X32 Discussion

Re: Auto Gain

I need some assistance with setting up the X32-Router program. What is meant by "open a terminal and type 'java -jar x32-router.java' "?
I tried a DOS command window but it didn't work so I guess that's not what is meant.

I use a batch file; x32router.bat that contains these two lines

cd D:\X32\x32-router\
java -jar x32-router.jar

the first line changes the directory to the directory where x32-router.jar is stored.
Re: Delay on Aux

My buddy's X32 died during a show Friday night.
The BE would not use it again on Saturday, even though it did reboot.
It is less than 6 months old.
Re: Auto Gain

You can use the software with or without X32-Router.
I am still making up my mind which I prefer.
Without X32-Router you can't use X32-Edit. But I am still not 100% shure if X32-Edit in combination with X32AutoGain is working stable with X32-Router.

Friedrich Altheide

I had a bit of time with the X32, so I connected four mics to channels 17-20, enabled them in the Auto Mix program with "A" (automixer) selected. I routed the four channels to Bus 1, set to post-fader, and Bus 1 went to the main L&R bus.
I did not use X32-Router (see above post.)
I know there was communication between the X32 and the program, as the X32 switched to meter view. But there was no activity of any kind in the program. And I could see and hear that the four mic channels were not being affected in any way.

Any ideas what I might have missed? I'm determined to get this working!

Mick Berg.
Re: Delay on Aux

Is there anything fancy I can do with routing to get a delay setup on the auxes? I have a monitor in the video room that needs about 70ms of delay and it has a 1/4" input.

Dear Dan,

You could take an available input channel and change its source to the desired MixBus, use the input channel delay and then route that channel to your AUX out using the direct out selection. That is an option as well.
Re: Delay on Aux


You or your friend are welcome to PM me directly with more details. Of course if you post on the thread, we can all help figure out what is going on. I would like to know more about the event and environment the console was in and figure out why this happened. You are also able to email [email protected] directly and they can assist you.
Re: Help with S16 issue

When I use the outputs directly on the X32, the volume is normal.

I Re-Initialized the console this AM. No scene or show file. I even left the routing alone, and changed the S16 to be out 1-8 + 8 for testing. Same results.

Its extremely Odd.. I had a speaker setup on Channel 16 and a speaker setup on output 8 of the S16, I had to turn off the speaker connected to the X32 so I could just hear the faint music from the output 8 of the S16. I have swapped Ethernet, Power, and XLR cables.. Same issue across the board. Its Odd that it is happening on all channels, inputs and outputs on the S16. Maybe a malfunction with whatever feeds the Pins 2 and 3?

Thank you all for your advice. This AM I called into Behringer Support in NV, and talked to a Sam Daniels. We re-initialized the Console, verified the routing configuration. We change the S16 to be 1-8 + 8, so that channel 8 would mirror channel 16 on the X32. With Sam on the Phone, I plug my JBL PRX 615M into out 16 on the X32 and set the volume to a decently high level. I then stopped playing the song, powered down the speaker, moved the XLR cable to port 8 on the S16, powered the speaker back up, and hit play on the same song on the ipod. Volume was considerably lower. Sam said they have never seen this before. He has setup another RA for me, this time they paid for shipping both ways. Sam has requested the RA go straight to him so he can hear this for himself. I have packed the unit up and it should be on its way to NV in a few hours when the package is accepted by the carrier..

I honestly hope that it is just an odd issue with the S16, and that I don't have a bigger issue with the X32. Does anyone live within Napa, CA or close to it that would be willing to loan me an S16 to help validate?

So for the folks following my S16 woes. I received a call from Sam at Behringer. They found the Issue with my S16, looks like the motherboard / main board in the unit has a problem and they have to replace it. The bad news is they will not have any new replacements until the end of June, so I am without my S16 for another 15 or so days. IF they cannot repair the unit within 30, they will send me a replacement S16. :cry:
Re: Help with S16 issue

So for the folks following my S16 woes. I received a call from Sam at Behringer. They found the Issue with my S16, looks like the motherboard / main board in the unit has a problem and they have to replace it. The bad news is they will not have any new replacements until the end of June, so I am without my S16 for another 15 or so days. IF they cannot repair the unit within 30, they will send me a replacement S16. :cry:

Ill take that kind of factory direct service any day. Advance replacement is a thing of the past.

that said, I would like to buy a replacement input board, and amp modules for the active monitors for this very reason.
Re: Help with S16 issue

Ill take that kind of factory direct service any day. Advance replacement is a thing of the past.

that said, I would like to buy a replacement input board, and amp modules for the active monitors for this very reason.

I have not seen the inside of an S16, are the boards easily replaceable or is a bit of soldering required? Is there a ribbon cable and some power connectors or is it more complicated than that?
Re: Auto Gain

You have to activate the channel as well. (CheckBox on the left side of the channel number)
View attachment 10289
To start the Automixer you can either click the “Start” or the “Continue” button.

Friedrich Altheide

I'm 99.9% sure I did those things. I didn't get any green bar in the meters. I won't have access to the X32 for a while now since it is in a university (UCLA), but will have another go as soon as I can.

1: Does "saving the scene" just refer to the Autogain function? Or is it necessary for Automixer as well?
2: Is there any interaction between channels in your design? I ask because you say you have to use a bus and specify that bus in the program. I'd be interested to know how it works, if you are willing to divulge the info. And of course you are perfectly entitled not to.

Re: Auto Gain

Hi Mick,
sorry for having kept you waiting, but school is keeping me busy.

1: Does "saving the scene" just refer to the Autogain function? Or is it necessary for Automixer as well?
“Have you saved your scene?” question will pop up on pressing “Start”- or “Continues”-button to ensure you not to override gain- and fader-settings in the X32-mixer. Only if you answer this question with: “yes” the program will proceed. You can disable the safety question in the setting menu.
For example:
You make a soundcheck with your first musicians using “Start” function and you get your perfect sound. Then you want to do the soundcheck with a second band. Without the safety question you might forget to save the scene (gains, faders etc) for the first band in the X32-mixer and override it with the values of the second band.
Automixer can be used together with Autogain-function in one scene:
a band playing in the background, controlled by Start/Continue and
orators controlled by Automixer.

2: Is there any interaction between channels in your design? I ask because you say you have to use a bus and specify that bus in the program. I'd be interested to know how it works, if you are willing to divulge the info. And of course you are perfectly entitled not to.
Yes, there is an interaction between the channels selected for the Automixer. This interaction will reduce unwanted noise signals by reducing the number of open mics.
The Dugan Automixer is mostly used as an Insert-Effect. It uses a separate gain for each mic-channel outside of the mixer to reduce the level of the mic-channels.
I have tried to adopt Dan Dugan’s Automixer algorithm as described in here: http://www.protechaudio.com/products/PDFFiles/DuganMixing.pdf

L[SUB]n[/SUB]’=L[SUB]n[/SUB] - [Sum(L[SUB]n[/SUB]) – L[SUB]n[/SUB]]
L[SUB]n [/SUB] is the level in channel n befor
e attenuation
L[SUB]n[/SUB]‘ is the level in channel n after attenuation
Sum(L[SUB]n[/SUB]) is the sum of the levels in all channels (the sum is taken before individual channels are attenuated)

I don’t have a second gain to attenuate microphone levels as Dugan has, so I use “bus sends” to simulate the missing second gain.
By changing a channel fader assigned to Automixer you can variate the ratio to other Automixer-channels. Fader-Channel n will change (L[SUB]n[/SUB]), i.e. make one person louder or quieter. With the bus-fader the loudness: Sum(L[SUB]n[/SUB]’) is changed.
If you have further questions, feel free to contact me. I will try to answer them.
Friedrich Altheide