X32 Discussion

Re: x32 Controller

I was hoping for some tip from "B" staff registered on this forum ;)

Thanks anyway

At this time, Luka, the controllers such as the BCF2000 or the BCR2000 are the only Behringer products that give you a physical control surface. Otherwise using the X-Edit software is your best choice until the X-Touch units become available.
Re: X32 Discussion

Dear Dan,

To assign channels to a Mute Group, simply press the MUTE GROUP button and you will see boxes appear above the rotary knobs below the screen. You will press these in to assign an input channel to a MUTE GROUP and then press the MUTE GROUP button again to disengage the MUTE GROUP assign function.

Hi Evan,

This is how I want it to work, but is definitely not how it's working on mine.

What you describe is actually the Mute Group Masters and not the assign switches. The only way I see to assign on the console is in the Mute Group assign rotary/push encoder, which I think is on page 2 of the Home screen of a selected channel, same as any X32. But that means dialing through all the channels rather than the simple way it is on the full size console.

I haven't looked on an iPad yet, though, if that's what you're describing. I presume the Producer looks and works the same on the iPad as the full-size console.

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Re: X32 Discussion

Hey Dan,

Why would the producer even use mute groups? There doesn't seem to be any. Is it by using one of the twelve assignment buttons? I'm just curious.

Without the actual mute group buttons found on the full and compact, the only way I could see doing it is the way Evan described, which does seem to be having to go through each channel one by one and assigning with the encoders.

Otherwise using XMix or XEdit is a very fast way to get it done too.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hey Dan,

Why would the producer even use mute groups? There doesn't seem to be any. Is it by using one of the twelve assignment buttons? I'm just curious.

Without the actual mute group buttons found on the full and compact, the only way I could see doing it is the way Evan described, which does seem to be having to go through each channel one by one and assigning with the encoders.

Otherwise using XMix or XEdit is a very fast way to get it done too.

By hitting the Mute Groups button, you have the Mute Masters visible. You can also assign them to the 8 assignment buttons (where do you see 12?). And of course you can use them on the iPad or a computer, as you say.

There are 3 banks of assignment buttons in the menu, but I can't see any way to access them except through the menu, which seems stupid as you can access the actual items with the same number of button pushes that it takes to get deep into the button assignment menu, or almost, which seems silly.

Why would you use them on the Producer? To mute stuff immediately that is hidden by layers? The same reasons you'd use them on any console? There are mute groups on the Producer....

And one button push gets you to the Mute Masters.

Right now our 8 buttons are:

--1-5: Mix bus EQ (five monitor mixes)
--6: L-R EQ
--7: Delay screen (no selectable encoders on the Producer that I've found)
--8: Mute All (panic button)

We'll see how long these assignments last.

Does that make sense?
Re: X32 Discussion

By hitting the Mute Groups button, you have the Mute Masters visible. You can also assign them to the 8 assignment buttons (where do you see 12?). And of course you can use them on the iPad or a computer, as you say...

Dear Dan,

hope all is well in PNW. You are correct in saying that X32 PRODUCER and even X32 RACK do have Mute Groups, and you correctly describe how you use them.

Since there are no dedicated physical controls for Mute Groups on these two units, the process of assigning channels to them is slightly different from X32 and X32 Compact. Nevertheless, I think it is pretty simple and quick.

  1. go to the channel's HOME page, layer 2(press the down pointing arrow)
  2. use the 4th encoder at the screen for selecting the Mute Group that you want to edit
  3. then select the channels that you want to assign or remove from that group one by one
  4. simply press that same 4th encoder to toggle them on/off

The HOME screen will show you which channels might be double-assigned. This is a sage way for verification of group assignments even for X32 and X32 COMPACT, anyway.

Re: X32 Discussion

By hitting the Mute Groups button, you have the Mute Masters visible. You can also assign them to the 8 assignment buttons (where do you see 12?).

Ah I never realized that you can toggle the mute groups with the encoders in that way, I just never had to since I had the dedicated buttons. I quickly glanced at a picture and the buttons are labeled 5-12, I didn't notice there wasn't a 1-4. Why is that? Originally I thought it was because the firmware was expecting 1-4 to be the encoder controls from the full size but my compact assignments are 1-8.

Why would you use them on the Producer? To mute stuff immediately that is hidden by layers? The same reasons you'd use them on any console? There are mute groups on the Producer....

Those reasons for using mute groups are fairly obvious. My misunderstanding was how you were actually toggling them on the console.
Re: X32 Discussion

Dear All,
We wanted to share that we are very close to offering our own 50m Ethernet cable that is especially suitable for the X32 family, as well as other digital consoles. It is extremely high grade, made in the UK by Neutrik, and is packaged with a high-quality German Schill drum. We will be offering it at an extremely low price to be sure everyone can afford a high-quality cable for reliable operation not only for X32 and MIDAS consoles, but other digital consoles in the market as well. 

We will keep you updated in the coming weeks in regards to availability.
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Re: X32 Discussion

Dear All,
We wanted to share that we are very close to offering our own 50m Ethernet cable that is especially suitable for the X32 family, as well as other digital consoles. It is extremely high grade, made in the UK by Neutrik, and is packaged with a high-quality German Schill drum. We will be offering it at an extremely low price to be sure everyone can afford a high-quality cable for reliable operation not only for X32 and MIDAS consoles, but other digital consoles in the market as well. 

We will keep you updated in the coming weeks in regards to availability.

A horse for the cart at last?
Re: X32 Discussion

Dear All,
We wanted to share that we are very close to offering our own 50m Ethernet cable that is especially suitable for the X32 family, as well as other digital consoles. It is extremely high grade, made in the UK by Neutrik, and is packaged with a high-quality German Schill drum. We will be offering it at an extremely low price to be sure everyone can afford a high-quality cable for reliable operation not only for X32 and MIDAS consoles, but other digital consoles in the market as well. 

We will keep you updated in the coming weeks in regards to availability.

How's the flexibility of it compared to a standard mic cable?
Re: X32 Discussion

hope all is well in PNW. You are correct in saying that X32 PRODUCER and even X32 RACK do have Mute Groups, and you correctly describe how you use them.

Hi Jan,

Things are generally dandy here, and I hope they are the same for you.

Thanks for the clarification about how to set up the groups; not as simple as the full-size console, but since IMHO an iPad is a necessary component of the Producer (much more than the Full Size or probably the Compact, so you can see what's going on easier) and since setting up Mute Groups on the iPad is pretty simple, this may be a non-issue for most people.

Since I have your attention, one thing came up at my show on the Fourth of July, though:

On a full size console, I noticed that the activate button for the L-R section was fully depressed. Looking closer, it was actually stuck underneath the surface of the mixer and offset a little to hold it down.

Taking out my Boy Scout knife and deploying the very useful can opener attachment (a very solid piece tapering in three dimensions to a very solid point) to dig down next to the button and pry it up solved the problem.

In working it to see what was going on, though, it worked normally for a few activations and then took a self-motivated dive underneath the surface of the console again!

In normal use, there is a resistance at the bottom of the buttons' travel. That resistance was there for its normal activations, but the final one it literally seemed to jump away from my finger. I was not using any sort of excessive force.

The Boy Scout knife got it out again, but given how many of those buttons are on the console and how much more important most of them are compared to this one that has gone bad, this is a concerning situation.

This console is out of warranty so it's on me, and if I can fix it either myself or locally, that would be preferable.

Can you share anything about the buttons' construction and/or replacement that would shed light on why and how this occurred?


PS This show was a community celebration with about 2-3000 people, and a guy came up (before the problem was visible) and introduced himself as working for Behringer (Kieran, maybe?? Not sure about his name; it was a very long day). That was fun, although a little disappointing when I introduced myself and figured he obviously doesn't read this forum and so didn't know I was a VIP....

There should be a horselaugh emoticon here.
Re: X32 Discussion

Hey Dan,

Why would the producer even use mute groups?

Those reasons for using mute groups are fairly obvious. My misunderstanding was how you were actually toggling them on the console.

I was answering the "Why would" part of your question; didn't see a "how to" part of it. Sorry to be Mr. Obvious there.

I quickly glanced at a picture and the buttons are labeled 5-12, I didn't notice there wasn't a 1-4. Why is that? Originally I thought it was because the firmware was expecting 1-4 to be the encoder controls from the full size but my compact assignments are 1-8.

Don't know about a picture, the actual console is 1-8 buttons, no encoders.

FYI, I didn't feel it would be the fastest way to do a bunch of bands with no sound checks on one console FOH/Mons, so didn't take it July 4.
X32edit problems

Guys, I have found what I consider to be a serious issue. I have 2.05 and the latest x32edit (PC).

This has happened to me twice live (once while mixing Tim Hawkins). I opened x32edit after we were live on the show. Connected to the IP address and then chose (CONSOLE->PC). After downloading everything and everything visually working, I click on a channel in X32edit to select it. As soon as I did this, the sound changed dramatically. In fact enough that Tim Hawkins made a comment about it. (Comedians have a way of both embarassing the sound guy and making the audience laugh) I looked and saw the EQ on that channel was nothing like I set it up on the console itself. It just changed.

Following week the same happened to me mixing a sunday service at one of our campuses (same laptop, different x32 both with 2.05). As soon as I clicked on the channel it changed the EQs. I haven't touched it since because I didn't know what else it was jacking up.

Has anyone else seen this?
Re: X32edit problems

Guys, I have found what I consider to be a serious issue. I have 2.05 and the latest x32edit (PC).

Hi Dan,

Sorry to hear of this. I don't use Xedit and can't help you.

What happened with your snake issue? You had stranded CAT5 and were experiencing mechanical noise issues with it.

I've thought about this often, as I have a bunch of bulk CAT6 stranded. I finally got connectors that would work with it and made some cables that work, and wanted to tell you that no amount of mechanical abuse creates a noise issue with it. Maybe you got a bad batch? Or CAT5 is more subject to signal disruption with SuperMac AES50 than CAT6? I believe that having more bulk in the middle of the cable to isolate the pairs helps with this problem, and CAT6 has a longitudinal spacer while most CAT5 doesn't.

Re: X32edit problems

Dear Dan,
We have not heard of this issue before. Were you running a scene that you imported from a console using 1.15? If you are using older scenes, be sure to load and save it again after importing to 2.05 to be sure the scene is fully converted to 2.05 and is not corrupted.

So far we have not been unable to replicate this issue. I have sent you my contact information via PM, please let us know if this occurs again.
Re: X32edit problems

I haven't played with X32-Edit for a while, but I *did* have an issue last night when using X32-Mix (latest, with v2.05 on the board) to do vocal EQs while sitting in the house. When I switched between channels, sometimes the EQ curve was completely different and nothing like what I'd set earlier. I'd switch to another channel and back, and it would correct. The "wrong" curve looked suspiciously like one of the Library EQ curves that I accidentally called up a few days earlier and then changed. I noticed the "wrong" curve before attempting to adjust it, and I couldn't say whether the processing actually changed (although I'm pretty sure it didn't).
Re: X32edit problems

Guys, I have found what I consider to be a serious issue. I have 2.05 and the latest x32edit (PC).

This has happened to me twice live (once while mixing Tim Hawkins). I opened x32edit after we were live on the show. Connected to the IP address and then chose (CONSOLE->PC). After downloading everything and everything visually working, I click on a channel in X32edit to select it. As soon as I did this, the sound changed dramatically. In fact enough that Tim Hawkins made a comment about it. (Comedians have a way of both embarassing the sound guy and making the audience laugh) I looked and saw the EQ on that channel was nothing like I set it up on the console itself. It just changed.

Following week the same happened to me mixing a sunday service at one of our campuses (same laptop, different x32 both with 2.05). As soon as I clicked on the channel it changed the EQs. I haven't touched it since because I didn't know what else it was jacking up.

Has anyone else seen this?

If you (accidentally or not) chose "Sync console to PC" then does that change the current scene in the console? I would assume it would but never really tested it. I've always synched PC with console....
Re: X32edit problems

it loads the scene in xedit onto the mixer
just as if you recall a scene in edit once they are connected

Re: X32edit problems

Maybe it's fixed?

X32-Edit PC Version 2.2 (July-09-2014) & Firmware 2.06 on B site:
2.06 (2014-07-04)
- cue delete fixed
- dante card playback gain fixed
- 'use rta source' for geq fixed
- Xedit connectivity issues fixed
new features: