use.

Thanks again.

You're welcome, Tim, and thanks for the thanks. It's feeling good to kind of understand this thing that took me so long to figure out even the basics of how to get sound through it.

I don't think you'll have much problem with Cues and Scenes; I think they did a great job designing that in an intuitive way that is going to be extremely useful both in operation and ability to change significantly and appropriately on the fly.

The snippers are another matter for me. I hope someone will write something similar to explain the varieties of usefullness that they apparently are. I messed around in that page a little, and couldn't see how that was super-duper useful. I can get one parameter to modify any scene I choose, but am missing the point.

I can see the "How Do I..." part, but am not seeing the "Why Do I..." or "When Do I Want To..." parts.

But I don't understand libraries, either, and that is apparently a good console feature for the people who use it.
Re: V2 final

So, again, as with several other things on the console, unless they are able to make the thing autosave more often or upon any parameter change or to make manual save the same as autosave (which still wouldn't solve the problem, because an unplanned power down is not going to let you save your settings by definition), we are left with "WTF do you expect from a console this complex which costs this much?"
Dan, your whish is my command :D~:-D~:grin:

Robert Lofgren said:
Reading between the lines of what Jan wrote the x32 is not capable of taking snapshots more than 12 times/minute since it takes five seconds to write the approx. 10.000 parameters to the flash memory.

Someone mentioned presonus. Their autosave is once every ten seconds. They have a flashing led to tell you when it autosaves.

So why not save continously? The issue at hand is the flash memory.

Many of you must have seen/heard of the corrupt firmware memory on the studiolive consoles and this autosave may be one of the problems initiating a corrupt flash memory.

A flash memory block can only be written to a certain amount of times. With the current flash memory technology at hand that limit is approx. 100.000 write cycles.

100.000 writes at the fastest snapshot speed gives us a life expectancy of 140hrs of console running time.

By saving every 2 minutes the life expectancy increases to 3.400hrs of console running time before the flash may wear out.

By clever utilization of the memory map blocks of the flash the life expectancy will become higher.

So how can the old consoles keep their memory intact at an instant. Flash memory didn't 'exist' at the time they were built so the running state of a mixer was held in a battery powered static ram. They can be written to umlimited times.

This type of memory isn't used too much anylonger due to the comfortness of the flash memory.

So, now you're thinking - Oh, no! My flash memory will go bad in my x32 and never work again. Yes, this is correct in a distant future. However the flash memory in the x32 is in fact a normal mini sd-card and can be replaced if it should ever fail. This is so much better than onboard soldered flash memory chips.