X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion > Cues and Scenes

Hi Dan,

Everything is fine in your understanding of the new show controls, only two small clarifications:

2) The status bar would display whatever you have selected as your preferred show control level. In Setup/global chosing Cues, Scenes or Snippets for Show Control changes the status bar display as well as the page that is laoded when pressing View. The status bar numbers for Snippets are light-grey, for Scenes are amber (as in 1.15), and for Cues are blue.

9) Shows are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Home (aka Cue List) screen. Scenes are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Scenes screen. Snippets are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Snippets screen.

The Snippets are a very powerful alternative to library functions, not only because they can be automated in the cue list, but also because they can contain an arbitrary combination of multiple parameters and channels, depending on your requirements. They can also be launched separately or in a Cue, or fired up from an assignable button.


Snippets are great. I just did this last night. I saved the EQ for the Mains L/R channel to a snippet. Then I tweaked and saved. I could load the two back and forth and listen to the difference. The snippets give you the ability to get VERY granular (save a gate setting for channel 3 as a snippet etc)
X32 dead

X32 dead. So we bought two X32s 3 weeks ago. Went to power up the first one for our main sanctuary yesterday and it flickered on and then nada. My guess is the power supply crapped out. Swapped out for the second, updated the firmware to 2.02 and restore the latest backup and we were up an running. Hope this doesn't become a trend but YAY for backups!
X32 build quality

Uli, just a heads up you might want to address. We had a need to pull the plastic end cap off a brand new board recently. 5 screws and off it comes. I found it interesting that the 5 screws that hold the top of the board on were MISSING. SO on a hunch I pulled the other end cap and 2 of the 5 screws were only in by 2 threads (more than 3/4 of the screws was just hanging in midair) and they were cross threaded at that). I did go ahead and screw those back in. Didn't go any further but I thought I'd mention it because there appears to be a quality inspection missing in the process. Someone got lazy or a process needs updating!
Re: X32 build quality

Uli, just a heads up you might want to address. We had a need to pull the plastic end cap off a brand new board recently. 5 screws and off it comes. I found it interesting that the 5 screws that hold the top of the board on were MISSING. SO on a hunch I pulled the other end cap and 2 of the 5 screws were only in by 2 threads (more than 3/4 of the screws was just hanging in midair) and they were cross threaded at that). I did go ahead and screw those back in. Didn't go any further but I thought I'd mention it because there appears to be a quality inspection missing in the process. Someone got lazy or a process needs updating!

We had a similar problem in September 2012. There were at least two screws that were missing, and a few were loose. One screw was rattling around inside the board, and I was able to get it out. The other screw was never found.

Behringer service was great. I was afraid the missing screw had wedged itself inside somewhere. As a precaution, they swapped the board.

If memory serves me, I think there was a cross-threading/stripped problem, too. Maybe the sheet metal was thin for the thread pitch/count chosen.

In any event, I think they've been great about addressing issues. Maybe this one deserves a second look.

Eric H.
Re: Cues and Scenes

Just a couple of points
If I was the "Nick" the global setting I was referring to was which screen will be displayed when you press the scenes view button - the default is the CUE but you can change this to the scenes screen.
I think to load a show you need to select utility from the CUE screen and not the scene screen.
I have not really tried out the cues yet so no comment on the rest (must have a play with it).

oops sorry for snippets read cue

Hi Nick,

That was you I was referring to.

Thanks for this. Does your edit mean that your reply reads as I have modified it above? If not, please correct it.

To you and Jan: I thought I was in the Cue (Home) screen and not the Scene tab when trying to load 1.15 shows, but I"ve been wrong before and will try it again later this afternoon.

Re: X32 dead

X32 dead. So we bought two X32s 3 weeks ago. Went to power up the first one for our main sanctuary yesterday and it flickered on and then nada. My guess is the power supply crapped out. Swapped out for the second, updated the firmware to 2.02 and restore the latest backup and we were up an running. Hope this doesn't become a trend but YAY for backups!

Sorry to hear this. Were you sure the IEC cable was fully seated? I had that happen once.

Good luck,
Re: V2 final

Our intention was to release the X32-Mix app along with the final Version 2.0 firmware. In order to do so we submitted the new app version to Apple early, so that it would be approved this week. It turned out that the final Version 2.02 firmware was completed after this submission, so we need time to test the app with the final version. This testing will soon be complete and the app should be available to download in the coming days, if all goes as expected. As we have previously stated, this app will be compatible with the new firmware, but the major new features like the RTA will be implemented in a later release.

I have to admit to having lost track of the current state of this. Is the *current* iPad app (v2.1.3, I believe) compatible with Firmware v2.02? If not (or only partially), do we know when the updated version will appear on the App Store? Is it pending approval by Apple, or has it not even been submitted yet?

I would try it, but I can't get to my X32 right now, and I don't want to swap firmware again unless I know the iPad will work.
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Re: X32 dead

Dear Dan.
Our CARE department is always ready to help. If you haven't already, you should be getting a PM from them shortly. You can also call them in the US (Nevada) at 702-800-8290. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
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Re: X32 Discussion > Cues and Scenes

Regarding the loading of shows, it was just as you guys said, shows load in Cue screen and scenes load in Scene screen.

I've modified my earlier list to incorporate that and Jan's clarifications above, plus added a new weird thing in 2.2 below that I hope can be explained and fixed.

Here is what I think I learned, please feel free to correct/add on:

1) There can be Cues without Scenes, and Scenes without Cues, but a Cue without a Scene does nothing, whereas any Scene can be loaded at any time and will change the current state of the console.

2) The status bar will display whatever you have selected (via "Setup" button, "Global" tab, "Show Control" section) as your preferred show control level. Choosing Cues, Scenes or Snippets for Show Control changes the status bar display as well as the page that is loaded when pressing View. The status bar numbers for Snippets are light-grey, for Scenes are amber (as in 1.15), and for Cues are blue.

2.1) Only the show control level you have selected will appear in the status bar.
When changing Cues/Scenes/Snippets using the "Scenes" physical section of the console, pressing the "Previous" or "Next" buttons causes the name of the upcoming Cue/Scene/Snippet to appear below the name of the active Cue/Scene/Snippet in the status bar.

Pressing the "Go" physical button (in 2.1 above) to change your Cue/Scene/Snippet when in the Home or Config tabs on either Channels or Outputs causes an exciting flickering of the display screen and a ~2 second lag between the button press and the implementation of the command. In any other tab or any other screen that I've tried so far, pushing the "Go" button causes an immediate change of Cue/Scene/Snippet with no screen excitement.

3) Each Cue can only hold one Scene, and one Snippet.

4) Cues are numerically ordered ("Cue 1", "Cue 2" etc.) in the Index on the left side of the Cue screen. If you need to add a cue in the middle after your hierarchy is set, you add it as .whatever ("Cue 2.1" etc.) and it fits into place. You can also add subcues to the subcues at any time ("Cue 2.1.1" etc.). Cues and their subsidiaries behave the same otherwise.

4.1) Scenes and Snippets do not have these subsidiaries on their screens. (Is that right for Snippets?)

5) You may name your Cues anything, not just "Cue". Names can be changed, Index numbers can't be edited, but Cues can be deleted.

6) You may put a Scene into or change a Scene in a Cue at any time without renaming that Cue.

7) The reason for having Cues instead of the Scenes we had before is that this is easier to put the Scenes in any order or easily reuse a Scene at any time, possibly more easily than the 1.15 Scene function. Also there can be 500 Cues made up of any combination of the 100 Scenes, so you get more that way.

8) There does not seem to be an obvious way to go to another set of scenes to add to your Cues, but I sort of remember there was a way to load new batches of Scenes from a computer. I didn't pay close attention to that discussion because 30 or 40 Scenes is plenty for what I do. Maybe someone knows more?

9) Shows are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Home (aka Cue List) screen. Scenes are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Scenes screen. Snippets are loaded from or saved to USB by pressing Utility in the Snippets screen.
10) The Snippets are a very powerful alternative to library functions, not only because they can be automated in the cue list, but also because they can contain an arbitrary combination of multiple parameters and channels, depending on your requirements. They can also be launched separately or in a Cue, or fired up from an assignable button.


I'm liking the Cue thing a lot, and Snippets sounds useful, too. This is all making more sense to me, and I hope it's helpful to someone else.

Re: V2 final

I have to admit to having lost track of the current state of this. Is the *current* iPad app (v2.1.3, I believe) compatible with Firmware v2.02? If not (or only partially), do we know when the updated version will appear on the App Store? Is it pending approval by Apple, or has it not even been submitted yet?

I would try it, but I can't get to my X32 right now, and I don't want to swap firmware again unless I know the iPad will work.
FYI, if you didn't have the automatic update for the iPad app, so if you still have the older version of the app, before the newest release, the iPad WILL sortof work with V2.02. I have an old iPad and a newer iPad with iOS7, the old iPad worked, but the newer iPad had the most recent update on the app, it did not work.

As far as functionality goes, you can adjust channel volume, gain, eq, and sends on fader off the main screen, but much more than that will crash the app. If you rely on the iPad for mixing and important details, I would wait to update the X32 firmware until they release a update for the iPad.

So, if you have the new version of iOS, you probably already have the updated app, as the stock configuration of the iOS 7 is to automatically update apps. But, if you have an old iPad that didn't automatically update, well then you should still be in luck. Sort of.

Drew Brashler
Missing manual; Missing software

..... it has so many capabilities and features and nuances, how can Behringer adequately summarize them in a way that the average user will read and pay attention to?

The manual is clearly inadequate and is obsolete anyway soon after printing as new features are added or discovered, the Wiki isn't fully done and will be the equivalent of 400 pages when done (but will be better organized!); should Behringer just put a warning on their webpage like "Some things won't work the way you want"?....

Adam Whetham said:
...The manual is clearly inadequate and is obsolete anyway soon after printing as new features are added or discovered, the Wiki isn't fully done and will be the equivalent of 400 pages when done (but will be better organized!); should Behringer just put a warning on their webpage like "Some things won't work the way you want"?

Exactly what I felt: Update was made with tons of changes and new features and the unit (X32R) becomes nearly unusable because of the missing remote app and software. And the new features aren't documented anywhere, else _somewhere_ deep in this or that forum. To get me right: I love my X32 units a lot, X32full is the best console I ever had (in my price range), extended by S16 and X32R plus added the monitor thingy.

I cannot understand that the Behringer guys spend hours and hours in forums like this one instead of writing a manual. These friendly guys burn their working time with answering the same (or similar) question again and again, when referring to an ACTUAL manual would be the best hint for all the poeple who refuse to study the user guide. But - for the most recent firmare - there is NO user manual.

We urgently need informations about the new FX machines under the hood, the intention for all the 100 ticks on the snippet page (why cannot save a snippet when NO channel is selected? why can't I tick groups? will I be able to load the snippet to ch2 once I saved it from ch1?) And YES, I could burn MY HOURS with trial and error. And YES, some of you don't read manuals and don't need it. But it would be much user friedly and - to be serious - exactly what I (customer) expected to get: A documentation what a fairly high complex unit does.

Thanks for reading, maybe chiming in and sorry for my poor English.

Re: X32 Discussion > Cues and Scenes

Dear Dan,

I only have a tiny comment on your statement #5: Pressing Utility in the Cue List not only allows importing/exporting shows, but also copying/editing/adding/deleting the selected Cue. Editing does allow renaming and also changing the index. Upon saving, the Cue List will be reordered for consecutive indices, so you can use it for moving cues in your list. Total number of 500 Cues cannot be exceeded, and sub-indices are limited to 10 each.

Re: V2.02 final / remote apps

Dear all,

We'd like to give you a brief update on the availability of our beloved PC/Mac/Linux and iPad remote applications for firmware release 2.0.

Unfortunately, X32-Mix and X32-Edit updates both will depend on a small update of the console server that is to be released the coming week. We will then apply our testing schemes with 2.03 firmware and X32-Mix 2.2 as well as X32-Edit 2.0. Therefore, there was no use in releasing a temporary 'compatibility version' in the App Store, and we decided to go for the correct 2.2 release directly.

The good news is that X32-Mix 2.2 will allow for full FX editing with all new V.2 FX, and the scene management will be compatible, Cue List and Snippets will follow with the next update.
X32-Edit for PC will also cover all new FX and includes the new Show Controls, Cue List and Snippets.

We are planning to release both the second week in April.

Best regards,
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Re: V2.02 final / remote apps

Unfortunately that probably means x32 Mix won't be available until 3rd or 4th week of April since Apple takes 7-14 days to approve apps... and that might be best case scenario since the app still has make it through testing with the 2.03 firmware.

A "compatibility version" definitely would have been welcomed here.
Re: V2 final

FYI, if you didn't have the automatic update for the iPad app, so if you still have the older version of the app, before the newest release, the iPad WILL sortof work with V2.02. I have an old iPad and a newer iPad with iOS7, the old iPad worked, but the newer iPad had the most recent update on the app, it did not work.

As far as functionality goes, you can adjust channel volume, gain, eq, and sends on fader off the main screen, but much more than that will crash the app. If you rely on the iPad for mixing and important details, I would wait to update the X32 firmware until they release a update for the iPad.

So, if you have the new version of iOS, you probably already have the updated app, as the stock configuration of the iOS 7 is to automatically update apps. But, if you have an old iPad that didn't automatically update, well then you should still be in luck. Sort of.

Drew Brashler

DREW! good to see you on here. Your videos on the x32 rock. Really been a huge help for my whole team. We just installed our first of 4 x32's and so chose to update to 2.02 as the RTA features are invaluable to me. My android app works fine with 2.02 and the board mixes perfectly. I am glad we updated. If of course you are dependant on the ipad apps, you should def wait - I agree.
Re: X32 dead

Dear Dan.
Our CARE department is always ready to help. If you haven't already, you should be getting a PM from them shortly. You can also call them in the US (Nevada) at 702-800-8290. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

Thanks John. I did call CARE and they were great but since I just bought this board 3 weeks ago, AllProSound where we purchased from just advanced shipped us a new board.
Dual-Channel Analyzer Setup with X32?

So I asked this question in a post with several other questions a few weeks ago, but I don't think anyone picked up on it, so I'm asking again.

I am using my X32 Firewire interface for SMAART (just the demo for now) for tuning the PA for my upcoming musical theatre production.

I have the board set up with simple LR mixing, routing L to Matrix 1, R to Matrix 2, and L+R to Matrix 3 (nominally for front fill, if it turns out I have room for those speakers) and the Matrixes routed to Analog Outs 14-16 and thence to the speakers, with the intention of doing the room and speaker corrective EQ in the Matrices.

For measurement purposes I would probably patch Main L to all three Matrixes, one at a time.

I bring the measurement mic into a spare channel and then send the pre-everything direct out of that channel to Card Out and select that computer input as Channel 1 of the Analyzer.

Presumably I need to send the plain pre-Matrix (and hence pre-corrective-EQ) Main L to Channel 2 of the Analyzer, but...

Is it correct to simply route this directly and digitally (via a P16 out to get it into a sensible place on the Card Outs)...?

Or should I route Main L to a spare Analog Out and loop that back into another spare channel (and then route that channel to Card Out, the same as the measurement mic one) with a (short) XLR.

Intuitively, I am thinking that the latter is more correct, since it will include the mixer's analog I/O (D/A, pre-amp, A/D) in the reference path, which will cancel out their (presumably equal but unknown) effect on the physical speaker output and (presumably more critically) the measurement mic input.

I'm also sure it will make very little difference which method I choose, certainly not enough to improve the results, but the engineer in me just wants to know! :)

Thoughts, please.