X32 Discussion

Re: X32 Discussion

So, Mitch, even though it's not official, it loads and works?

Or did you get it from elsewhere than Christian's link?

(Edit: oh. I see what you're saying. It /is/ the official download.)
Re: X32 Discussion

I believe it to be official, Jay. Browsing Behringer.com (North American site) downloads for the X32, it appears the 2.08 version is hosted on the the same server as what Christian posted earlier. But, they messed up the link to v2.10 on the North American site, so when you click it, you get an error response. I just edited the URL (which after edit matched the link previously posted here) and downloaded.

Oddly, it wouldn't unzip the actual firmware file. I had to download the zio file three times to get one that would fully unzip. I'm thankful that zip implements checksum verifications.
Re: X32 Discussion

I am finding the 2.10 release to be a very nice incremental upgrade. The release notes touch on all the changes made. I especially like the changes to the mute handling and the RTA. The RTA is now in the realm of a useful tool.
All in all a thoughtful and welcome firmware upgrade.

Sent from my iPad
Re: X32 Discussion

Definitely looking forward to Peak Hold on RTA; would love to install it right now but we're in the middle of a run.

One of the bass guitars occasionally hits one note that just screams through my system; I've to be ready for it until I can track it down and EQ it.
Re: X32 Discussion

Definitely looking forward to Peak Hold on RTA; would love to install it right now but we're in the middle of a run.

One of the bass guitars occasionally hits one note that just screams through my system; I've to be ready for it until I can track it down and EQ it.

The best way that I have found to deal with this is get him in before the doors open and ask him to run thru some scales or just play every note going from low to hi. When you hear it ask him to go back in that range again. It may be a resonant frequency in the room or he may have it boosted for some reason or it may be a defect in his instrument.
Re: X32 Discussion

Can I ask people's opinions on how they approach a scenario?

I've used Scenes since v1 to pre-program our show which finished yesterday, so I'm most familiar with those. I do know how snippets work - I have one to quickly mute all radio mics during rehearsals for example. And I know cues can contain scenes and snippets, if programmed from the start.

FYI I have each actors levels preset in libraries, which I recall to channels as I program the scenes. I have a "Blank" library preset which blacks the scribble strip and sets gain and fader to zero for unused channels in a scene.

However I had three similar issues which I didn't know how to quickly (and confidently) resolve on-the-fly / at short notice.

2 hours before curtain up on Wednesday, one of the main characters had to pull out through illness. The nature of the show meant three different people covered his roles at different times. Sometimes they were already on stage, sometimes extra.

I couldn't just say "wear Harry's mic" because they each had their own mics programmed in.

How do you approach this?

I could make a snippet for each 'stand-in' to recall their mic preset to a channel, but they aren't always on the same channel (40 actors, 23 mics, only 10 keep same mic permanently, rest swap around).

Even if they were on same channel, I don't think I can have that snippet recalled automatically because I've used scenes, not cues. If I'd used cues to recall my scenes, I could have added a snippet to the relevant cues.

The second scenario is two beltpacks got inadvertently swapped during last nights show. I reasonably swiftly worked out which, and fortunately both were on stage together in that song so not a huge problem. But in the following X32 scenes, one mic wasn't in use, so I had to manually recall the 'wrong' mic onto its channel and mute the 'right' channel - every time I changed scene until they could swap back offstage.

Other than temporarily safe-ing those channels from recall, any other suggestions?

Re: X32 Discussion

The second scenario is two beltpacks got inadvertently swapped during last nights show. I reasonably swiftly worked out which, and fortunately both were on stage together in that song so not a huge problem. But in the following X32 scenes, one mic wasn't in use, so I had to manually recall the 'wrong' mic onto its channel and mute the 'right' channel - every time I changed scene until they could swap back offstage.

Other than temporarily safe-ing those channels from recall, any other suggestions?


I don't think there's really a simple solution to your first scenario - personally I'd have gone through each scene one by one before the show, making the changes and re-saving the scene.

For the second scenario with the wrong beltpacks, I'd have probably changed the patching in the Config screen for the two channels and then set the Config section to safe in the Parameter Safe screen. The downside is that the scribble strip is also under that Config section :( It would be handy if they could be separated in a future firmware release.
X32 Interface

Out of curiosity... does anyone else find themselves not actually using the channel strip buttons and encoders on the X32? I can't remember the last time I used the dedicated EQ encoders, bus send encoders, etc - I always get the section on the display first, and then use the screen encoders.

I think partly because of the ergonomics - in that those encoders are physically a bit of a reach with the console not being angled much, and partly because the display doesn't change to reflect the fact that you're in the middle of adjusting bus sends, etc. Ideally you'd start turning the encoder, and the display would change to show the relevant info. Going by the LEDs around the encoders isn't a particularly precise way of working.

I just wondered whether this echoes what other users have found, or whether I just need to sit on a higher chair or stand up while mixing!
Re: X32 Interface

Out of curiosity... does anyone else find themselves not actually using the channel strip buttons and encoders on the X32? I can't remember the last time I used the dedicated EQ encoders, bus send encoders, etc - I always get the section on the display first, and then use the screen encoders.

I think partly because of the ergonomics - in that those encoders are physically a bit of a reach with the console not being angled much, and partly because the display doesn't change to reflect the fact that you're in the middle of adjusting bus sends, etc. Ideally you'd start turning the encoder, and the display would change to show the relevant info. Going by the LEDs around the encoders isn't a particularly precise way of working.

I just wondered whether this echoes what other users have found, or whether I just need to sit on a higher chair or stand up while mixing!
It depends on what I'm doing. For initial tweaking I like to watch that lcd but I still use the dedicated encoders. During the event I usually only tweak by ear since it usually only is minor adjustments anyway.

I also find it inconvinient with the visual feedback of the encoder sitting behind the quite large knob but it is quite easy to hit that view button to watch the lcd and then hit the view button to go back to the last view.

For some reason I like it better to mix standing up rather than sitting down...
Re: X32 Discussion

This is the same link that is on the Behringer.com website (although it appears they forgot to prefix it with http, so I browsers think it's a relative link and it's functionally broken, at least as of last night).

I really like the new mute group behavior. I played with all sorts of combinations of a channel being in multiple mute groups and being muted by DCAs, and one or more mute groups simultaneously. It works well. (Although the flashing might get a little old. :) )

Noticed some of the other new options in the config screen, but honestly, the biggest thing I cared about was the mutes.

Yes the flashing is a pain. 15 flashing for a mute group. 1 solid for a manual. Please B, allow an invert to this condition.
Eq gain knob and mute troubles

One of three x32s we have is giving us some trouble . It's the oldest one we have . The mute buttons stick as well as the assign buttons on the right . We have used it this way for a while . But now the gain knob on the eq doesn't work when spinning it up on down unless you go very VERY. Slow . Which is a huge pain when trying to quickly fix something . Has anyone else had this trouble ?
Re: X32 Discussion

Yes the flashing is a pain. 15 flashing for a mute group. 1 solid for a manual. Please B, allow an invert to this condition.

This is the way Avid VENUE consoles work - solid light for manual mutes that will not be changed by releasing the mute group; flashing indicates the channel is muted either by a mute group or a DCA is muted. Yamaha's M7/LS9 are similar. Why change what is used for 65% (Instant Statistic®, just add assertion ;) ) of the digital mixers in the world?
Re: Eq gain knob and mute troubles

Dear Jeremy,
The switch “stickiness” found on some of the initial X32 consoles can be easily fixed by cleaning the switches. Please contact our CARE department, as we would be happy help with this. You can email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 702-800-8290 (US) or 44 1562 732290 (UK).

I’d also like to note that on new generation X32s, we have a new switch design that prevents the switch “stickiness" from occurring.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
Re: X32 Discussion

Why change what is used for 65% (Instant Statistic®, just add assertion ;) ) of the digital mixers in the world?

Because it can be that way also. Why does it have to be the same? Or that it is the correct way? Just because Yam did it and they have more in service than anyone else?

I was simply asking for an option to invert it so you can have it your way.

BTW - I think it blinks too fast also.
Re: X32 Discussion

Because it can be that way also. Why does it have to be the same? Or that it is the correct way? Just because Yam did it and they have more in service than anyone else?

I was simply asking for an option to invert it so you can have it your way.

BTW - I think it blinks too fast also.

Options are good.
Re: X32 Interface

Out of curiosity... does anyone else find themselves not actually using the channel strip buttons and encoders on the X32?...... I think partly because of the ergonomics - in that those encoders are physically a bit of a reach with the console not being angled much, and partly because the display doesn't change to reflect the fact that you're in the middle of adjusting bus sends, etc......I just wondered whether this echoes what other users have found, or whether I just need to sit on a higher chair or stand up while mixing!

Just put an audio log under the back edge of the console. I did that with the Soundcraft Series II back in the 70s, even though it had some rake built in already.
Sticky Button Support Group!

One of three x32s we have is giving us some trouble . It's the oldest one we have . The mute buttons stick as well as the assign buttons on the right . We have used it this way for a while . But now the gain knob on the eq doesn't work when spinning it up on down unless you go very VERY. Slow . Which is a huge pain when trying to quickly fix something . Has anyone else had this trouble ?

Well, after 150 gigs I do have two sticky buttons on my X32 as well. I wanted to know in detail what is going on, and I found that some of the buttons have minimal burrs. Here is what I did to get rid of them.
BE AWARE: You might void your warranty if doing so. If you are uncertain or having two left feet, don't do it!

Power off the desk and take a sharp modelmaking knife and try to cut the burrs around the button. Please be careful and take your time. If you done it right, the button will work as it should to be.

Some pictures-->

X32 scalpel 1.jpgX32 scalpel 2.jpg
