X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

It's not complicated, and no ifs and buts. VIEW--home--UTILITY--Export Show
Everything is exported, scenes and snippets that are not incorporated in the Cue List are also exported, so a half built show with yet unassigned scenes and snippets will be intact upon reload.

does it export/save the cue list as well (being lazy here!)?
Re: X32 Discussion

I don’t know if this is the best place to ask this. I am looking for the best cabling for this application.

Putting an X32 with one S16 in a gymatorium semi permanent. The S16 will be on the permanent stage and it will stay put, the console will be wheeled out when needed. The plan is to wire the S16 with shielded cable to a jack about half way back on the side of the room. And then use a piece of cable from the jack to the X32.

Is cat 6e shielded the best for this and do I use 2 different types, one (install type) for the run from the S16 to the jack and a more rugged one from the jack to the X32 since this one will be temporary and run on the floor and will most likely be stepped on.

How hard is it to terminate shielded Cat cable? I am very quick and good at doing standard cat cable but have never done the shielded type. I even have ready access to a tester. I am assuming that the shield goes to a metal chassis RJ45 connector and that goes into the Ethercon connector and it is shielded thru contact with the ethercon. Or am I best to buy pre-made stuff?

The length of the run should be less then 100 feet from S16 to jack and from the jack to the X32 about 30 feet. I assume that a pass thru jack (as long as it is grounded) wouldn’t be a problem or would it?

Multiple questions here, thank you for any help you can give.

Edited to add:
I just watched a video on YouTube that showed how to terminate a shielded cat cable and it looked very easy.
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Re: X32 Discussion

The length of the run should be less then 100 feet from S16 to jack and from the jack to the X32 about 30 feet. I assume that a pass thru jack (as long as it is grounded) wouldn’t be a problem or would it?

Long lengths AND a lot of pass through...
I would minimize the amount off pass through as much as possible.

Cat6A SFTP would be my choice.
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Re: X32 Discussion

If you can install wall plates at either end of the long cable run then it will be more robust than just using pass through cable joiners.

Cat 6e is not a real standard. Cat 5, Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6A and Cat 7 are all standards.

Cat 6A is harder to work with than Cat 5e as it is thicker and has a higher bend radius so be careful of the route you choose. Whatever you do do not staple the cable to the wall. Conduit or trunking is better. Staples pinch the cable.
Re: X32 Discussion

If you can install wall plates at either end of the long cable run then it will be more robust than just using pass through cable joiners.

Cat 6e is not a real standard. Cat 5, Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6A and Cat 7 are all standards.

Cat 6A is harder to work with than Cat 5e as it is thicker and has a higher bend radius so be careful of the route you choose. Whatever you do do not staple the cable to the wall. Conduit or trunking is better. Staples pinch the cable.

I was planning on plugging the stage end right into the S16, it is the house end where I was planning on using a wall plate type of arrangement.

Thank you for that information about cat6 cable. I was going to ask what trunking is but I searched for the term and found it. I see it is another name for a cable raceway. And I am familiar with that stuff. Thank you.
Manual X32

Hi everybody!

I am not sure, how many users like me actually are reading this forum. I am actually a Newbie to digital mixers and did not collect very much experience with analog mixers before, though I got somehow familiar with a 16 channel mixer before.

I love the X32 adn have been using it a few times for studio live recordings and following overdubs. I would love to intensify my activities in that field and do simple things like seting up monitors, use effects efficiently (that is bus or insert effects) but the problem I have is to actually only have this forum as a source of information. My main job does not allow me too much time to spend on the mixer and then it really becomes a problem, to discover a problem where I know the solution is built into the X32, but there is no proper reference like a manual to work out the solution. How easy could it be to have a manual, even only as pdf file, which is updated by the manufacturer whenever necessary (how many updates/upgrade have there been for teh firmware alone until now?). Actually being a big plus for the mixer, that the developer still puts a lot of effort into the machine to make it even better and more flexible, for peoiple like me it is a big problem, because things learned earlier adn probably even understood to a degree suddenly are being foudn somewhere else in menues etc.

I would love to make better and even more use of the X32, which really appears to be a game changer and really is an amazing machine, but the huge degree of flexibility does not make it easy for peole like me to understand all the opportunities built in, because it just has become too complex .... without a proper manual!!!! Digging aroud in this brillian forum helps but consumes a lot of time whic could be used more efficiently if there was a manual whaich had been updated a few times, when major improvements happened. I have been looking at the Wiki, but have been disappointed, as it oes nto offer much more than the first edition of the small manual when the X32 became available.

Is there any light at the horizon, that we will receive a proper manual, which relates to a certain version of the firmware and can be updated from there, if necessary. Or is that too much to be hoped for?

THe X32 is an amazing machine and I love it whenever I think I understand something, but for a user of my level of skills even the routing options alone are so complex, that they actually would require their won manual ;-) I just ordered another S16 adn I am already afraid of figuring out again, how to do all the routing according to my requirements adn 'hopes'.

As mentioned above, I am not in the situation to spend hours every day on the console, sometimes I cannot touch it for a couple of weeks. And a digital mixer definitely is not a bicycle (once you learn it you never forget it) . for me, and I am sure for quite a few others here as well, it is just too difficult and time consuming to learn how to ride the bike with out a manual.

Does anybody here have any information, that Behringer is planning to bring out some manual, which documents a certain stage in the development and then probably even can be updated by using this forum? Can we users make them do it?

I thank all you guys for all the input into this forum, because I learned most of what I know from here (I have read every single post), but a forum, even one as lively as this, does not replace a manual!

Ok, enough lamentig done! Thnk you for all the support available here....but I still need a manual!

Re: Manual X32

As You said the x32 can be a complicated beast if you want to explore all of its possabilities. You really need to find the time and sit down to play around with the mixer. When I got my first digital mixer in the mid-90’s it took me several months to understand it (coming from the analog world) and this mixer had less features than you find on digital mixers of today.

Most of its operation is common with other digital mixers so if you can find some training material on e.g. the ls-9 that's been around since the stoneage you'll find yourself 95% educated on the x32.

As for an updated manual behringer created a wiki page with all the current information for this very purpose.

Re: Manual X32

a buck a foot is a good price. I would like to know more about the cable. Like the number on the side of the cable.
is it solid or stranded, copper clad aluminum or not, stuff like that can be a big deal.

The numbers on the side of the cable are visible in the blowup of the picture, but the numbers are not very enlightening concerning your specific questions.

Googling the cable gives some more info at


but that also does not answer your questions as near as I can tell.

These are the

Construction Details:(7/0.2+PE0.99)*(2C+MYLAR+PE2.65)*4 PAIR+ DW 7/0.22TC+AL FOIL+PVC
which doesn't seem instructive, except that it's an aluminum foil shield and PVC jacket (otherwise unreinforced?).

They seem to make a big deal of the fact that they add a connector on top of the RJ45, which seems to me like one more place for a problem, but what do I know.

There doesn't seem to be any filler within the cable to protect the pairs from each other, but the jacket is claimed to be durable.

No reviews that I could find.
Re: Manual X32

Regarding the Elite Core STP cable, I can't comment on the long-term durability as I've only been using mine for 8-9 weeks (used 1x/wk), but so far it has performed flawlessly. I believe that it uses solid, copper wire, but I don't have it accessible at the moment to confirm. I could see where the convert-a-shell connectors could come in handy under certain situations, but the shell material seems lighter than an EtherCon and more prone to damage if dropped. Elite Core provided a spare set of shells with the cable if that becomes an issue. Coils easily - stiffer than mic cable, but easily manageable. Beats the heck out of the 24x8 analog snake we were using previously.

I will check this weekend on the cable material and report back...
Re: Manual X32

Anyone using this cable with the x32 yet? It ticks all the boxes as far as I can tell. It's rugged (???), shielded, a sorta-ethercon shell. It's OSP which I've had mixed results with, but the Elite stuff is their better line....

Any comments?

I've had three of these for almost two years. A 100ft that I put on a spool with an ethercon panel connector built in, a 10ft to go from the spool to an s16, and a 20ft to go to a second S16. No problems so far.
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Re: X32 Discussion

It's not complicated, and no ifs and buts. VIEW--home--UTILITY--Export Show
Everything is exported, scenes and snippets that are not incorporated in the Cue List are also exported, so a half built show with yet unassigned scenes and snippets will be intact upon reload.

I've been without a shop X32 for a few weeks, so couldn't try it. Finally got one set up again to test this.

Your Honor, I would swear that when I tried at a gig to export a Show from the Cue screen with no Cues set up, that it would only do Scenes, but when I tried it again in the shop it works just as you say.


Also weird how this thread goes in a frenzy sometimes and then stops dead for days.

In other news, a friend of mine bought a Rack to use in his theater's backstage paging and monitoring system, and is quite pleased at how versatile the patching is. He's using every Aux and XLR output save one, and only a few inputs; there's lots of zones in this system.

Edit: He just sent an email, and is using 14 inputs, 8 mix busses, 18 outputs (XLR 1-8, Aux 1-6 TRS, Aux 5&6 RCA, and AES/EBU). It will be full like that every day of its life.

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Re: X32 Discussion

I've been without a shop X32 for a few weeks, so couldn't try it. Finally got one set up again to test this.

Your Honor, I would swear that when I tried at a gig to export a Show from the Cue screen with no Cues set up, that it would only do Scenes, but when I tried it again in the shop it works just as you say.


Also weird how this thread goes in a frenzy sometimes and then stops dead for days.

In other news, a friend of mine bought a Rack to use in his theater's backstage paging and monitoring system, and is quite pleased at how versatile the patching is. He's using every Aux and XLR output save one, and only a few inputs; there's lots of zones in this system.

This is my experience as well. I know I'm not hallucinating (Senator, I've hallucinated, and this is no hallucination... ;) ). I was already up to v2.04 in the X32, but couldn't get it to be 'seen' by my laptop so I updated everything - mixer firmware to 2.05, USB/FW card drivers, etc. And then it worked.