X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

No - but I turn off location services, Siri, and any other app. I do not turn off the meters, need them too much.

I believe that RTA is a big bandwidth stealer, probably using up as much as everything else put together.
I haven't taken the time to learn much about the iPad and what is going on with iOS 7, but it seems fair to assume that shutting down everything that isn't needed for X32Mix is the way to go. Probably easy for me, since I don't own the iPad for any other purpose.
Other than that, a dedicated network that only serves the X32.
Re: X32 Discussion

I believe that RTA is a big bandwidth stealer, probably using up as much as everything else put together.
I haven't taken the time to learn much about the iPad and what is going on with iOS 7, but it seems fair to assume that shutting down everything that isn't needed for X32Mix is the way to go. Probably easy for me, since I don't own the iPad for any other purpose.
Other than that, a dedicated network that only serves the X32.

Yes - I should have added that Per, I do set up separate wireless service for just the iPads. I use Edit and Mixing station but I only use them on a wired network.
Re: X32 Discussion

I believe that RTA is a big bandwidth stealer, probably using up as much as everything else put together.
I haven't taken the time to learn much about the iPad and what is going on with iOS 7, but it seems fair to assume that shutting down everything that isn't needed for X32Mix is the way to go. Probably easy for me, since I don't own the iPad for any other purpose.
Other than that, a dedicated network that only serves the X32.

RTA isn't in the iPad yet, is it?
Re: X32 Discussion

RTA isn't in the iPad yet, is it?

Don't know, since I personally find it utterly useless, I haven't checked. However, and I might be wrong about this, I suspect that subscribing to meter data might cause RTA data to also be transmitted if RTA is active on the desk, thus taking up bandwidth even if the RTA data isn't being utilized by the iPad.
One of the smart guys can probably confirm or refute my suspicion.
Re: X32 Discussion

Don't know, since I personally find it utterly useless, I haven't checked. However, and I might be wrong about this, I suspect that subscribing to meter data might cause RTA data to also be transmitted if RTA is active on the desk, thus taking up bandwidth even if the RTA data isn't being utilized by the iPad.
One of the smart guys can probably confirm or refute my suspicion.

No RTA in iPad yet. Also I was starting to measure the hit turning on meters has on it and so far I do not have numbers but traffic did not change much while on 5G.
Re: X32 Discussion

Some time ago I posted about using the Producer, and Scott Bolt asked how I hold up the iPad. Things have been a little hectic since, and here is finally a reply, along with a couple of unrelated items in the same post so I don't run up the post count. I hope Christian can snag the honors and respect that will surely come from being not only what I assume is Mr. #1 as well as Mr. #10,000.

Here are a few pictures of the case combo holding the Producer:


The first one is a side view of the top of the assemblage. It's one of the SKB popup mixer racks bolted to a 12 space SKB rack bolted to a casterboard so the whole thing is lifted/moves as a unit.

The Producer's headphone jack is unfortunately placed below the armrest on its right, and so is unusable with this kind of rack, since as you can see it barely fits in. There is no space for a straight TRS plug, but a right angle Neutrik just barely fits in. You may be able to see a panel TRS jack mounted on this side of the top case, in a recess of the case below the latch.


Here is a front view showing one way to mount an iPad. It is a Monoprice stand and a couple of clamps.


Closeup. It is this guy: http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=108&cp_id=10843&cs_id=1084305&p_id=8263&seq=1&format=2

They have been real good stands.

I'm going to change this, though, for the summer shows.


Here is a little iPad shoulder bag to solve the problem of how to secure the iPad when doing outdoor shows in the middle of a crowd while still being easy to unsecure and take with you when moving around. It is this one:


Not sure how long it will last, but so far so good on two or three shows. It's easy to grab it and walk.

I just made a sun shade for the console out of some smaller clamps and a chunk of gaff-tape covered sheet aluminum (very thin and light), and the iPad case's strap kind of fits over and around the shade and will grab to the console case with a clamp. The shade seems strong enough to hold up the iPad in the shade, and the little squeeze clamp promises to make it real easy to install and remove when leaving the console. I can get some pictures on Wednesday after we see if it helps.


This Producer will be used at a couple of outdoor series, some shows of which are under 16 inputs and some shows are over 16 inputs. To accommodate that, there is also an S16 in the rack mounted backwards so the inputs are all on the same side as those on the Producer, connected by a CAT6 cable with Ethercons. That cable is also a Monoprice product (Ethercons added here), and has no problem rejecting ESD.


To have a spare mixer without adding bulk to the pack, a Core is also in the rack, along with a CD player.

So far so good. This rig has done 5 shows so far.

An unrelated item:

Someone said that the Ethercon RJ-45 connectors will eventually give out from plugging/unplugging and will need to be replaced, and that a way to avoid that would be to have a short Ethercon cable connected to one of the Neutrik couplers, and to leave that connected to the console and make your connection to the coupler. I zapped such a thing with the BBQ lighter, and can report that as long as the zap is to the cable or the Ethercons there is not a signal disruption. Zapping the barrel of the Neutrik connector frequently causes disruption. Otherwise it's fine.

Another item:

I've been monitoring WiFi traffic volume with a WiPry analyzer, and have not yet been able to see cell phones mobbing my wireless routers to try to connect to the Internet (which is not available through my router, but still). I don't think that is definitive of anything yet, but it seems indicative, maybe, that this may not be a problem.

That's enough for now.
Re: X32 Discussion

Got an interesting query, and as I have never used the MIDI facility on my desk and stage boxes, I have no idea if the MIDI integration allows what I want to do.

Front of house, I want to put a Digitech Vocalist pro - the ins and outs are easily sorted, but instead of controlling it with an analogue audio feed (from a keyboard on stage), I wondered if the MIDI input on the stage box can be routed to the MIDI out on the X32 rear panel, via maybe a software thru? This will then let the keyboard control the harmoniser? If the MIDI out on the X32 only squirts the X32 control data out, it won't work - but if the MIDI in on the S16, can be made to exit via the X32, I'd be very happy.
Re: X32 Discussion

So, Christian, I hope you are watching the thread so you can be the one. I was hoping to watch it happen, but can't wait up much more.

Regardless, it will be a significant milestone and indicative of your role in popularizing the mixer even if you are not Mr. 10,000. The way this thread has grown and the mixer has become what it is are both significantly due to your efforts at the beginning.

The support that Behringer is giving a two-year old product has a lot to do with it, too, of course. I hope we're not even halfway through its life....
Re: X32 Discussion

Dear Paul,
There is not currently a way to "bridge" the S16's MIDI input to the X32's MIDI Output as you describe. . The MIDI functionality on the S16 is meant for sending control messages between the X32 and stage, such as triggering a MIDI event on stage via the ASSIGN section on the console or sending control change commands to the MIDI Outputs from the Faders, Mutes, and Pans (in V2). Hope it helps!
Re: X32 Discussion


First - Christian is aware of us willing him to be Mr 10000 - hope he gets a chance to be - perhaps, when we reach 9999 we simply stop posting, until he says " Hi guys - I never really expected this " or whatever he says.

Without him I would never have been among the very first to have X32 and X32R - I am very greatfull of how things turned out.

Secondly - how do I get one fader of my choice to send out MIDI-message 0-255 so I can control my lightdesk with one free fader of X32 on my iPad ?

Thanks guys.

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Re: X32 Discussion

Dear Paul,
There is not currently a way to "bridge" the S16's MIDI input to the X32's MIDI Output as you describe.

What if, when you use some conversion to an analog channel, I know it can be a bit tricky, but maybe you can get the midi signal through. I don't know if it's allways a 31,250kHz signal... because then you will need a M32@96k. :lol:
Re: X32 Discussion


First - Christian is aware of us willing him to be Mr 10000 - hope he gets a chance to be - perhaps, when we reach 9999 we simply stop posting, until he says " Hi guys - I never really expected this " or whatever he says.

Whitout him I would never have been among the very first to have X32 and X32R - I am very greatfull of how things turned out.

Thanks, Timo, this plan works for me.

I am through posting until p. 501.
Re: X32 Discussion

10.000 postings...what a ride, what a journey!
In contrast to the common believe, that the internet is mostly superficial and full of half-truths. This forum must obviously be the exception.
It proves, that people from all over the world can respectfully tribute to one specific topic in a way, that everybody is wiser at the end of the day.
Myself learned a lot from you guys and I'm truly grateful for this experience.

In my eyes, this forums is one reason what made the X32 a "hit". The input of the forum members is outstanding.
It is nice to see, that a lot of the requested features mentioned here translated in the continuously firmware updates.
Maybe it is time to spend ourselves a big applause:-)

I did not contribute that much in the last months, but I'm using the X32 on a regular basis and still enjoy it.
And counting... just bought a X32Core from Thomann.de.
They sell it for a special price right know (see attachment).

Again, thumps up for this community and I'm curious, where the X32 family is heading to in the days and months to come.

