X32 Discussion

Using X32 as remote.

I was wondering if it´s possible, and if so, how to use one x32 to remotecontrol another x32 setup.
I have a client using a x32 and I was thinking of updating their X32 (standing on stage) using my X32.
I can always use Ipad and a long hearphonecable but I would like to trie doing a sort of "front of house"
doing the mix on their mixer but still having access to soloing.

Any Ideas??
HELP! No sound from outputs

I was providing sound for small country fair this past weekend. X32 at FOH, analog snake, 3-6 monitor mixes, EV QRX rig. Friday night I had a 3 piece band with 3 monitor mixes (but had a 4th one hooked up). Everything worked without a glitch, as it usually does. Saturday I get back there and pull the wedges and tops out of the trailer and put on some background music while setting up the 1st of 2 bands.

All is good except there is no sound getting to monitors 1, 2 and 3. Mix 4 (wedge) and 5 (IEM) are working properly. There is signal present from selected outputs on the desk but nothing getting to stage. So we took one of the powered wedges to FOH and plugged directly into output 4. It still works. Then went one channel at a time…
Outputs 1-3: nothing
Outputs 4 & 5: sound
Outputs 6-8: nothing
Outputs 9 & 10: sound

So we used 4 mixes on the working channels for the 1st band. Next band band had 4 mixes on wedges and 2 IEM. That's a problem. So I took out my second X32 out of the trailer, swapped desks and got through the rest of the evening without a glitch… except a 15 minute delay in the start of the 2nd band.

The defective desk was purchased in February 2013 and was already in for repairs twice for the same problem (but different problem than the current one). It has been used probably 20-30 times since purchased. Someone from Music Group contacted me, and took care of me promptly last year, but I can't find our exchange right now as I'm not on my main computer. Hopefully I can get this fixed soon.

Has anyone had similar problems where certain outputs stopped working?
Do you think I should just ask for different desk? I have used both desks (FOH & Monitors) a few times, but am glad that this time one was available as a back up. I hate the feeling that my gear is unreliable. And sometimes, I only have one desk with me. Having to carry a second one is expensive insurance. I'm seriously considering selling both and going in a different direction (although I love working on the x32).

Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

I did once - but could never fathom what was wrong. I reloaded a scene that I had used before and all returned to normal. I had saved the settings that apparently were causing an issue and reloaded them the next day and no issues! This was with two S16 so I could only guess that there was something that happened to sync in the link as I seem to remember the meters showed a signal but nothing from the S16 end for the monitors - inputs were OK and also FOH. Has not happened since (touch wood!).
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

I was providing sound for small country fair this past weekend. X32 at FOH, analog snake, 3-6 monitor mixes, EV QRX rig. Friday night I had a 3 piece band with 3 monitor mixes (but had a 4th one hooked up). Everything worked without a glitch, as it usually does. Saturday I get back there and pull the wedges and tops out of the trailer and put on some background music while setting up the 1st of 2 bands.

All is good except there is no sound getting to monitors 1, 2 and 3. Mix 4 (wedge) and 5 (IEM) are working properly. There is signal present from selected outputs on the desk but nothing getting to stage. So we took one of the powered wedges to FOH and plugged directly into output 4. It still works. Then went one channel at a time…
Outputs 1-3: nothing
Outputs 4 & 5: sound
Outputs 6-8: nothing
Outputs 9 & 10: sound

So we used 4 mixes on the working channels for the 1st band. Next band band had 4 mixes on wedges and 2 IEM. That's a problem. So I took out my second X32 out of the trailer, swapped desks and got through the rest of the evening without a glitch… except a 15 minute delay in the start of the 2nd band.

The defective desk was purchased in February 2013 and was already in for repairs twice for the same problem (but different problem than the current one). It has been used probably 20-30 times since purchased. Someone from Music Group contacted me, and took care of me promptly last year, but I can't find our exchange right now as I'm not on my main computer. Hopefully I can get this fixed soon.

Has anyone had similar problems where certain outputs stopped working?
Do you think I should just ask for different desk? I have used both desks (FOH & Monitors) a few times, but am glad that this time one was available as a back up. I hate the feeling that my gear is unreliable. And sometimes, I only have one desk with me. Having to carry a second one is expensive insurance. I'm seriously considering selling both and going in a different direction (although I love working on the x32).

Hi Roch Lafleur,

I will PM you now for your contact information to assist with your post situation. Thank you for your reply.

Supervisor, Care Prosumer Division
MUSIC Group Services NV Inc.
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

Hi Roch Lafleur,

I will PM you now for your contact information to assist with your post situation. Thank you for your reply.

Supervisor, Care Prosumer Division
MUSIC Group Services NV Inc.

While you're here... can you help me understand how to save an entire "show", a collection scenes, snippets and console configurations to a USB stick? The old "export show to USB" in the Scenes/Utility menu now says "Export scenes to USB". Note that there is no way to select more than one scene, so this does not work.

Any ideas, or will this require a firmware update?
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

While you're here... can you help me understand how to save an entire "show", a collection scenes, snippets and console configurations to a USB stick? The old "export show to USB" in the Scenes/Utility menu now says "Export scenes to USB". Note that there is no way to select more than one scene, so this does not work.

Any ideas, or will this require a firmware update?

You must be in the "Home" tab rather than the scene or snippets tab(s).
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

While you're here... can you help me understand how to save an entire "show", a collection scenes, snippets and console configurations to a USB stick? The old "export show to USB" in the Scenes/Utility menu now says "Export scenes to USB". Note that there is no way to select more than one scene, so this does not work.

Any ideas, or will this require a firmware update?

Once you get there, the scene selector turns into multi-select mode. You scroll through them and click the ones you want in the file. Each one you click will turn blue as an indication it is selected.

When you hit save, all selected scenes will be written to the file.

Took me much too long to figure that one out (I thought something was wrong with my console when each scene was turning blue).

Sent from my SPH-L900
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

I was providing sound for small country fair this past weekend. X32 at FOH, analog snake, 3-6 monitor mixes, EV QRX rig. Friday night I had a 3 piece band with 3 monitor mixes (but had a 4th one hooked up). Everything worked without a glitch, as it usually does. Saturday I get back there and pull the wedges and tops out of the trailer and put on some background music while setting up the 1st of 2 bands.

All is good except there is no sound getting to monitors 1, 2 and 3. Mix 4 (wedge) and 5 (IEM) are working properly. There is signal present from selected outputs on the desk but nothing getting to stage. So we took one of the powered wedges to FOH and plugged directly into output 4. It still works. Then went one channel at a time…
Outputs 1-3: nothing
Outputs 4 & 5: sound
Outputs 6-8: nothing
Outputs 9 & 10: sound

So we used 4 mixes on the working channels for the 1st band. Next band band had 4 mixes on wedges and 2 IEM. That's a problem. So I took out my second X32 out of the trailer, swapped desks and got through the rest of the evening without a glitch… except a 15 minute delay in the start of the 2nd band.

The defective desk was purchased in February 2013 and was already in for repairs twice for the same problem (but different problem than the current one). It has been used probably 20-30 times since purchased. Someone from Music Group contacted me, and took care of me promptly last year, but I can't find our exchange right now as I'm not on my main computer. Hopefully I can get this fixed soon.

Has anyone had similar problems where certain outputs stopped working?
Do you think I should just ask for different desk? I have used both desks (FOH & Monitors) a few times, but am glad that this time one was available as a back up. I hate the feeling that my gear is unreliable. And sometimes, I only have one desk with me. Having to carry a second one is expensive insurance. I'm seriously considering selling both and going in a different direction (although I love working on the x32).


I say it's operator error.... lol or Karma...lolol
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

Those instructions are wrong. They are the ones I followed.
Tim, please forgive me if I'm not quite following you...
My understanding that the procedure of saving the "Show" to USB does save _all Scenes_ and _all Snippets_ as well.

If I follow this:

Press the VIEW button in the SCENES section.
Place the USB Drive into the USB RECORDER port located to the left of the LCD screen.
Press UTILITY located to the right of the LCD screen, it will light up green.
Click the 6th encoder [EXPORT SHOW "USB DRIVE"].
Using the 4th & 5th encoder enter your desired show name.
Click the 6th encoder [SAVE], the message "SAVING SHOW FILES & ALL SCENE FILES" will be displayed along with a progress bar, wait a few seconds.
When this message disappears, the show has been saved to your USB drive."

I get all of this on my USB stick:
My Show Example.JPG

In this example show named "My Show" and contains 4 Scenes and 2 Snippets.
When I load back to console "My Show" from USB stick, I'll get all config. back and also 4 Scenes and 2 Snippets
Is this is what you are looking for?

Re: X32 Discussion

Yes, that's what I want to do. V2.04 does not do this, with this menu. What I mentioned before is what the console permits.

You have to tab over to the first screen/home screen and then hit the utility button. IIRC hitting the utility button first and then tabbing over will take you out of the proper mode. Although you can just hit utility again to get back there... so there's that....
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

I was providing sound for small country fair this past weekend. X32 at FOH, analog snake, 3-6 monitor mixes, EV QRX rig. Friday night I had a 3 piece band with 3 monitor mixes (but had a 4th one hooked up). Everything worked without a glitch, as it usually does. Saturday I get back there and pull the wedges and tops out of the trailer and put on some background music while setting up the 1st of 2 bands.

All is good except there is no sound getting to monitors 1, 2 and 3. Mix 4 (wedge) and 5 (IEM) are working properly. There is signal present from selected outputs on the desk but nothing getting to stage. So we took one of the powered wedges to FOH and plugged directly into output 4. It still works. Then went one channel at a time…
Outputs 1-3: nothing
Outputs 4 & 5: sound
Outputs 6-8: nothing
Outputs 9 & 10: sound

So we used 4 mixes on the working channels for the 1st band. Next band band had 4 mixes on wedges and 2 IEM. That's a problem. So I took out my second X32 out of the trailer, swapped desks and got through the rest of the evening without a glitch… except a 15 minute delay in the start of the 2nd band.

The defective desk was purchased in February 2013 and was already in for repairs twice for the same problem (but different problem than the current one). It has been used probably 20-30 times since purchased. Someone from Music Group contacted me, and took care of me promptly last year, but I can't find our exchange right now as I'm not on my main computer. Hopefully I can get this fixed soon.

Has anyone had similar problems where certain outputs stopped working?
Do you think I should just ask for different desk? I have used both desks (FOH & Monitors) a few times, but am glad that this time one was available as a back up. I hate the feeling that my gear is unreliable. And sometimes, I only have one desk with me. Having to carry a second one is expensive insurance. I'm seriously considering selling both and going in a different direction (although I love working on the x32).


Select the main home button and then select a non-working aux. From there look to make sure you don't have "INSERT" highlighted with nothing actually inserted. This can happen if you had EQ's on the buses in the FX Rack and then edited the scene to remove the EQ's (or other processors).
Re: X32 Discussion

Yes, that's what I want to do. V2.04 does not do this, with this menu. What I mentioned before is what the console permits.

My impression has been that you have to have a Cue set up and export from the Cue screen, and that exports all the Scenes. Don't know about Snippets, but I believe those are part of it, too.

No Cue, no Show export.

Didn't know about being able to export multiple Scenes from the Scene file, nice going, Mitch! Don't those appear as individual Scenes on your USB stick, though? I want all the Scenes to be within a Show, usually....
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

Select the main home button and then select a non-working aux. From there look to make sure you don't have "INSERT" highlighted with nothing actually inserted. This can happen if you had EQ's on the buses in the FX Rack and then edited the scene to remove the EQ's (or other processors).

Good one, Alan! I hope that was his problem.
Re: HELP! No sound from outputs

Select the main home button and then select a non-working aux. From there look to make sure you don't have "INSERT" highlighted with nothing actually inserted. This can happen if you had EQ's on the buses in the FX Rack and then edited the scene to remove the EQ's (or other processors).

Thanks Alan,

Will double check as I was a bit "under the gun" at the show, but I'm pretty sure EQs were still inserted on the buses as always leave the them assigned to the same buses for the wedges (1-6). They are usually pretty flat as I have preset parametrics for my wedges and use the graphs for the odd feedback in different rooms. When I have IEM, I flatten the graphs and use parametrics (usually same guys and their curves are also saved to library). However, I realize that sometimes things get "unselected" by unknown forces.

Btw, Music Group CARE has already been in touch with me and looking into the problem. Nice to see that they are still taking care of us a couple years down the road. Kudos to them for the amazing support.

Re: X32 Discussion

My impression has been that you have to have a Cue set up and export from the Cue screen, and that exports all the Scenes. Don't know about Snippets, but I believe those are part of it, too.

No Cue, no Show export.

Didn't know about being able to export multiple Scenes from the Scene file, nice going, Mitch! Don't those appear as individual Scenes on your USB stick, though? I want all the Scenes to be within a Show, usually....

It's not complicated, and no ifs and buts. VIEW--home--UTILITY--Export Show
Everything is exported, scenes and snippets that are not incorporated in the Cue List are also exported, so a half built show with yet unassigned scenes and snippets will be intact upon reload.